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Friday, March 08

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  • Friday, March 08

    Good morning Rounders! I was so tired about 5 pm last evening and I suppose it was eating lunch at Cheddars that had an effect on me. All that salt and grease food. Ahh, but it was good. I didn't eat another thing when we got home, except for a piece of cake. Guess what? I'm officially off chocolate. It does not like me anymore. Can you imagine giving up chocolate?

    Maxie, did your son Scott have a bone spur and was it his Achilles Tendon that was torn? DH's AT is torn in half.

    None of my plants got zapped by the freeze.

    We have been practicing weight transference with the rolling walker, getting to the bed, getting to the bathroom, etc. and I think we'll be okay.

    I wish ya'll could hear the cacophony of the birds here in the mornings. It's music to my ears. JoG I sure hope you are ok. You have had way too much to deal with. I'm surprised that people have not sued those doctors for their lack of accuracy on the records keeping.

    Peace & Plenty.
    "Only love can be divided endlessly, and still not diminish." ~ Anne Morrow Lindbergh

  • #2
    Good Morning! More sun and I'm loving it! Not much heat with it until this weekend.

    Well I discovered why my gas bill was so high...the bill wasn't being paid. Somewhere along the line it went paperless & I thought when they were sending me emails, that it was informing me that my bill had been paid electronically just like all my other utilities. I started doing that back in September after almost having my phn shut off. During pie season time slips by & the mail is ignored. By evening, I'm exhausted & just want to sit down. That's why I then put all my bills onto my credit card & that's how they are paid automatically every month w/o me having to remember. Easy peasy. Well apparently the gas bill didn't do that. It's my fault that I didn't look at those emails every month for the past 4 months and w/o a paper bill, I didn't realize this was happening. I went onto their website & looked at my account, and got things straightened out. I now will get a paper bill every month, and I'm going to put my account on auto pay. So there....that's my story & I'm sticking by it.

    Yesterday was sort of productive. I did get to the thrift shop. Got Blaise several pairs of jeans, Cork a pair of work jeans (already have a couple small holes), and I found myself a couple jammies. For $15, I thought I did good. Then it was off to Aldi's. Now how come when I'm just going in for a couple items, I end up with half a cart full and spend $50? How's that happen?

    Day before last I went to a local butcher, and got fresh sausage & hamburger. Never tried theirs before. Anyways, I bought fresh buns at Aldi's and we had hamburgers for dinner....YUM! The meat cost dbl what you get at the grocery store, but for plain hamburgers, I plan to splurge from now on. I've also not been a fan of sausage, but their S&P sausage is very good.

    Spent the evening doing laundry. Almost done with that. The last load is in the washer, but the load in the dryer has a pair of my tennis shoes & they kept popping open the door, so I'll deal with that this morning.

    This morning I need to bake a pie. I ask Becca if she'd like to take up a goodie with her when she goes up to Bradford on Sunday. Well her friend Carrisa chose a bumble berry pie. I don't think I'll bake it, but rather make it up, and have Becca bake it Sunday morning before they leave. I don't want to send a 2 day old pie. We are babysitting Ollie for the weekend. She's not leaving until Sunday morning, but she works a 16 hr shift tomorrow, so there's no time to bring him down then. I don't mind as long as she definitely gets him Tues when they come back. Becca stayed at Carrisa's her Senior year of HS. Carrisa's one grandpa can't wait to see his Becky! They are going to see Carrisa's brother's baby for the first time. Now hopefully Ollie doesn't pull my shoulder out of it's socket or drag me across the yard. LOL! Cork is working both Sat & Sunday, so I'll be doing all the care giving.

    Blaise is suppose to be going to his friend Lawrence's overnight tonight. Vanessa is picking him up after her daughter's GS meeting just down the road from us. Kathy gave up her time with him so he could do this. Blaise wanted Lawrence to come spend the night at Kathy's, but L's parents nixed that. I understand. They don't know Kathy.

    Have a good one all!


    • karlinann
      karlinann commented
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      I'm confused. Why would you need auto pay if you are going to get a paper bill?

  • #3
    Good morning just a few short hours til Spring break!!! I am more than ready! I will be glad to not have to see my coworker for a week....I don't think that I will miss her yesterday was a day of button pushing her pushing my buttons and bullying me again....I have decided that as long as she doesn't text me the stupid stuff I will keep my mouth shut for the sake of the team also it will always be her word against mine. I need to give my sis a call...I just decided to hurray and finish getting ready and take donuts into work this morning...meaning I need to walk to the donut shop and have my sister pick me up there.

    Have a great day everyone!


    • karlinann
      karlinann commented
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      Sweets! You'll be a hit.

  • #4
    Good Friday morning, everyone. ☕️
    Yesterday was cloudy and very warm out, today will be cloudy, too. But today’s temp will get to only 65° (it’s in the 50’s now).

