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Saturday, May 11

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  • Saturday, May 11

    Good morning Rounders! It's going to be another hot one here. Thank goodness I don't have to do any work except take out the compost and fill the birdbath. No problem.

    Today is the pick up for the food drive. Our mailman picks it up at the mailbox. I think that is awesome.

    I went to the thrift store yesterday and didn't buy anything. They had winter clothes out. I definitely don't need winter clothes.

    I still didn't finish my book and I misspoke about how many pages there are. It's 1,112 instead of 1,012. Crazy.

    The coffee is brewed and I need a cup. Peace & Plenty. I'll be back.
    "Only love can be divided endlessly, and still not diminish." ~ Anne Morrow Lindbergh

  • #2
    Good SUNNY Morning! Yesterday was a dreary & chilly one.

    Yesterday didn't turn out like I thought. Before Blaise & I headed into town, I mixed up 6 batches of pie dough and got it chilling. We made a couple grocery store stops & ate at BK. I had planned to roll out pie dough and then relax...nope! Both restaurants text. Now granted, the PB & Samoa pies were already done & in the freezer, and the carrot cake was already baked & in the freezer waiting to be iced. I did need to bake 2 pies and ice a carrot cake plus the 5 frozen pies. Got them delivered. That new restaurant is selling dessert like crazy.

    My neighbor down over the hill called last night. I had given her a copy of the menu for the new place. Well they've gone there twice, and she's thrilled with the place. She can actually get real meals that don't involve fried foods. Now she's a good person to impress because she'll tell lots of people. You also don't want to disappoint her because she'll tell lots of people that too. LOL!

    On our way home, we stopped at another newer restaurant/diner that opened this winter. They are offering freeze med cones to kids with their uniforms on. Martial Arts was listed, so we stopped & got Blaise's free cone, and of course I had to get one too. Man, I'm out of the loop on the cost of cones. Kind of expensive.

    This morning we are going to garage sales. I've got the route planned. Once I get home, I need to get 2 cherry pies baked and the potato salad made for tomorrow. Then I'm meeting my Mom, SIL, her Mom, and my two nieces for lunch. My one niece can't stay until supper tomorrow night when the whole gang is gathering, so us ladies are meeting today. She'll leave to go back home (Sterling, VA) after church. We are going to the other restaurant that I bake desserts for. They don't order very often. That's OK. It'll be home to finish making up tomorrow's food items. The only thing left to do tomorrow is bake the dutch apple pie.

    Well, time to get ready! Have a good one all!


    • #3
      Good morning everyone.

      Looks like a sunny day out there for a change. Sure shows how bad the yard needs mowing as well. Will try to get the back yard mowed. Can't mow the front yard until Tuesday. I treated it with weed killer and it has to stay growing for 3 days after the rain puts it in the ground.

      Just so you know, when I turn up missing for a few days, it's because I have work around here. I usually get up about 7:30 and start in. Next week my shed should be delivered so I'll be busy a few days emptying out the garage. Then I'll have things to put up on the walls in the garage. Also have to cut up some shelving for one of the cabinets in the garage.

      Then on top of it all, I bought a small cabinet for the laundry room which I had started checking for all the parts needed to do the job. Well 1 side was broken, a 1/2 door was missing and 2 other small parts were missing. I called the company like the instructions said. The box had not been previously opened. The man told me it would take 5-7 days for delivery. So that job will need to be done the end of next week.

      I didn't get anything done yesterday as I had to get an MRI on my spine. My S-I-L went yesterday morning so she could show me the way there. Then we went shopping, then on to eat "Friday fish" at Cracker Barrell. Boy was that good.

      In our rush to get the refrig. things in the frig., she left her keys on the desk locking herself out of the house. So after lunch, I dropped her off at her daughter's school. Both daughters have a key to her house. So that was an escapade.

      I will probably not do anything today in the way of work except to hopefully mow the back yard later. When it stay light until 9p, you can work late then go straight to bed.

      Hope all have a great day.
      Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured.


