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Monday, July 01

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  • Monday, July 01

    Good morning Rounders! I sure hope everyone had a good weekend. JoGee, hope you love your new digs!

    I worked outside on the bank yesterday morning. I carried 5 of the pavers so I could get started and it was so difficult with my bad knee/hip. I finally got an idea to put one paver on the spade and drag it over. I got 3 more moved that way. That is the easiest way to move them. It will take till Christmas to get them all moved at that pace, but I can only work a little EOD anyway. The gnats ate me up. That was a first.

    We have a Chaste tree at the top of the bank and the birds just love those berries and they have been eating them like crazy. You can hear the birdsong all day long.

    Aunt Maye, you must not have read the book I'm reading, cuz it has the "f" word in it 2 times. The name of the book is A Rule Against Murder, by Louise Penny, copyright 2007. It was kind of slow to get started, but now there has been a murder so it's more interesting.

    We are almost finished with the 2000 piece puzzle. I have a nice one called Silent Night, a 750 piece to do next. I will rest today. I don't think we got a drop of rain yesterday. Peace & Plenty.

    "Only love can be divided endlessly, and still not diminish." ~ Anne Morrow Lindbergh

  • #2
    Good morning...I am going to tour the Anheuser-Busch brewery this morning...I have dentist appointment this afternoon. Tonight is dinner at my sisters. My parents are coming to town. We have no plans for tomorrow. I am looking forward to just spending time with mom and daddy.


    • #3
      Morning...cloudy out this morning but already 80* so going to be another hot one. Another year of no build up to the heat just cold and rainy one day and blazing hot the next. I am not complaining that summer is finally here just marveling at how it got here.

      The one shrub in the front is not going to make it. I planted 6 and this one did not start out sickly. I swear some dog is using it every morning! I have heard they will pick one and use it like that. Hope I can match it and need to find one now but I cannot plant it in this heat. Jon fed it last night and watered it extra special but I dunno....

      Well, Beth, you have a busy day! I am going to run out early and be first in line for a walk-in pedi this morning. Sierra texted before daylight to say she would be here for supper tonight. Meatloaf night! She did not say if she would be alone so surprise surprise if he walks in. I don't think he likes my cooking because while my guys are scarfing a meal he picks at it and never wants leftovers. My poor kids do not know the difference since they have only been fed my cooking. My guys are more interested in quantity over quality! I'm going to stop at the produce stand and pick up some corn on the cob and lettuce. Hope these clouds clear up so the guys can swim after supper and I will run Sierra out to the store.

      Yesterday I did nothing but watch Hallmark and then the ballgame came on late afternoon. Oh and two loads of laundry so that counts as something. Karlinann aren't those gnats horrible? There is still so much flooding and standing water in fields around here that the gnats and mosquitoes are making being out miserable. Can you get a garden wagon and put 3 or 4 pavers in it and pull it? I used my garden wagon until it rusted out but now they are plastic and but I no longer do yard work. You truly are a devoted gardener to work through all the pain and discomfort.

      Well gonna make another cup of coffee and catch up on the morning news and weather. Heat indexes in the 100s again today but a rain shower can cool things 20* in a few minutes. First of the month so need pay those pesky bills. Have a great one!!


      • karlinann
        karlinann commented
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        Dogs will pee on just one plant or the same bushes. We walked our dogs for years and they mark their territory.

        I'm exhausted after doing that project this morning, but the good news is that I have the pavers all the way across the top and it looks great. I will do more later in the fall, but I had to get that top part done to keep the sand from washing down the bank. I also moved 3 Sago Palms onto the bank and some Canna Lily's. It is taking shape.

        I've showered and medicated myself. I may have to get an Icy Hot patch on my back.

        I saw a little baby bunny. Oh, it was so precious.

    • #4
      Good SUNNY Morning! I swear I posted this weekend, but I didn't see them. weird.

      Been news there. Nothing earth shattering happening. Went and played cards last night with the family ladies. Came home and made the lemon meringue pie that's for pick up this morning. I knew they were having it for lunch today & didn't think they'd want it still warm if I made it this morning.

      Going to do some kitchen time this morning. Becca is coming down and we are going out for lunch at Mel's then go swimming. Blaise can't get too worn out because he has his testing for his next karate belt at 515. I like that it's Monday, because that means no classes for him until Friday. Next week the place is closed. do you get puzzles done that fast? I picked up 4 puzzles for $.25 ea at the flea market yesterday. I keep my Mom stocked up. 1000 is her max. I saw a couple 2000 pc ones yesterday. Most people want $2 for their puzzles, so when I see them reasonable, I scoop them up.

      Time to get busy......have a good one all!


