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Wednesday, July 24

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  • Wednesday, July 24

    An408.gifGood morning Rounders! I used an Icy Hot patch on my knee yesterday when I got home and it helped so much, so I will do that again and again. I have a bunch of those. I also remembered that I can get the Glucosamine tabs for free when I place my over the counter order at the first of every month. That is from my insurance. I get $50 worth of OTC supplies each month. You can order anything from baby aspirin to toothpaste. I love that about my insurance.

    Today is Aldi's shopping day, but DH is going to take care of that. Bless him. I just don't feel up to walking and standing on that concrete for that long.

    We got a little rain after midnight. I hope the grass does not grow back too fast. I've got to take a break from it for awhile and try to wait on the injections to start.

    We had leftover veggies and mac n' cheese for dinner. Good stuff! Right now I'm just about starved so off I go to the kitchen. Hey, y'all have an exceptional day. Peace & Plenty.
    Last edited by karlinann; 07-24-2019, 04:30 AM.
    "Only love can be divided endlessly, and still not diminish." ~ Anne Morrow Lindbergh

  • #2
    Good morning..yesterday was pretty quiet. Mom and I got nothing accomplished which means a lot to do today. Today is their last full day here. I have really enjoyed them being here. Would have been more fun if my mom wasn’t sick. I know mom and I are going to Walmart today as soon as soon as we feed my sisters animals this morning.

    This evening is church for me. I have nursery and hospitality both.


    • #3
      Morning...No rain for us but it is sunny and pleasant. Karlinann glad you are feeling better. That is a nice feature of your insurance..never heard of that so none of my insurances ever did that.

      Today I am doing something I had totally not expected to do..something I do not want to do! The dentist!! Was chewing away yesterday and crunched something. When it dawned on me what it was I panicked and swallowed half my tooth. Thank goodness if has not hurt so I am guessing it is a capped tooth with a root canal. No dental insurance so not a happy camper. This is going to be expensive and I have a lot of other places I wanted to spend money...ya know?

      Was watching the Cardinals play in Pittsburgh last night and after a home run they ran the camera through the crowd of Cardinal fans and I saw a very dear friend and her husband. I have been following their baseball summer on face book and knew they were in Pittsburgh but never expected to see them on tv! I reversed the picture and watched again to make sure I was seeing it right. I know I shouldn't but I do envy them their retirement and wish we had some of that time. Sigh.....good for them!

      Got my results from the x rays and, of course, it is arthritis. They are offering shots so, after this darn dentist thing, I will consider it. It is not the pain as much as they do not work. I think I am a little out of mental sorts this morning. Body parts not working and then having the nerve to complain about it, teeth breaking and newly retired friends enjoying themselves. I know I have plenty of good things but I think this morning I will roll around in some the crappy things for a while.

      Paula, I did not read the Rooster Bar because I found it yesterday and had not started it. There is some other book I read about the president taking off on his own. I can't remember it's name but know I read it this summer. I have done so much reading this summer that I can't keep the stories straight! Anyway I am reading the Rooster Bar now. When I meet up with my sister tomorrow we will exchange books.

      Yesterday I did laundry and ironed. Today I am having a wallowing day then will go to the dentist. Beth enjoy your last day with your parents and Karlinann, rest your knee. Isn't it great that now that you are down your husband is back up and healthy? Life is funny how it works...

      Have a great day everyone..


      • #4
        I have a mental picture of you all as I read your posts. With KA it is sitting outside and looking around at your flowers and yard!
        with maxie it is sitting inside at the table and watching you iron with a game I the background.
        With Beth, I am seeing you and Cori getting ready for your day...
        I hope you all aren't seeing the crazy kids and hearing the noise in my life! Picture the pool After daycare and the Quiet!

        Mental pictures are not true and not even necessary, but being a visual person I tend to see something in my mind as I read your posts.
        Pies and cookies coming up, right, cookielady?

        What great insurance, karlinann! Gary always referred tour insurance as the Cadilac of policies, meaning we paid a lot for it. And we never had such a great option! Blue Cross was pricey but not as generous.
        I will see about getting the Gluco...tablets. my joints may be needing it. I feel like I walk like Herman Munster when I get up off the couch.