      • #4
        Morning...the sun for the day has come and gone and the temps are in the 40s with rain later. So much for mid May! Leaving for my sisters later and no worry about what to wear because sweatshirts are back in style. Someday I can come here and complain about the heat but it won't be this weekend!

        I fell out of the back door yesterday and literally got hit in the head with the door. I was going in and Jon said something so I turned around and slipped...I am very sore but nothing is broken. Did need an arm up. AND I have a mark on my forehead because doors can hit you in the head for real! But all the planting was finished yesterday. Andrew came right in from school and got out all the tools and called me out. He dug so fast and has a good eye. Since we do not use the front porch to sit I had bought some white plastic chairs last summer and they are all green so need scrubbing Could probably replace them for the price of my labor to scrub them....and that might be a better option. Porch deck still needs stained but we are making progress. Everything that needs to go into the ground is in it! Todays rain will make the new plants happy. I have one more pot to plant but I think I will just fill it with sweet smelling petunias to leave on the front porch. I can get a whiff when I walk out to the mailbox!

        Driving to my sisters later this morning. Hate doing it in the rain. I especially hate switching highways in St.Louis in the rain. People drive to fast and you have to keep up. I would give up driving if I could. Think I am getting old and moving into old peoples mode. But if you want to go some place you have to drive. My granddaughter is not dependable at all. Her priorities are in another direction. She is moving out this week and I can only think of the bad things that could go wrong living with this loser. I worry about them being smart enough to pay bills...was I ever that dumb? I think not. When we married he was in school on the GI bill and I was working in St. Louis. We were poor but my parents liked him. No one likes this guy. So we pray she gets smart fast.

        Karlinann I envy you the sun and heat. Jostoy do you ever have a free day to put your feet up and turn on the ballgame? Just sit? Although if you were my neighbor I would use all those skills you have. Cookie, sounds like your pie business is picking up. I have to admit I do look over desserts when we eat out..

        So have a happy Saturday everyone. I will be home early to be settled in for this evenings hockey game. Might even dig out my Blues sweatshirt to wear today since winter has made a comeback.


        • jostoy
          jostoy commented
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          Maxie, some day I hope!!!!

      • #5
        Good morning everyone.
        Today we will see nice weather. Tomorrow’s rain forecast dropped to only 20%, so it’s likely we may see none. Mother Nature is not very nice these days.

        Yesterday was productive. Plus my Bro’ found the Storage Unit Key!!! So we found that stuffed full of stuff. We packed what we could in our 2 cars, and brought that back to sort and dump.

        So it was late to bed yesterday. But it felt like I was dreaming all night, and was glad at wake up time to escape a bunch of negative dreams. But my stomach is still in knots. Got my mocha this morning because I find it soothing, but can’t face food yet.
        I’m really not ready to start today. However, i will be glad to get things done. ‘Eventually’ can’t come soon enough. You know?

        I am so very thankful for the help I’m getting. Plus I haven’t had to cook. With my brother’s new interest in cooking, he takes care of one or two meals, and DD & SIL might also make a vegan/KETO dish from their diet for us.

        Tomorrow is my brother’s birthday. My DD will bring him a cake, and another DD is coming with a birthday card for him. I have a beautiful card that E had picked out for him about a month ago.

        That’s about my news for today. I am trying to see the bright side of things, and not drag around negativity. If I didn’t succeed, then I apologize.

        Lets all make it a It a good day today! ☀️ Keep smiling....and make people wonder what you are up to.
        Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


        • maxie
          maxie commented
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          Jo you are not negative...I think you are doing fine. Once you are alone you will be able to get your thoughts in order and grieve in your own way.

          The stuff you accumulate through the years is amazing! You save all this 'good' stuff then look back it as 'why did I save this junk?'. So very happy your help has come and stayed with it.

      • #6
        Thanks Maxie. That was a real boost for me today.
        Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


        • Paula A
          Paula A commented
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          Jo, you don't sound negative at all. Real feelings are what you are sharing and that is what helps us to see our way. Ingoing through my things I kept the last birthday card Gary had bought for me. And a Mother's day card. I just like seeing his signature and the Love is what helps me and what ever helps you is what you do for yourself and it has changed over the years for me...
          I read where giving away clothes has been hard for some women; for me it was not. But finally letting go of his shoes (!?) which were orthopedic and no one could use them, that was a bit hard. I had to talk myself through it and finally ws able to let them go.
          Jo, you have a lot of strength and wisdom. Love you and all you share with us!

