Woe, has this week sped by!
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Friday 11/2’
You are right Paula the week has gone by quickly...now for my work day to go just as quickly! I am looking forward to this evening and tomarrow..we are having the women's retreat at church....I usually learn a lot and have a good time when I go...I will be home around 4 tomorrow.
The dog thinks she has me fooled because I give her treats whenever she comes back in from outside. She rings the bell, goes out and Immediately starts scratching to come back in for a treat! I am going to miss her almost as much as the boys. Puppies are just fun!
Drizxly out today but I am enjoying it.
Yesterday we went shopping but I didn’t find anything I wanted to buy. We ate at the Cheesecake Factory and I had a seared ahi tuna salad that was so good! I had never eaten tuna like that but will if I get the chance. We shared cheesecake because all three of us are trying to diet but decided we needed to taste the cheesecake!
Tonight it will be dinner at their favorite burger restaurant and then I will be packing up for the trip home tomorrow.
i hope you all are doing well!
Good Friday Morning...
have miserable looking sky ..dark gray ,overcast.. and DAvid wants to go to Walmart!.. it's not raining yet... I hate driving in rain.
This is wedding weekend. Granddaughter Carrie is getting married tomorrow.. Unusual time of day... 11 am , forenoon.. I have never been to a formal wedding. held in the morning... . everything being held in fiance's local Country club. Lunch will follow . then we party for a while... the couple will leave early, they have reservation at an overnight room at the Pitts. airport .then taking the early morning flight out to ?????. Carrie's brother will staying with us tonight.. His wife is a bridesmaid and will be staying with the other girls.. Grandson Kiel is driving here ,this evening .. .expect him to arrive about 1-2 am....He will stay until Monday .Not much cooking involved.. thanks to frozen pizzas....
we have 9 grandchildren.. 5 males ,4 females. only 2 of the guys are married, (in their 30's now)..4 girls were youngest and one of them has a fiances, live together partner.. and now Carrie is getting married... very slow reproducing bunch!!..
Time to get organized , get to Walmart ,and get home for what will be a much needed nap..
see you all later.
Foggy morning...my sister sent a picture early this morning of the sun rising while the barns were under the fog. Gorgeous! Just ugly fog here and a good sleep in morning. We are going out to lunch but Sierra has already told us it has to be a quickie...so tired of being held to her rules. Her uncle will not stay quiet if she rushes him. If he leaves to go home from the restaurant I think I will run into Kohl's which I cannot do if Miss Quickie is along.
Plenty of left overs for supper tonight so no cooking. I am not even to to heat it up...they can fill a plate and stick it in the microwave like someone did last night. Time to put the pumpkins away. Scott came in yesterday and said he listened to Christmas music already on the car radio. Actually I like Christmas music and never tire of it. Jon showed me there is a station on the tv that plays Christmas music...I knew it played oldies but this is a pleasant surprise.
Well, guess I will go read what is happening in the world this morning. Local and national news is all election. No one knows who will vote for who...people say they want change but get into the booth and vote the same old crap in. Yesterday the mailbox was full of political junk that no one reads. I feel sorry for the mail lady who has to deliver that stuff. Plus all the packages that are coming in the mail now with Christmas coming. Our lady is so nice and she had to get out of the car in the cold and rain yesterday to hand me a package of junk from Bath and Body...I really felt bad...I smell good but felt bad about it..ya know?
Cookie, made a pie yesterday! Cherry. I usually pick up the pre rolled crust in a box but picked up the pre made in a pan instead. The crusts were so thick I could not form it over the top of the fillings and it ended up a mess. Andrew had the nerve to ask if there was something wrong with the pie or was it just ugly. It cooked over and I gotta admit it would have won a prize in the most ugly contest. I'd rather eat pie than bake pie and this pie ate just fine.
Nothing going on today. Everyone is working this weekend so I will have plenty of time for laundry and cleaning. Need to call for a haircut and the credit card I use for on line ordering came in...didn't open it yesterday so will sneak up on it later. That is always one scary bill! Have a wonderful day everyone.
Good morning.
i am the sleepyhead today. Got up during the night, cold, and threw a blanket on the bed. It was 45° last night. Today will begin a week of high temps in the low 80’s. Definitely the cooler weather is setting in.
The birds seem to have all taken off in their migration flights.
It looks awfully breezy out today. I don’t need to go out in that.....whatever it stirs up will have me sneezing.
i cancelled my PT for today. With my stomach distress, I don’t want to be embarrassed by any “accidents”.
Oh, E saw his surgeon. No need for surgery, but they reviewed his exercises. He will do okay.
Maye, at midday, your granddaughter should get some beautiful photographs. I love wedding cakes....I have baked my share of them, too. One daughter had a Halloween wedding, and I made a cake topper of a bride & groom skeleton from some skeleton earrings. It was an instant hit! Have a good time at the wedding.
Maxie, the pie sounds good. It doesn’t have to be pretty to taste good. So more for you! Right?
Paula, it sounds like you had a great vacation....much needed, I am sure. Have a safe trip home.
Not sure what today will bring. I still feel sleepy.
have a good day, everyone.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Create a beautiful day wherever you go.