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Monday, June 24

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  • Monday, June 24

    I had a very long post earlier, but it showed a syntax error and would not post to the forum. Whatever! I'm alive.

    DH has a foot doc appt this morning and she may release him to drive. He is hoping and I'm hoping too. He is a front seat driver and I'm ok to give that task back to him. LOL!

    Peace & Plenty.
    "Only love can be divided endlessly, and still not diminish." ~ Anne Morrow Lindbergh

  • #2
    Morning! What is with men and our driving? Why are so we such bad drivers when they are in the car but yet for all these years they have allowed us to haul their children and elderly parents around without second thought? Men! But I am with you...let them do all the driving! I'd give it up tomorrow if I could...

    Well, folks, no sun yet this morning. It is suppose to shine but we have heard that before. It is suppose to warm up but we have heard that before. It is suppose to stop raining but we have heard that before. I was so happy with the way the yard and the house front looked but now I do not care...can;t keep up with the weeds because can't get out most of the time to pull them and am attacked by bugs when you do. We drove to the river yesterday and you can see how the water is going down but it is not going down quickly. One thing I forgot to tell you about our is suppose to be windy this afternoon. Yay..why not? Am I going to have to reform and start being nicer to get Mother Nature to give us a summer?

    Going to put on a pot of stuffed peppers this morning. That may be my meal for the week although someone was hinting around at a pot of green beans and little red potatoes in tomato sauce. Am I expected to cook twice this week? Well maybe I will since I have to be nicer to get back on Mother Natures good side but I won't like it!

    I have nothing to say today..maybe later. Picked up a couple shirts for Andrew. I am afraid to buy some of these shirts with sayings on them because I do no know what they mean and would hate to insult my grandson or buy something he would not be caught dead wearing. He is so picky! I think I have gone as far as I can without his input! Getting on time to talk with my sister. This is her last day of camping at the old house. She has carpo tunnel surgery on her other hand tomorrow and they close on the house Friday. Her husband is going to take his turn staying with the open pool. If she needs me I will go stay with her a couple of days to help out but she is so tough I know she will be ok. She had her right hand done at Christmas and still made us dinner...tough!!

    Gotta get my peppers on and talk with her...praying for warm and sun here!


    • #3
      Good morning..Maxie I have Sunshine so there’s hope for you...I have a busy day with McDonald’s for lunch.


      • maxie
        maxie commented
        Editing a comment
        I'm watching and waiting for it Beth!!

    • #4
      Good morning.
      this morning I have an appointment with my cancer doctor......I hope to hear that I am 4 years cancer free.
      but most of my day is shot going there and coming back.
      have a great day! ☀️
      Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


      • #5
        Hoping for that good news, Jo!
        You know it's sunny here but our good news is the temperatures are cooler this week. Not exactly sure what it means;
        becky said it as she was walking out the door.

        I will be returning the heavy duty shears I bought and going to Home Depot for something better! The ones I bought were by Fiskars, but they don't seem sharp enough and could not cut through the stuff growing in around my roses. I will probably wiat till my brother gets here or I may venture alone and take one of the twigs to try to cut in the store before I buy. I hate returning things and for some reason have an aversion to going to HomeDepot: like my mind thinks it is too far...and then too big inside. I always want some thing from each end of the store. The play sand is on the extreme left and the garden center on the extreme right. Just writing it shows me how silly it sounds, but I think I get distracted in the middle among the appliances and flooring options and then slow down.

        No real agenda for today. I do have a bit of laundry that came up this weekend, mostly swim towels and such. Throw rugs, for sure. I have to go get them in right now!

        Have a good MOnday and I will be thinking of all of you!


        • karlinann
          karlinann commented
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          Paula, you are not alone in your fear of the big box stores and spaces. I hate going to Walmart or Lowe's anymore. First of all I can't walk on those concrete floors with this leg dragging, and I just hate all that distance to get things you need. That is why I stopped going. If I can get it somewhere else I'm not going to those stores.

      • #6
        Just an informative notice...if I am not here tomorrow it is because I will be leaving soon to house sit. My sister has surgery tomorrow and has been camping out at the old house until Friday's closing because the realtor insisted they open the pool. My bil will not leave the house empty with an open pool and has so far been a real ass over it. Notice I did not use the nicer french version of ass because he has not spent one night there and now tomorrow will be taking her to the hospital. I am waiting for my phone call. Sleeping on the floor is not something I am looking forward to but she is my sister and we do these things. I have packed my books and have my tv is going to be a killer for a tvaholic!! See you when I get back but sure do hope I don't have to go, ya know?


        • #7
          Helloooooooo! I'm finally home & can relax. The sun has been shining here most of the day and it's VERY humid. I got home, stripped down, and put on a loose nightgown.

          What a weekend! Yesterday afternoon Blaise & I were to go to one of the local nursing homes to help with the Sunday service. Was talking to the wife of the organizer during Sunday school, and she told me all that one of the other church ladies had planned. I wished she would have said she only wanted me for my cookies. Sue & her husband ended up picking up the cookies before going, and I canceled us going. We weren't needed. Took Blaise down to Kathy, then headed to the other end of the county to stay the night at Becca's. I took the ingredients to make creamy of Becca's favorites...along with a fresh peach pie...another of her favorites. We had a very relaxing evening. Her co-wkrs laughed at her being excited that her Mom was coming for an overnight stay. She loves me!

          We were up early and out the door by 730am for her appt to get her 4 wisdom teeth out. A 4 were grown in, so it didn't take as long & wasn't as painful. She was feeling good enough to eat leftovers by lunchtime though I did get some ck noodle soup into her before that. I left around 330pm. Now I'm home and need to think what to feed Cork. I'm just going to eat veggies since I kind of pigged out at lunchtime. It was so good. Since I don't cook as much as I use to, when I get a chance to cook some favorite meals, they taste particularly good. That pie was oh so good. The peaches from Aldi's were very good. Not super juicy, but very flavorful. I made our fresh peach a strawberry pie.

          Maxie...why does someone have to be there to babysit the pool? Did they have babysitters for it when they weren't home before? Dumb.

          Have a good one all!

