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TGIF.....Friday Jan 26th

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  • TGIF.....Friday Jan 26th

    Good Morning! It's finally a sunny one. Was really getting tired of the dreariness, but at least we had some snow floating through the air to brighten it a bit.

    ​Yesterday was good. Started the day off with Bible study. My SIL invited me up afterward (a half mile from the church) for lunch, then I headed to Giant Eagle to pick up the rest of the supplies for Sunday's Meet & Greet luncheon. Came home and got busy baking off some more cookie dough. I got complaints from the little peanut gallery about having leftovers. TO BAD! I wouldn't turn on the power to the living room until he ate his dinner. Got the laundry all caught up yesterday. Spent part of the evening working on the eyeglasses.

    ​I actually don't HAVE to go anywhere today. Will bake off the rest of the cookie dough and maybe mix up some more to work on this weekend. Now I am going to zip over to Friedman's to see if they have any good sales. Tomorrow is their last day to be open. Kind of sad, but they did this to themselves. Need to remember kitty food since there is none left. Will have to come up with some FRESH food for dinner. I did clean out the refrig of questionable containers last night.

    Have a good one all!

  • #2
    Good morning

    as Donna said,, sunshine!... I love the fact that she lives 2 1/2 min from my house!... after years of being here and there,, she is Home.
    ....if my energy level stays up , I may just visit her this afternoon..
    David will want to Roam Somewhere today... Library for sure, it is in the same town as the groc store Donna mentioned.. so I might stop there to bid them farewell....

    this has been a reading week. cold. dark.. I did run the sweeper... with a white haired cat and a dark green carpet ,,,it does tell everyone whether you have cleaned or not!. .

    Elaine, hope you two are feeling ok?.

    has anyone reported they have had the flu in their households ? ... .or did we all get our shots?..

    heres goe... hope it post.


    • #3
      I am at urgent care as I they swabbed my throat to test for strep....they also tested for the flu. I feel horrible. It hurts to even swallow my own spit.


      • Paula A
        Paula A commented
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        Oh, I am so glad you went in! this flu is nothing to wait out.
        Prayers youwill get better soon!

    • #4
      I did get my shot, Maye, but the flu that is causing so much trouble in CA is not one that the shot vaccine a lot of hand washing and yesterday I started some Zicam because my new child was coughing Again! It is really hard to get a 2 1/2 year old to remember to not cough all over you. She tries and I am just doing all I canto stay out of her direct path.

      TGIF is right! I saw a blog of ideas and recipes that is called TGIF for This Granny Is Fun! It reminded me of Donna and what I want to be, even if I have to do it from a distance.

      I had bags of canned goods ready to be picked up for donation and the person didn't come by to get it. She is a police officer so not sure if her day went long or if she forgot, but now I have to go get it out of the daycare entry...It is easier to use because of no step to the door or (the real reason) no Chihuahua to deal with. I have my gate to keep the dogs out of the daycare. They think every toy is a chew toy for dogs.

      Going over all my purchases from last year and seeing where I can easily cut costs. Some are small but every little bit helps!

      It is the Red Bluff Bull Sale and lots of people in town. Hotels and restaurants filled to the max and lots going on. I will be around home for the most part and enjoying a day or two with very little on my Must Do list. Becky's schedule has changed significantly and that impacts mine in small ways like after daycare appointments. So I am making sure I buy all the food we need in daycare for the week. Milk being the one thing we run out of because I really don't like buying 4 gallons all at once, but I also don't like going to the store after 7:00pm, just because it is so dark out and in winter, rainy. I can't believe after all the years of drought I am even saying that! I am just not a night driver any more.

      Well, I am off to get things opened and those bags of food moved.
      Let the sunshine in and have a good day!


      • #5
        Good morning.
        No flu here, but on the windy days I seem to sneeze with allergies. Whatever. We did get our flu shots....we do every fall.

        Well, we’ve both made dents in the discarding area. They’re probably beginning to recognize E at Goodwill now, as he’s been taking bags and boxes of stuff there. The LR is getting cluttered with boxes of things he will be taking to the kids in Phx.
        One of these days he will have to donate our excess of books to the library.
        He’s also got plaques and awards from the various places he’s worked. He’s debating whether to just trash them or what. Some were expertly handmade by people he has worked with. He’s put them all aside in a box for now.

        Well, nothing exciting going on here. I’m afraid it will be the same humdrum around here for a while yet.

        Guess I’ll just grab some breakfast and then get busy again.

        Have a great day. ☀️
        Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


        • Paula A
          Paula A commented
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          I am with Jostoy: keep the plaques and awards and we will all help think up how to display them. At least the ones that mean the most.
          And last of all, people buy those to display and add some glitz to their own family tree!

      • #6
        Good morning all.

        No flu shot for me. Have never had one. I just try to stay clear of others. If I hear anyone coughing or sneezing in front of me in a line, I move to another one.

        ​JoG, it would be a shame for E to give up his awards and plaques. If you move to a 2 bedroom, hang them on the wall. Or, if that is impossible, then take pictures of them so he can still have his memories. Mine hang on my walls in the computer room.

        ​Will be going up near Terre Haute after while to stop at the camper place. My vent on the top of the camper broke this fall so I need to replace it. I hope to be able to get a metal one so the sun doesn't make the plastic so brittle. I don't know if an acorn or limb broke it. But the camper is a 2001, and things don't last forever. I might even get the cover that lets you keep the vent up, and yet doesn't allow it to rain in. Depends on the cost.

        Time to get my rear in gear. Everyone have a good day.
        Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured.


        • #7
          Afternoon... Stated out sunny then the gloom and even a sprinkle moved in. Cooler out but not deep freeze cold. Winter is so long and gloomy and long and long and long.

          Yesterday was a nice day. Lots of eating and laughs and actually very little shopping. I did buy a beautiful poppy wreath and when I looked around my sister had the same wreath in her cart. Like minds for sure! We always go to At Home on our trips and the Spring things and furniture is coming out. Then we had to leave for lunch! While at the mall we got a text about a favorite uncle passing and then Jon texted that a dear friend from the past also died. They were that special couple you started out being young marrieds with and we were young, working and childless together. Lots of memories.

          Received the instructions for Monday's big finish to the heart test this morning so will be ready to get this all over with. I think some of the problem is stress but must face the fact that parents and grandparents had heart disease and need to get it checked out. After all these years of being healthy guess it is time for a checkup.

          All three of us have had the flu shot and are so far healthy..knock on wood!.. With Sierra working fast food and being in and out of classrooms I would expect her to bring it in but not so far. I always use the disinfectant wipes for the carts and get aggravated when the stores do not keep them filled. Good thing I have pockets full purex!

          Need to switch out laundry but no need to fix a meal. Did iron this morning and Sierra and I went out for is cooling so maybe I need to find a blanket and take a nap. After I tell the thermostat to remember I am home. Darn thing always forgets!

          Get well Beth and all of you take care and dodge those flu bugs..

