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Tuesday, January 01, 2019

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  • Tuesday, January 01, 2019

    Happy New Year Rounders! We only had a few cherry bombs and firecrackers during the night. If there was a grand finale I sure didn't hear it.

    It was so hot here yesterday that I had to turn on all the fans. We will drop down in the 60's day - 40's night again on Saturday. I have been going out to the patio with my book for a few days now and it's been lovely. The birds are busy building nests and I saw one of my favorite birds yesterday, (Eastern Bluebird).

    It's time to go turn off the coffee and have a cup and start on a new book. New year, new day, new book. I'm wondering how Aunt Maye, Boffler, and JoStoy are doing? Ladies, HNY to you too!
    "Only love can be divided endlessly, and still not diminish." ~ Anne Morrow Lindbergh

  • #2
    Good Morning, and HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone!

    Guess what? It is snowing here today. It is a light snowfall, but it definitely is snow.
    Today and tomorrow the temps will be only in the 40’s, nighttime’s in the 20’s. After that the 50’s and 60’s.

    Last night there were a few firecrackers set off between 8-9 p.m., but didn’t hear anything after that.
    Nothing special going on here today.

    Hope it’s the start of a wonderful year for you all.

    About an hour has passed, the temp outside is up to 34°. So our snow turned to rain, and has melted the snow that has already fallen. I’m glad I was up early enough to see it.
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    Last edited by JoGee; 01-01-2019, 08:56 AM.
    Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


    • karlinann
      karlinann commented
      Editing a comment
      Get your shorts out girl!

  • #3
    Morning...I am going into the new year will an allergy attack. I am super allergic to dust...Yesterday when my helper was here I got extra time with her so we tackled my bedroom...and had to pull the bed away from the wall. Where there was a ton of dust bunnies living back there....and now my eyes are swelled and I have a head ache. Not much planned for today...other than laundry and rest


    • karlinann
      karlinann commented
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      I am allergic to dust also. Next time wear a mask. You will be amazed!

  • #4
    HAPPY NEW YEAR! and a Good Morning to you all!

    Yesterday I just plugged along. I didn't get the cookie doughs mixed that I had hoped, but I did get the replacement lemon bars made and a pan of magic bars made. Fortunately for me the customer who gets the lemon bars is coming up this way to take their dog to the vet tomorrow morning, so he'll stop and get them. I tasted a corner, and they taste fine...this time. Darn sea salt! So glad I didn't make that mistake when I was making massive amounts of dough & cookies. Learning experience.

    I made a stir fry for dinner and boy did it taste good. Feels good to be cooking real food again. Blaise got his requested CB raviolis for dinner, and I made my spinach dip for the evening munching. Blaise was being a turd with a real attitude, so I sent him to his room until it was time to watch a movie with me. Well he had fallen asleep, so Cork and I watched a show together then he went to bed. I had the evening all to myself. Watched the Great British Cooking Show...nice! Only one person set off some fire crackers at midnight.

    This morning I had Cork put the pork on at 6am when he got up. I had it all prepped in the roaster pan and in the refrig so all he had to do was put the pan into the unit & plug it in. We will be going to my brother Tom's for a 1pm dinner with whatever family can come. All of us older adults will be there, but some of our kids can't. I know Makenz already headed back home on Sunday, and Becca has to work 11-7. Kathy is iffy. Depends on Matt & if he has a hangover. (rolling eyes) We babysat Oliver for Becca, so she'll come down after work and get him. She was going to her best friend's for the evening last night and then was getting home this morning, then going to work. I offered to have him. He sure is a booger at bedtime. He doesn't just jump into bed and sleep. You KNOW he's there and fusses for at least 15 minutes before settling down.