        About that fast growing grass: around here people rent out goats! One or a whole herd! And those with a lot of property are also approached to allow goats to stay there between gigs. Our friends have a huge amount of acreage and were asked if they would accept some goats and would be paid for them to be there. They said yes...the goats keep the shrubs down and the fire danger. that is why people are doing this.

        Mac and cheese is on our menu today. Not for me, I am tryingto get off carbs, but the kids love it. At least thelast time Iserved it they did; who kows what their fickle taste buds will say today? Peaches and blueberries and green beans and ham are the rest of the meal.

        Maxie, I find myself feeling that envy of retirement too and have to pull myself away. I kow what you mean.
        The president is Missing is the book, right? I am having a hard time making myself read it as I think, What president would drive himself into a dangerous situation and What Secret Service would allow it? Too many other books and shows that keep me in judgement..I will finish it because you and Jo did, but I am ot zooming through it.
        On the other hand I amreadig the newest Theodore Boone book by Grisham. Start with the first if you haven't read them. They are listed as Young Adult, but then so was Harry Potter and I liked those. I have laughed out loud and held my breath and teared up in these books and really enjoy them.
        The new season of Bosch is on Amazon, but we haven't started it because the two books this season is based on were so intense, that neither of us are ready for that kind of "entertainment" right now. (Undercover story lines are never my preferred reading. In real life or fiction).

        I am off to drink my tea. I bought a Rooibos because I saw it on a Pinterest post about making a Starbucks drink at home. Rooibos is an African tea and when I drank the one yesterday it is Exactly the chai tea taste at Starbucks. I made it like a latte and so good! Herbal so you can drink it day or night.

        Becky is still working without a/c. It will be later this week the part (it is having to be made!) will arrive and then they will fix it...big fans have ben brought in but the afternoons are really hard, she said. They have lots of cold water and are going through it. Of course it is triple digits all week.

        HOpe you all are getting relief from whatever weather was ailing you. Gosh, if only you could send some rain our way, right, Jo?
        Have a wonderful day and keep those mental images of each other in mind as you eat and have fun. Bring me along!


        • maxie
          maxie commented
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          Yes, it was the President is Missing!

      • #5
        Good morning. ☕️ My mocha tastes extra good today.
        It is overcast today, I was wakened at 4 a.m. by lightning — no thunder! I looked out the window to see it had been raining in the wee hours. Streets were wet and puddled. Yay! It will get to 104° today anyway. We really needed this rain!
        Looks like there’s a chance of more rain this morning. Maybe.

        Theres not too much going on today. But my son gave me a heads up of a potential buyer for my car. I didn’t expect it to sell easily at the price shed set for me. I picked a number based on other bids, and hope for better results. It would mean a trip to DMV for the sale, but it’s okay with me. The papers are already in my purse, ready to sign away.

        Yesterday I signed the paper for the buyer’s cost and the sale of the house. Online. We still have the final papers to go.
        time seems to drag now, as everything else went so quickly. But I’m just anxious to be done with it now.

        Guess I’ll put away the laundry I did yesterday. And a few other minor chores.
        Im watching the Outlander on Netflix. I can say I liked the books better. I noticed differences in the story from the start.
        Then I noticed the addition of nudity, sex, debauchery, maiming and torture. Far more than the books. So I doubt I’ll see more of the movie now. I no longer recognize the book in it. What a disappointment.

        Karlinann, I’m glad you got relief on your knees. I love Mac ‘n Cheese! Not often on the menu here.
        Beth, I’m sorry your mom isn’t feeling well.
        Maxie, you’ve always got interesting things going on. I just don’t relate to sports stuff. Sorry. But do get that tooth fixed!
        Paula....we were typing together! I can imagine the gals when they post, too. I can almost picture you as the Lady who lives in a shoe...with your daily dose of kids. LOL
        Sounds like a very delicious meal for them today.

        I hope everyone has a great day.
        Last edited by JoGee; 07-24-2019, 09:30 AM.
        Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


        • Paula A
          Paula A commented
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          Shoes are a constant dilemma here! I am always looking for a missing shoe for one child or telling them to put them away and the worst??? Parents that send young children in lace ups or little buckles. You have no idea how long it takes to unknot those ties and rebuckle those tiny straps. Cute, but not when you are trying to get them all ready to go outside.