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Friday, January 25

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  • Friday, January 25

    Aunt Maye, just in case you didn't read my last post yesterday the Sara Paretsky book, Shell Game, has some bad language near the end of the book. I still think she is a great author.

    I've been working on one of the puzzles and it's coming together nicely. Actually, I'm gearing up for my lab visit this morning. DH is going to go with 'cuz I would not feel safe to go alone, especially in the 0'dark thirty. I can see how to drive ok because it's only 3 miles down the road and I know the road well. I'd rather get it over with before all the sick people come in with the sick kids.

    Yesterday DH and I went to the thrift shop. He found 2 pair of designer shorts and a set of cotton designer sheets for our bed. I found a pair of designer capris, another pair of capris, and a pair of linen shorts. I also found a pair of house slippers for DH, but they are not designed for his feet, (high instep) so I claimed them. They are a little big on me, but they are comfy for 10 cents. Love their prices.

    Tonight is fish night. I will make salmon, rice, and a green salad. Now I wish I'd gotten the corn on the cob when I was at Aldi's.

    Have a great day Rounders. Be back later.
    "Only love can be divided endlessly, and still not diminish." ~ Anne Morrow Lindbergh

  • #2
    Good morning. I am in a lot of pain with my toe this morning ..

    I am going to attempt to work. Knowing I can only do what I can. Our Chef will not be there due to being at the funeral for his father in-law.

    No plans tonight except going for my meds.


    • #3
      Good SUNNY Morning! It's beautiful looking out there with a fresh coating of snow from overnight, but man is it BITTER COLD & windy out there.

      Yesterday was good. Pretty productive. Didn't get any cookies iced, but I did get 6 cream pies, 2 French coconut pies, and a flourless choc cake made. Cork came home early sick, and requested chicken rice soup, and I already had my chicken on for pasta chicken salad, so I made both of those too. Didn't do a darn thing except clean up my mess after watching 2 movies.

      Did talk to both girls. Both are feeling down. Becca is so ready to just walk away from her job, but will stick it out for the rest of the year. Most of the staff in her unit are ready to walk due to the child that bit her twice on her are during the second restrain that day on Tues. FINALLY the CEO, her supervisor, and someone else in power came and watched the last restraint where the staff was being bit (with braces on his teeth that he doesn't brush) and hit. He was sent a mental health hosp down in Pgh. About time. Hopefully he gets kept, but she said they'll give him whatever he wants...TV in room and allowed to choose what he wants to eat, neither of which he can do where he's at. He doesn't like rules. Kathy was in tears on her way to work. She has been working 5 days a week, but they cut her back to 3 this last schedule, and they were counting on the 5 day paycheck. She needs to get a different job or another job. We are getting used tires for her Explorer so it'll pass state inspection....happy birthday Kathy. We would like our Explorer back.

      This morning I'm going to putter around until 10am, then head out to run errands then meet Sue for lunch. She's treating for my birthday. After we are done there, I'm heading into town to grocery shop. Back to karate tonight. Next Saturday is competition, so need every class he can get.

      Did you get a peach pie Maxie? Karlinann...I LOVE shopping at our Salvation Army thrift store. Now we don't get things for $.10, but sometimes for $.50 or $1.00. Safe travels & fun visits JoG. know you can visit us in chilly PA. Bethina….hope your week went better.



      • maxie
        maxie commented
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        I did get my peach pie! Marie Callendar...but the cherry pie was a Mrs. Smith. Andrew and I are very grateful to both those fine ladies!

    • #4
      And a good cold morning to you all. 7* this morning and flurries this afternoon after a warmup to 20. When the road are this cold any snow will freeze upon hitting and make things slick. Winter just keeps on happening and no one is enjoying it!

      Need to call the doctor when the office opens...I have an inside stitch from my incision poking out. This thing has just not been healing right and maybe it is the thread or whatever that is not dissolving on the inside stitches. Something is not right and I hope I can get in quickly.

      Was going to fix a big pot of stew tonight but Drew's mother picked him up last night after getting her hair cut and said they were going out for a family dinner tonight. That means do not feed the kid! So I won't!! In fact I will not feed anyone. Sierra is getting her hair cut and highlighted today and I expect her to be gone all day and evening so no need to feed her. She saw her advisor yesterday and will be starting her internship soon. It came up quickly but should finish her up in May. Then it is on to the big girl world! YAY!!!! She had to agree to a drug test and a background check but they will set that all up and tell her where to go and when. Again YAY!!

      Need to get moving and make my phone call to the doctor. Have a great day...stay warm!


      • #5
        I think every job does those checks now, maxie. The good news, though, is if they say to take a drug test, etc, it means you will have the job (since no one puts out the money to test unless you are pretty much in the door).

        Karlinann, I love linen, even though it usually means a dry cleaning bill. I would love to find linen clothing at a thrift store. My usual thrift store is eBay...I have found good things when I have been out of town and visited big city thrift stores.
        What kind of sheets and what color are they? I have some really soft cotton sheets that are light blue that I love. I have been using the flannel ones this winter, but changed them out.

        My brother flew home yesterday to MN. He said it was so cold when they arrived at Minneapolis that they had to wait while the crew warmed the door (!) up so it would open. Frozen door??? We had just been talking about how the crew gets paid when the door gets closed. that is when they are on the clock. Anyway, as long as I am safely on the ground I guess I wouldn't mind sitting a bit, but think of those who have another flight to catch!