    Besides the meat & sauerkraut, I'm taking some cookies, candied yams, a couple different kinds of veggies, and a broccoli salad. I wasn't told to make the yams & salad, but I was hungry for them. Oh...and applesauce. You can't have pork w/o it. My nephew will then be heading back to Cleveland for maybe the last time. His last day of work with his current company is Jan 11th, then he's moving back here Jan 12th and will be starting his new job Jan 14th. It'll be nice having him back in the area. At the big family gathering last Thursday, we were all asking Kiel (Aunt Maye's one grandson) to move back here. Since his Dad (Aunt M's son #2) moved to Colorado, there is no close family anymore where he's living. He said he's going to see about putting his house on the market. He's so lovable and very family oriented. It's an honor and good feeling when that generation WANTS to be around us. Neither one of our girls wanted to be far from us, though sometimes we wished Kathy would be farther away.

    Oh...Aunt Janet & Uncle Dave might be coming to the dinner today, depending on how Uncle D is feeling.

    Have a good one all!


    • maxie
      maxie commented
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      No one can stop you cooking can they? And here we can't find anyone to pull out a pan...!
      Happy New Year Donna!

    • cookielady
      cookielady commented
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      I'm done cooking and nobody better expect me to cook anything for the next couple of days. Even got Cork's food ready for work when he goes back tomorrow. Once I get in the cooking mode, I'm good to go, but sometimes there is no mood for it. It feels good to have the energy to cook after all those many many months of endless baking.

  • #5
    Good morning! Have no idea what this year will bring but last year went out with a bang! We had a lot of rain yesterday morning and Sierra had an auto accident. Her car is totaled and she has a concussion and a couple of chipped teeth...bruises and bumps kept appearing through the night and we have no idea why her face is swollen but thankfully x-rays and scans showed she is ok. A wonderful couple saw it happen and pulled her from the car and made the appropriate calls. The firemen said there had been another accident there earlier in the morning under the same circumstances. Mommy dearest sister and nephew came to the hospital and Sierra's other grandmother...lots of family came together and sat yesterday so I hope Sierra realizes how lucky she is and how fast family appears. We were able to compare notes about the bf situation and evidently it is not just us that hate him. He showed at the hospital but since he is not driving and his mode of transportation was laying in the emergency room he was at our mercy. Jon took him after dropping me and Sierra home to clean out her car. She had so much stuff in her car that needed removed so he had bf climb into the car and then he dropped him home. She has two weeks concussion protocol and obviously no car so maybe we will not be seeing him for a while, please please please!. I will not be hauling him around and he certainly will not be staying overnights here. Jon was so calm and talked with the police and called insurance and dealt with was his day off yesterday and I think he was glad to work today. She had me hopping last night but her nerves were shot and she is in pain. One of the firemen said she had an angel on her shoulder for sure.

    So we end the year on a bad note but hopefully will be starting the new one on a positive note. I did not hear any festivities around here so must have been quiet in the neighborhood. Tree is still up so maybe some evening this week. I am really ready to have it all gone now. Cold and gloomy this morning..typical day! Going in to shower and be ready for what the day brings. Thank goodness I had gotten an early start yesterday...ya just never know!

    Have a good New Year!


    • karlinann
      karlinann commented
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      Oh my gosh! Girl, I am going to send some kismet your way cuz you definitely need it. Poor Sierra!

    • cookielady
      cookielady commented
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      Oh poor Sierra! What a terrible way to end a year. Didn't you just put tires on that car? Hydroplaning scares the crap out of me. It's as bad as ice. She surly did have her guardian angel working overtime yesterday. I always tell my girls, you never wake up and say that it's a good day to be in an accident or to die. It happens in a blink of an eye. I learned that lesson very early in life. Glad Jon was off so he could deal with things.

    • Paula A
      Paula A commented
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      Oh, what an awful thing to happen, but so thankful it was no worse. Prayers for her recovery and thanks for her protection!

  • #6
    Maxie I am so glad that Sierra is ok...If you don't mind me asking how did it happen?


