My Bits is a house kitty... gets out for a few minutes on the deck now and again... is never really around other animals ..
I discovered she has Fleas!... I do have a feral cat I feed that comes and set on the door mat.. and since Bits go over it to get in and out.. possibly pick up from there....
but how do you get rid of fleas?.... I washed her bedding.. I sprayed the carpets. I used some chemical fleas stuff ,(drops on the neck skin) she still scratching...... I cleaned inside her ears with dawn soap..and that did help ...I have been on google reading and reading.. I want to use natural means to get rid of them ,,
what else can I do?...what have any of you done?
to bathe her would be a monumental task.. she would fight me ..and a 15# cat would/could tear me apart.
I hate Fleas. help..
I discovered she has Fleas!... I do have a feral cat I feed that comes and set on the door mat.. and since Bits go over it to get in and out.. possibly pick up from there....
but how do you get rid of fleas?.... I washed her bedding.. I sprayed the carpets. I used some chemical fleas stuff ,(drops on the neck skin) she still scratching...... I cleaned inside her ears with dawn soap..and that did help ...I have been on google reading and reading.. I want to use natural means to get rid of them ,,
what else can I do?...what have any of you done?
to bathe her would be a monumental task.. she would fight me ..and a 15# cat would/could tear me apart.

I hate Fleas. help..