        My new stove is being installed today. A friend sent over some beef stew she made and that made it easier to get in and start cleaning to be ready for today. I had totally forgot about the drawer at the bottom of the stove and needed to clear out the lids in there. There were also two pie pans that came with pies from local restaurants. I tossed them into my donate box. And I will match up the lids with their pans and have more to donate. I have multiple sets of pots and pans.

        It got up to 70* yesterday! Love it when the weatherman makes a mistake in the good way. It ws 41 when I went out at 6:00 and that means another good day. the kids had a lot of fun and I got the patio swept and toys cleaned up.

        I hope today is a good one for all of you.
        Beth, I hope that toe gets cared for soon.
        JoG, have a good trip and enjoy some warmer weather.
        Donna, I can't imagine the work Becca does, but so great to have her Graduate school paid for.
        It si time for me to get moving...
        I hope all is ok with Jostoy. Around here the houses are selling left and right because of the people who lost their homes in the big Camp Fire. I don't wish that on anyone, but it would be great if some business moved in with a lot of people to her area and houses started selling...
        I see Sharon on Facebook and Pat and Judy Garcia.
        I sure appreciate all your posts and the good neighbors you all are!!!


        • karlinann
          karlinann commented
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          The sheets are the Estate brand from Front Gate and they sell new for $329 a set. They are beige and the cotton is 100% Egyptian. Love them! Oh, BTW, you can launder Linen clothing. I have another pair of linen shorts and a linen shirt and I have washed them many times in the washer and dried them as well. I don't iron anything because I'm not trying to impress anyone, but I used to work with a gal who wore linen skirts and I think she sent hers to the cleaners. I love the breathable fabrics. Rayon is another tropical fabric that I love.

      • #6
        Good morning from Phx! ☕️
        The drive was leisurely, despite the traffic. We left early so we wouldn’t arrive at night. Neither of us have good night vision these days.
        we should expect 74° through the weekend. Still, nights are in the mid 40’s and has to work it’s way up to that temperature.. then too, stores and restaurants have their ACs running, so my sweater or jacket accompanies me.

        We had a restful evening after arriving here yesterday. I was very tired though. I carried boxes to the car so E wouldn’t have to bend over. They weighed quite a bit. And E was beginning to think that we wouldn’t have room for our suitcase. LOL. I actually slept a full 8-1/2 hrs, which is unheard of.
        We will be seeing one DD & family a day, starting today. They come to us at the motel we stay at. We transfer stuff to their car, but they can lift and carry. We did our share.
        Again, we won’t be seeing our son and his family. Well, they are too busy to see us. They don’t “do” email or text either. So, tough. We will probably have to send an invitation to our funerals. It’s annoying to have a kid like that, but he listens only to his wife. Oh well.

        its time for some graham crackers and tea. I need to take my pills with food.
        I need to get E up soon, so he will be ready when anyone shows up.

        Hope you will all stay warm and have a great day! ☀️
        Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


        • #7
          Guess what? I took DH to lunch at the Olive Garden and now I won't have to cook dinner. Bonus dude! I will just make him something with the leftovers. I'm good for the day. On our way there we almost witnessed a wreck. Some lady cut off a huge truck. I mean she barely missed hitting his front end. That would have been a little car smashed to smithereens. He put on his breaks and thank goodness he had time. She was lucky.
          "Only love can be divided endlessly, and still not diminish." ~ Anne Morrow Lindbergh


          • #8
            Home again Home again, juggity jig! Don't know where that came from.. Anyway, none of the inside stitches are dissolving. He removed 3 that were poking out and that should be all of them...he had put 3 inside and 4 outside. He also said it was healing fine and to realize it will take longer with where the incision is. It is on top of my ankle in the front where you bend your foot. Ok, so maybe I was being a baby!

            Stopped for milk and to get my fast food fix so am now in.

            Olive Garden is a favorite around here and you leave full! Glad you had a good trip Jo. Take care of that toe Beth.

            I understand about drivers...If I have to put on my brakes you have pulled out in front of me. And thank you to the guy who pulled out in front of me then turned at the next road. Grrrr. Paula, mommy dearest lives in Minnesota and when sends weather reports and snow totals I cannot for the life me understand how she stands it. Or why she would want to live in that!

            Have a good afternoon everyone of you.


            • #9
              Karlinann, That was some good shopping your DH did! You have trained him well.
              We like the Olive Garden, too. Lots of people say it is not “real” Italian, but it is “Italian enough” for us. I figure these people eat too many tacos and jalapeños. Ha!

              Cookie, you deserve a rest after the season’s baking. Becca deserves to be commended for putting up with that wild child. He needs some serious guidance and treatment. As for Kathy.....??? ..... perhaps you should receive a commendation for your patience with her.

              Beth, get that toe treated! Did I miss what happened to it?

              Paula, even E is chilly most of the day here. The sun feels good about 2pm on.

              Maxie, you have had one busy day. Time to relax with junk food and pamper yourself. Hey, I have often heard that salt is a healing agent. I like it on potato chips. And I have to ingest enough chips to get the salt to the healing area.
              Also, in the Harry Potter stories, a large chocolate bar will cure everything!

              Aunt Maye, I came to check if you posted this evening. You must have gotten lost in a book.

              Our first full day in Phx was good. Daughter visited; her daughter was working, but will be busy helping relatives with Shabbot meals (? Sp) tonight and tomorrow. She has a house full of her husband’s relatives for a week or few.
              Tomorrow, the next daughter and her two girls visit and take their stuff back with them.
              Sunday, we see the 3rd daughter, and at leas 2 of her 4 girls.....enroute to our return home. And goodbye to 74° days, for a while.

              Good night everyone.
              Create a beautiful day wherever you go.