    Whatever i came down with in mid March seems to have finally left me sometime Wednesday, and yesterday was a “feel good, feelin’ normal” day for me. No more heart throbbing and out of breat for no reason. Yay.
    But it’s E who needs attention. He took the entire day to rest. So I stayed close by, just in case.
    But today i will will be busier. Things need to get done.

    Karlinann, I’m sure that the reason the hospital isn’t sued is because online records are a new thing (I have trouble understanding the navigation of it), and people don’t look at their records. And I know that E has mentioned something to his doctors.....but they don’t DO records, these younger people who type it into the system..... well, education isn’t what it used to be. (Even store clerks don’t have a clue how to make change without the computerized cash registers go down, and a number of them just brush it off saying “I was never good in math”. We learned to make change by the 3rd grade!)
    Glad to hear your hubby is doing good with the walker
    i wish our birds would return. Winter seems so long this year!
    Giving up chocolate? Unthinkable! But I have stuck mine in the pantry. Out of sight, out of mind. E keeps me stocked in it, and I am sure he eats more than half of it. Neither of us need that.

    Cookie, I had a similar problem with our utility bill. For some reason, they don’t seem to get the electronic payments from our bank. It’s their way of wanting direct payments to them. Right now the company is going through some changes, I think, so I don’t want my bank or card numbers in their grubby hands. But we hope to leave here soon, so won’t have to deal with them much longer. I wait for the paper bill and send a check.

    It’s about time for my breakfast. And E will be getting up before long, too.
    I will return to read posts later.
    Hope you all have a very good day. ☀️

    Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


    • karlinann
      karlinann commented
      Editing a comment
      Glad you are feeling better.

  • #5
    50.00 for a cart of groceries?! At my favorite grocery store it is about 50.00 per bag! that is why I usually go to Walmart. but lately the shelves aren't always stocked and I amnot sure if it a weather related problem or if it is something else.

    Well, happy Friday, folks! I was up later last night making the meal for the shelter. Two of us are doing the main course and one is doing green beans and a dessert and the other is doing salad and rolls. Making two extra meals in the evening this week has been a chore and besides being tired it meant extra cleaning to get everything cleaned up and ready for daycare. But it is all done and I will start warming it up this afternoon and will take it to the shelter as soon as daycare is over. It is a meal they all really like.
    for next month I want to do ham again with all the trimmings for a nice Easter type meal. I am not sure who will be doing the meal for Easter.

    Can you guess what our weather is? Yep, raining again. The new play doctor kit I ordered form Amazon arrived in the afternoon so it will be ready again for them today. We haven't had one for awhile and they love to play vet! Everyone of them has a dog and all are familiar with going to the dog doctor.

    So the kids are getting spaghetti today, the regular one, not the Million dollar version the shelter gets. I tried to give the kids the pumped up recipe and no one wanted it. It has to look like what they are used to.

    I am starting to hear robins! Fingers crossed they are really harbingers of spring!

    I shared a photo from my FAcebook memories yesterday of our son's wedding 21 years ago, but didn't realize the caption said kit was a memory form 2 years ago...When I saw the picture I was thinking fo how different the house used tolook:wood paneling, green carpet, our old couch in front of the window and the old style drapes. And my really dark hair! Back when I wanted hair like Jacklyn Smith of Charlies' Angels! I have also lost weight since then, so I figured everyone would know it wasn't 2 years ago...nope. Had enough comments and questions to make me realize I need to pay attention to the caption and spell things out for people...It was about saying Happy anniversary and not about how I looked, people!

    And how is your day! I am not really in a mood, just ready for my Friday night with my Saturday tax meeting to look forward to and shopping out of town. If I have to go to Redding for the taxes, I am going to Costco.

    Better get myself moving. I saw some dust bunnies floating around (more like cat bunnies) and I need to track them down. The places that cat finds to sleep are always changing.

    Have a fabulous Friday and healthy wishes for all of you and your wonderful families!


    • karlinann
      karlinann commented
      Editing a comment
      That is so precious that they play Vet.

  • #6
    Today is Women’s Day!
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    Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


    • #7
      Good morning. I slept in this morning...must be to many late night hockey games. But as long as we are winning it is worth the lack of sleep. Tomorrow is an afternoon game so can go to bed at normal time. There is something white sprinkled on the the porch but I am not sure if it is sleet or snow and as long as it has not made anything slick i don't care what it is. Just want it to go away and warm up.

      Nothing exciting going on around here. In fact there is nothing boring going on around here. Karlinann, Scott twisted his ankle and before it was totally healed stepped in a hole while cutting grass. He tore a bunch of ligaments and evidently they pulled them together and just sew them taking a dart in a waist band. He was on crutches and then on a cane with PT. He healed up fine. He is thinking of hiring a kid to cut his grass though..

      Since I am getting a late start I need to get moving. Going to warm into the 60s tomorrow but then it is going to storm tomorrow. Can;t seem to get warm and sun to work together.


      • karlinann
        karlinann commented
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        Thank you girlie girl.