These series of phrases go from one to another by using the last word of one as the first word of the next one.
house shoe
shoe tree
tree of life
Can you figure out how I got from my starting phrase to the last one?
I'm giving you the first and last phrases, plus a word and a couple letters. I will give more hints if needed.
give and take
take it easy
easy come easy go
go directly to jail
jail bird
bird house
house guest
guest of honor
honor roll
roll call
call of the wild
wild bird
bird watching
watching and waiting
waiting area
area code
code name
name and address
address the crowd
crowd control
control your temper
temper chocolate
chocolate milk shake (yummy!)
shake things up (sometimes it is for the better, sometimes not)
up to no good (naughty)
good for you
you are done!
house shoe
shoe tree
tree of life
Can you figure out how I got from my starting phrase to the last one?
I'm giving you the first and last phrases, plus a word and a couple letters. I will give more hints if needed.
give and take
take it easy
easy come easy go
go directly to jail
jail bird
bird house
house guest
guest of honor
honor roll
roll call
call of the wild
wild bird
bird watching
watching and waiting
waiting area
area code
code name
name and address
address the crowd
crowd control
control your temper
temper chocolate
chocolate milk shake (yummy!)
shake things up (sometimes it is for the better, sometimes not)
up to no good (naughty)
good for you
you are done!