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Veteran's Day 2017

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  • Veteran's Day 2017

    Good morning...with it being veteran's day I have to work this morning..we are having a half price sale day at the store. I don't much like sale days elspecially sale days that fall on the weekend..seems to bring all the not so nice not so smart customers out. It will be ok..I only have to be there for my normal shift....

    Yesterday was already crazy at work...I don't know why but it seemed that after the store opened for the day I would begin work in an aisle and immediately enough customers would come to that aisle to get in my way. I finally got done though..

    I volunteered yesterday and that was great...and took my nieces to the movies last night...Reagan my youngest niece really liked it....I am not sure how the 15 year old felt about it....I thought it was ok...

    Jogee Please thank your hubby for his services to our country.

    I better get going.

  • #2
    Thank you, Beth. I’ll pass it on to him. 😀
    Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


    • #3
      Add my thank you, Jo, and to all others who served or whose husband or child served: as a Navy kid I saw from my perspective what my father did and what my mother did when he was out to sea. I saw life on base and life off base and That gave me a wonderful perspective on how my life is blessed because of the Liberty others have defended.\

      Today is cloudy and cool. Hopefully, not a lot of wind. I am kind of a wind wimp....I better breakout my knitted cloche style cap for those days.

      The dinner got to the shelter in time and once again, I made mine too heavy. I thought I had it lighter, but I am going to buy some smaller disposable pans and use two so I don't have to struggle with getting the roaster size out of the oven and into the car. I have a month to get it figured out.

      Not much planned for today. After two big expensive trips to Walmart(I am like maxie: go in for a few things and buy a whole slew of other things!), I am out of foil, Tide and I may go to another store and not deal with the crowds. This is the season that I can spend too much money and none of it is for gifts!
      So many glittery or yummy things to tempt me.

      I don't think I have much baking planned this weekend. I am clearing out space in my outside refrigerator and clearing the counter space in the kitchen. I sat in the chair at the dining table where we always seat a guest and saw the view of the kitchen: too cluttered. I have two blenders on the counter! And all those protein drink I am using today to clean up, clear up and be ready for the holidays. More room to bake and not feel cramped.

      Have a good day, Friends, and I will be checking back in later.


      • #4
        Good afternoon everyone...

        I am like Paula A..I spend too much at Wa-mart..But it was Christmas gifts...I am making homemade gifts..Like wreaths etc...

        Then i had my little helpers..And make dolls for food on foot...They did so much for "US"...So i return the favor...I have two more to do..

        I had to hurry up to make wreath for this couple..They did so much for us..I use my leftover fabric to make this wreath...And it is purple...And it turn out like that..It took me all whole day..But i am done..
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        • Paula A
          Paula A commented
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          That is wonderful! I love wreaths! I used grapevines at the end of the season to shape a couple of wreaths. One will be a winter wreath for my mom and one for my friend. I made her a Fall wreath a year ago and I want to decorate one for her to change it out.

        • sassygirl01
          sassygirl01 commented
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          AWW..Thank-you...Me too...that is good idea...I use up all my scraps of fabric and lace......You are sweet...Your mother will loved it...that would be pretty to see..That "NEW" one....