    • maxie
      maxie commented
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      Beth, she came over a bridge and hydroplaned into the bridge railing then the car rolled over several times. She was so lucky and we are incredibly thankful to the couple who stopped.

  • #7
    Oh, maxie, I am still reeling with the news of Sierra's accident I just read. Having gone through a daughter in a car accident I am just so thankful she was protected. And as you said, grateful for that couple who helped her. She will certainly be in my prayers.

    JoG, I just read what you said about your bank. That is a great bank to call and ask about your signature.

    Well, it was a loud, scare the dogs night here. One little dog kept jumping up and trying to find a hiding place ( I think) to get away from the noise and it kept me getting up all night to try and comfort and quiet her.
    But all is quiet this morning. Not a creature is stirring in the neighborhood, that is for sure.

    Yesterday I took some craft supplies to a lady at church. She is a recent widow ( he died unexpectedly last summer). I had never been to her house. It is a very small house and her bedroom is an add on room that probably has very little insulation. It was chilly in there and that is one of the things I was going to check on. She needs some help but I am not sure how and what to do. I could tell she moved up way more stuff than she has room for. Not too much furniture, but stuff in boxes, and I would not have taken over the things I had if I had known. It isn't as bad as Hoarders on tv, but kind of close. She told us (Becky was with me) that she has to have more surgery the end of this month. I am not even sure what can be done. If she could move into a Senior apt that would help her heat problem and maybe she would realize she doesn't have room for all the things that are on the floor of the house. But what I know from experience is it is very hard to part with anything that is part of your attachment to the person who died. Her husband moved up here and lived in that little house with her.

    Sorry to put this our here, but it helps to talk things over here.
    Today is take down the rest of the tree. I did go to HOme depot and got a big enough tub for all the ornaments and bubble wrap and now to just gt it done.
    We also went to the hospital after visitingthe other lady and after we were in the room talking for a few minutes, the friend we were checking on said, Oh, you probably should put on a mask. Really? You waited to tell us this? And there was no sign and the masks were not out in view...I did as soon as she said it and then really washed up when I got home. I used hand sanitizer in the car...
    and wokeup in thenight with a scratchy throat and cough.
    I really think the hospital whould have them at the front where they do have hand sanitizer (which Iused but thought it was to protect the patients from us!) and a big sign telling visitors there are flu patients...ugh.
    Gosh, I am starting off the year ona very negative note. So sorry!

    So forget about all the above and I am taking Zicam and probiotics which always have done their job.

    Happy New Year (and I won't even mention I could not find the Rose Parade listed on the tv schedule anywhere!)


    • karlinann
      karlinann commented
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      I thought every hospital had the sanitizer outside every patient room on the wall and when flu season is in they should have a sign on the unit somewhere in the hall close to the elevators that reminds you to grab a mask. I have started wearing a mask when I see my PCP in January or February, which it usually falls in one of those months, just because I know I got that bad viral infection because everybody was coughing in the doc's office and they didn't wear a mask.

      Anytime you go to the hospital I recommend wearing a mask during flu season. You can always say you are protecting the patient.

      Oh and I would definitely recommend to the hospital to put that sanitizer outside each room. MRSA is a bad mamajama. Be sure not to touch anything if you can help it.

      The lady at church who needs help probably is a hoarder and she will be difficult to convince to purge, but what I would do is have a group of friends to offer to help her donate his items to the church and maybe take coffee and donuts and make a little get together out of it. She may be willing to downsize, purge, donate, and get organized if she gets free assistance. About the add on being cold I don't know what I would suggest, but my sisters swear by heating blankets and they are making them better now and affordable. Hope this helps.
      Last edited by karlinann; 01-01-2019, 01:29 PM.

  • #8
    I am worn out y'all. Early this morning I cooked bkfst. Hash browns, sausage patties, biscuits and gravy. We can't eat eggs anymore, but wish I could.