      • maxie
        maxie commented
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        Do you brown your meringue the night before too? My favorite all time to blackberry and peach and.....

      • karlinann
        karlinann commented
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        DH helps me with the puzzles and when it is hot outside I've pretty much got all day to work on it. We do it on the dining room table and just put a piece in here and there. It goes fast if I love the puzzle. This one is gorgeous. All those cakes, cupcakes, sprinkles, flowers, ribbon, lace, paper, and just everything you need to decorate cakes.

      • cookielady
        cookielady commented
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        Yes, I browned them last night. You have to brown "cook" your meringue while your filling is hot. Personally I like cool whip instead. I'm not at great meringue maker. Mine deflate after a while. My favorite...OK, I have MANY black RASPBERRY pie...bumble berry, fresh peach, etc.

    • #5
      this evening after daycare.
      guess I just hit that key, maxie and what I had written is now gone!
      My brother is on his way over and I am out of time here...
      This better not be how my day will go...


      • #6
        Just came up with a "job" for Blaise to do that earned him $10. Had him go out onto the little enclosed porch and scrub & wiped down all the white aluminum walls and the refrig, then cleaned the windows. It's not perfect, but it's darn good, and I didn't have to do it. It's been bugging me for a long time. Worth every penny. LOL! Personally I'd like to have it replaced. I love the idea, but the walls have shifted and the doors (3 of them) all have daylight showing thru their frames. I think it was a slap on job & done half assed. I want it done right & with better flooring. It's indoor outdoor carpeting and stained horribly. This doesn't bother my husband, so it'll never get done. I'll have to save up & hire someone.


        • #7
          My weekend went well
          and I got a lot done.
          that said, today has a To Do List that is growing too big and too fast and is not daycare related which means I am trying to take care of other things while taking care of children, one a new toddler, Cute and mild tempered.
          My brother has been here and cleared up the clippings from pruning and weeding and it is ready to go out to the curb tomorrow.
          baby crying and my time is up here, for now!


          • #8
            I guess I hit “that key”, too. I don’t see my post here either.
            unpacking is worse than the packing! I packed, someone else added stuff or dumped mine in another box, someone else wrote the wrong thing on the box. I can’t find my good shoes!
            I have too much stuff here, and will have to be careful of my discards. I hate this. Otherwise all is going well.
            im sending this via phone, because today the other server hasn’t showed up yet to take care of my tablets, etc. the only reason the phone is working is because Its on DD’s bundle.

            have a good day everyone.
            Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


            • #9
              So you are moved in Jo? I must have missed your moving date. Sometimes I read to fast and I will admit to being a skim reader...must come from reading to many books? I got my pedi and it is bright red in honor of the Fourth. However, I do like to change colors monthly...wish I had the nerve to do the blue I see on the young girls.

              Cookie I do not want whip cream on my lemon pie! And now you have me wanting to try Blackberry/raspberry pie. Sounds delish.

              So now I am not the only one wondering what that mystery key sure is a good deleter! We also have a baby bunny and he runs into the hostas so that must be where mama has her nest. The grass is high and they eat the clover but the grass boy is in the neighborhood and he just rang the doorbell and has been paid. He will not cut without being paid and looks like my son crawled back into bed so he didn't have to pay him I am wondering. Seems I am always the one paying him. There goes the bunny feeding ground! And here comes my son up the steps AFTER I paid the grass boy. Never fails! Sad that your little boys grow up with all those men traits.

              Picked up the corn and that will go perfectly with supper. I do have a store bought cherry pie in the fridge and will put it in the oven when I bake the garlic bread for just needs heating. Yes Cookie, feel sorry for my family and the way I cook but like I said before, they do not know the difference so that takes the pressure off! Sierra said she wants to go to the mall but we should take two cars so she can go straight home and relax. She leaves for work before 6AM so she is up around 4:30. I love it!!! I also love how she will go to the mall then go home. That girl is in love with my credit card. I understand the need for work clothes when you start out and will help her. Wish she would let me dress her cuz I could do it cheaply and chicly! You do not need to buy the best to look good but she first needs her own style and she doesn;t have one yet. I have dressed her her entire life and know how cute she would look but I am a grandma......what do I know.

              Well I gotta go. It was nice to come back and see how your days have progressed. Paula you appear to be close to your siblings like we are. My brothers and sister have always been there when I needed them. No sun and spitting rain drops but hot and humid. It is summer!!


              • #10
                Maxi, our goal date was July 1, but beat it by a day.
                Now we are in my new apartment sorting and discarding stuff I have no room for.
                DD goes home at week’s end, so most will be done by then.
                the kids I’m closest to are fun and funny. I will miss youngest DD when she goes home to WA.
                Create a beautiful day wherever you go.

