Good morning...couple claps of thunder threw me out of bed but no rain. My two workers are gone and the patient still in bed. It is nice and quiet for the only time today!
Yesterday was a day of running around. Sierra had car trouble and we got the part and Andrew's uncle came and fixed it but now the battery is dead so they need to run out for one after work. That means I have no car...oh well. Scott could not walk out of here into a car anyway but he is getting better on the crutches. The tickets for Fright Night at Six Flags are ordered so my crew is doing that in October. Our 'mechanic' would not take pay so Jon is taking his son, Andrew's cousin, with them. I am not a big fan of kids but I do like this one....he is very out spoken for a 12 year old and cracks me up. The boys are close and it makes the group 4 instead of 3.
At&t is now taken care of. Sierra is on her dad's plan and her new phone has to be ordered and will be here next week. She takes her charger with her everywhere. Be nice to know she has a dependable phone. I am also on his plan now and will have stuff on my gps and face book and she told me I have movies. Holy Crap! You watch movies on your phone? Sierra showed me how to use the gps last night so that will be a good thing to have.
Andrew has a noon dismissal today so will be here around one. He will have to walk up from the bus stop since no one will have a car this afternoon. I feel bad about that but what ya gonna do? I know I am not cooking since it is Friday. I am thinking grilled cheese and I can put french fries in the air cooker. Scott is wanting ice cream so a DQ run may end the day.
So it is very early here..before 6AM and still dark. I am going to curl up on the couch and watch the news and enjoy the peace.
Enjoy the day everyone!
Yesterday was a day of running around. Sierra had car trouble and we got the part and Andrew's uncle came and fixed it but now the battery is dead so they need to run out for one after work. That means I have no car...oh well. Scott could not walk out of here into a car anyway but he is getting better on the crutches. The tickets for Fright Night at Six Flags are ordered so my crew is doing that in October. Our 'mechanic' would not take pay so Jon is taking his son, Andrew's cousin, with them. I am not a big fan of kids but I do like this one....he is very out spoken for a 12 year old and cracks me up. The boys are close and it makes the group 4 instead of 3.
At&t is now taken care of. Sierra is on her dad's plan and her new phone has to be ordered and will be here next week. She takes her charger with her everywhere. Be nice to know she has a dependable phone. I am also on his plan now and will have stuff on my gps and face book and she told me I have movies. Holy Crap! You watch movies on your phone? Sierra showed me how to use the gps last night so that will be a good thing to have.
Andrew has a noon dismissal today so will be here around one. He will have to walk up from the bus stop since no one will have a car this afternoon. I feel bad about that but what ya gonna do? I know I am not cooking since it is Friday. I am thinking grilled cheese and I can put french fries in the air cooker. Scott is wanting ice cream so a DQ run may end the day.
So it is very early here..before 6AM and still dark. I am going to curl up on the couch and watch the news and enjoy the peace.
Enjoy the day everyone!