    After bkfst I showered and went outside and my neighbor who gave me all those Tee Tree Olives came out to put her dogs in and said she was going to cut down the remaining TTO that I couldn't get out last spring and the Camellia Bush and I said I'd try to get them both out. Well, I dug out the TTO and got it planted and watered in and put mulch around all of those 6 bushes, but I could not get that Camellia out. It is gigantic and the roots are huge. It did not budge one iota. So I trimmed it up good for her so she can get around the doggie fenced in area.

    That TTO is about 5 ft and I sure hope it survives. It is also in full bloom and smells divine.

    After all that exhausting work I was ready to quit, but after lunch DH took all the ornaments off the tree and we took that down and put it away. I am strongly considering giving all my Xmas stuff to the thrift shop and just having a tiny little table top tree next year.

    Thank goodness I don't have to cook much for our dinner. My greens will be sautéed spinach, I already have the glazed ham cooked, I will bake a sweet potato for DH and we will have corn on the cob. Panettone for dessert. Did I say I'm worn out. I do not have any black eyed peas or cornbread, but whatever.
    "Only love can be divided endlessly, and still not diminish." ~ Anne Morrow Lindbergh


    • #9
      My family laughs at me because I have sanitizer in all my coats and car and purse...yet they are always asking for some. Go figure! Sierra and I had gone out to eat the other day and had to wait to be seated and some little kid was hacking. I am always telling Andrew to wash his hands with soap or handing him sanitizer. If he has a bad cough we do carry out. There is nothing wrong with being leery of germs and why I take the earliest doctor appointment I can get.

      It took me many years and not until I moved here to dispose of all my husbands belongings. Even the smallest things have a memory or thought attached. A senior apartment sounds ideal to this lady Paula.

      Well we found the reason for Sierra's face being so swollen...she moved her hair to eat this morning and a huge purple bruise rides her jaw line from ear to chin. No wonder she wanted soft food. She sent a pic of it to her mom because it is a beauty. Her mom says she contacted one of the fire departments to see if they knew the people who stopped to help and they had a name but not an address. So she and her sister will continue the search. Mommy dearest said she did thank the fire departments. You know this is rural and small town and all these departments are volunteer. You just should go out of your way to say thanks and support their fund raisers and I guess sometimes we don;t go out of our way enough to do that.

      Never did make my soup and too late today so maybe Jon will go out for Subway after work. Sierra loves their cream of broccoli soup. Coffee break is over..still no sun but no rain or snow either so that is good.

      And remember we can never have enough hand sanitizer.......


      • #10
        Yes, it is a good bank, Paula. We have been their customers about 45 years.
        One of our daughters uses them, and when she found out how her ex was stealing from their account, leaving her and their daughter with almost nothing, and cheating on her. She called the bank and they gave her every safety measure and made sure he couldn’t touch her accounts. Plus gave her advice how to handle her situation and where else she could go for help. She and her kids (who he also stole from) have totally written him off. They all have new addresses now.

        Thanks for the picture you described of the woman from your church. I have fresh motivation now.
        what is slowing us down at the moment, but E has been getting signs of SVT (?) discomfort. Like he had the day he retired, and had to spend a night at the hospital. He will be checking with a doctor soon, but he’s been better when not exerting himself. So I’m not pushing it.
        I’ve been getting a-fib lately....I think it’s what it is. I just haven’t said anything here because I don’t want to see THAT heart doctor they had sent me to before. My last checkup with him was good, til I was ready to leave and he caught one stupid pulse beat and he’s ready to put me into surgery. Well the exam table was at an angle, and I’d started to slip off. Anyone would have a heart beat in that instance. I just don’t trust that guy.

        Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


        • Paula A
          Paula A commented
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          Jo, I cracked up at your opening remark.
          I know a year after Gary did I was feeling down and was watching a Hoarders Marathon and quit watching sometime the first day and purged all weekend!
          Nothing like a hefty dose of “ there, it for the grace of God go I” to scare and motivate me!