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End Times

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  • End Times

    Okay will probably get some grief on this since alot of our Main Stream religions all believe in the "Rapture". I believe it will happen only not before alot of Revelation is complete. Jesus speaks of the end times as it is recorded in the Gospels Matthew 24, Mark 13. We must understand that while yes he was speaking to "Jews" he was speaking to "Christians" these men were Jewish by blood but when they chose to follow Christ they could not change their bloodline but did change their faith. Acts 11:25/26 tells us "Then departed Barnabas to Tarsus, for to seek Saul, and when he had found him, he brought him unto Antioch. And it came to pass, that a whole year they assembled themselves with the church, and taught much people. And the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch. " Starting in Revelation 5 we are told of the scroll sealed by 7 seals and what occurs as each of the seals are opened. It is not until the 6th seal is opened and the 144,000 are sealed that we see the "rapture" start chapter 7 verse 9 "And behold a great miltitude which no one could number of all nations, tribes, peoples and tongues standing before the throne and before the Lamb" in verse 13 Paul is asked who are these people and where did they come from. He was then told in verse 14 ""these are the ones who come out of the great tribulation and washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb"

    If we are going to accept The promises the Bible gives us we must also accept the warnings. We need not be fearful of these end times because over and over We are told "fear not" that if our faith is strong and we simply let GOD lead us he will take care of us. He tells us he will give us the right words at the right time. Look at the first part of Revelation at the "letters to the churches" these are actually addressed to each of us, his promises to the churches are promises to us, if we are honest with ourselves we can see which "church" we are, and can then take heed to the warnings to better prepare ourselves.

  • #2
    I'll just say that I'm a 'determined' pre-tribber, because I know how much God loves us, the church (body of believers, Christ's Bride), and leave it at that.


    • #3
      I'm a bit iffy on this one. I think maybe we will see the rise of the Antichrist to a certain point. I do believe, however, that we will be raptured before he is made the "head" of all nations.

      I think the reference to those who come out of the trib. having washed their robes, etc. refers to people who are not Christians at the time of the rapture, but become believers after and refuse the sign of the anitchrist. If they make it through all that is going to happen and hold that faith, I think they will be added to the church which has gone before them.

      Just my way of thinking.
      Good friends are like diamonds...precious and rare.


      • #4
        I have heard preachers tell people "if you are here during this time you have missed out on Heaven and are doomed to hell" my problem with this is if I am right I fear that alot of people are going to loose their faith and if they are faced with taking the mark or being killed are going to cave and take it figureing they have missed out already. If I am wrong then there is no harm in being prepared. My point is to stand strong to the end.


        • #5
          There is a really great website,

          You could spend hours there, searching out answers, and recieving teachings from a man who has spent his life dedicated to the work of bringing others to Christ, and to an understanding, Biblically, of the last times.

          If we've accepted that Jesus came to earth to die for our sins, that he rose on the third day, and that he is God, we will want to repent of our sins and ask his forgiveness for them. Nothing else, no other works are required for salvation.

          What is required afterwards is that we do His will for our lives here on earth. "Love your neighbors, as yourselves." A natural response to a loving God is that we want to spend time with him. For me, that means prayer, reading my Bible, hanging out with other believers for fellowship and worship.


          • #6
            Deb Thank GOD he gave me such a man, like I have said before I learned at Grandpa's knee. Grandpa never preached a sermon on Revelation, said God told him to spread the Gospal (good news) and if you scare someone to the alter with fire and brimstone once that scare is over they will start to drift, but if someone wanted to discuss Revelation he would spend hours going through the Bible with them. Not telling us what to believe but guiding us to scripture. When I was expecting my oldest I spent alot of time alone with Grandpa. We lived in the country and only had one car so I would drop my husband off at work on days I had a Dr.s appointment, go to Grandpas until time for it, then back to Grandpas until time for him to get off work.