        • maxie
          maxie commented
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          My husband has been gone for many years but I remember keeping his shoes where he last kicked them off and his shirt hung on a door knob for a while. Some things are hard to move...

      • #7
        Good Saturday morning to you all!
        Thanks for mentioning the birdbath, Karlinann! I wrote a note to remember to look for a clear plastic liner for mine. I seldom go into the garden center at Walmart and have to make an effort!
        I have a hummingbird feeder that I have not put up, the reason being I need to get either a chain or strong enough rope (?) to hang it. See? the challenge of being indecisive. Is that even the right word? Feel free to fill in whatever you are thinking.

        Maxie, age plus being a self-proclaimed country mouse keeps me from driving the big city roads. I have a few times and afterwards have vowed to Never again put myself and others in harm's way. One memorable trip to see Gary when he was at Stanford Medical center wil never be forgotten by me, Becky or the many people we traveled the SF freeway with, I am sure. So be careful and know that I am in awe of you who drive in the Big Time and city!
        It all probably stems from me not getting my license until I was 24 and then I got it in Red Bluff. And at that time your test did not take you onto the freeway at all...I decided to get my license because I wasn't sure if I would survive my MIL driving me to my prenatal appointments!
        Even I knew you aren't supposed to brake through an intersection! Poor Gary was nice enough to give up the manual transmission on whatever sporty car he had so I could drive...

        I knew I was preaching to the choir, Donna...and it won't do much good to say I think it is a power struggle that Kathy is in: her mothering technique vs. yours...and no one will be able to point that out to her. She will have to realize it on her own.

        Jostoy, I second what maxie said: wish I could call on you for help or good ideas of how I can do more and hire less. Isn't it great to be close to family and receive help and give it?

        Sprinklers are the order of business today. None of the ones I have do a good job on getting to the edges. So that trip to the gardencenter is definitely in order.

        Also, our temps are saying I need to get a few pool noodles. I bought one a week ago and should have bought more but just didn't think. And I know the water will be warm enough for my son and grandson who love to swim. They will be here Thursday night.

        I have written a book, but just chatting with you all!
        Maxie the book I am reading is a light modern romance featuring baseball players and it has got me thnking I need to put a game on..
        Donna, good luck at the yard sales.
        In order to please everyone for pie for tomorrow, I am buying three different pieces (roughly the price of one pie) for the three of us. My mom likes berry and I like lemon and Becky is a peanut butter fan...and this also takes into account the huge amount of cake and cupcakes we will have next weekend. In fact, I decided any cupcakes we don't eat on Saturday I will send with Spencer Boone when they go to Sacramento to see friends and leave. I am pretty excited about those cupcakes!


        • karlinann
          karlinann commented
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          I recommend the chain and get a sturdy one at the hardware store. The rope will rot or WCS the squirrels will chew it up. I don't even know if you have squirrels. I would choose the chain.

          That was so funny what you wrote about your MIL. I cracked up. Lemon is my fave pie, cake, and everything else.

      • #8
        Hey everybody, did you know that Wendy's has the Frosty's for 50 cents. Right now, get em while they last. Hey Aunt Maye, take that man of yours for a Frosty. JoJo, y'all go and enjoy a Frosty for all that you've done. Maxie hope you have a Wendy's nearby. Jostoy and Cookielady I sure hope you take advantage of this Frosty deal. Paula, you deserve a break today, so get a Frosty. Beth, it's time to have a Frosty and begin your summer indulgence. Hope I didn't leave anyone out.
        "Only love can be divided endlessly, and still not diminish." ~ Anne Morrow Lindbergh


        • maxie
          maxie commented
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          I do have a Wendy's close but no one else cares for it around here. Our Steak and Shakes are all closing over night. I really love Steak and Shake.