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Tuesday Nov. 7

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  • Tuesday Nov. 7

    I am not sure if this is ok; is it just whomever gets here first and starts writing for the day?

    It is much colder at night and all our animals are happy to snuggle in the dog blankets and hurry up outside and come right back in, no lingering around the yard.

    The cookies Becky took to the shelter were a big hit, so I guess using a brownie mix and adding chocolate chips was ok. I am still looking for a homemade version of the cookie I had in Utah. I did ask Judy Garcia, but she didn't I will keep looking on Pinterest.

    Maxie, has your son found food and menus for his new way of eating?

    I have a mom coming to meet me today who wants fulltime care for her 2 year old girl. Her work schedule is a little longer than what I would want, but I am going to talk to her and see if it feels right. She is coming today around 4:30 so I am going to ask if that is something she can have in her schedule when I have an appointment after daycare...if you can get here today at that time then I am thinking you can manage your work around my time once in every two weeks!

    I hope Sharon, your pain is bearable until they get it taken care of!

    I have some beautiful music on right now: Brian Crain, a pianist, and if you need a moment to quiet the turmoil, he can do it!
    I hope and pray you all have a good day!

  • #2
    Good morning, everyone.

    Hi Paula. Yes, that's it....first to come, first to post.
    I slept in this morning. The sun is coming up later now, but also today is quite overcast. Hard to judge the time when the sunshine takes a day off.
    I bet that mom will agree to the occasional day you need.

    Nothing much planned for today. Just do whatever there is to do.

    Sharon, I hope you're having that pain taken care of, and will be feeling the improvement today.

    Thursday I go see me Hematologist/Oncologist and get my blood panel done. I have his last appointment of the day, but need the blood work done an hour earlier. Naturally, I'm hoping for a good reading, and no return of bad cells. I try not to think too much about that.

    I ordered from Amazon shampoo that reverses the effects of hard water. My hairdresser would have a fit if I told her. From her I get "nourishing, organic" hair products, and they're good ones; but iI like to alternate with this other shampoo. Actually, she can't tell the difference when I alternate. And I love the citrus smell of this other one.

    Maxie, you can google the Mayo Clinic for diabetic menus and recipes. But it's good that Jon has a handle on his "good foods & bad foods" and can skip what he shouldn't eat.

    Elaine, I hope John is doing better.

    To everyone, have a great day! ☀️
    Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


    • #3
      My little iPad is horrible about posting here, but I forgot to charge my other one.
      (I really need to get E to set up my laptop. I'm not good at it.)

      To post on this little iPad, I type my message, copy it, log out, log back in, paste in my message, then post.
      If I just type and post, I get that "ALERT" notice that doesn't say what the alert is. Crazy, huh?
      Well, now I figured out this stupid iPad's procedure, that's what I do when I have to use it.
      Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


      • #4
        Morning. Slept in much later this morning so maybe I am settling into a winter schedule. We had the best time shopping yesterday and I am down to our kids. I found a couple of stocking stuffers for Andrew but we were noticing that many stores are delaying putting out a full Christmas push. is nice people are appreciating the holidays as individuals and not bombarding us with Christmas sales and music but the con...when you are trying to early Christmas shop you want to see the items and the sales and see a tree and hear the music! Another example of me never being happy!! But it was very productive for all three of us even if we did not fill the trunk.....this time!

        Sun is shining but have no temp idea. Swearing off the news for a while. I am just sick of hearing the same old crap after a mass shooting and Congress not doing anything. You want a gun to hunt fine, I am not against a gun owner and hunter, but you do not need an automatic that is capable of killing 26 people in a matter of seconds to shoot a deer or squirrel? So I am done with the news for the week and that means no weather so I will be like the old timers and rely on my aching bones and the color of the sky to determine the weather forecast this week. I have noting against the press but just do not want to hear it.

        Today I will drag out that roast from last week and finish cooking it. Evidently they had taco salad last night and I see that Jon's sugar reading was very high last night. The cookbooks we ordered finally came after being lost in the mail. Have found some foods on pinterest and all in all his sugar is coming down nicely...until last night. I have been reading packages and do you now who much time that adds to grocery shopping and how much of our food is full of sugar? It is a wonder people do not go into withdrawal when they cut it our of their diets!

        No plans for today but the laundry that did not get done yesterday. May run our for gift cards...have never run the vacuum so that is always something to kill time doing. Hockey tonight. Have a great day folks!!


        • #5
          Good Morning nothing new here. Told Candie last night that I resisted her Grandma. Neighbor put out some what looked to be kitchen cabinets, every time I looked out the kitchen window I could hear my mom saying "those look to be in pretty good shape, if they are you need to get them, somebody may need them later on." But I didn't walk over there not did I have DJ do it. Yes I come from pack rats, in their defense they grew up poor during the depression with the mind set of if it could be used don't throw it away, keep it until you find someone who needs it.


          • #6
            Afternoon! I saw the first snowflakes of the season just about an hour again. They are still dropping here & there, but not laying. BRRRRR!!!!

            Yesterday I baked off the sugar cookie dough & got the 40 doz needed. Aunt J came and scooped shortening balls and took sugar cookies off the baking stones as they finished. When she left, I was so tired, I laid down and took a 1 hr nap. Then it was back to baking. Did make a good dinner for us all. Continued working after I got Blaise to bed.

            Slept in this morning, but we still had 20 minutes before the bus came, so all was good. Sue came today and we worked together for 4 hrs. Got all the doughs scooped and some baked off. Now I'm just baking the rest of them off. Tomorrow we will put the finishing touches on them.

            Becca went & looked at 2 of the houses on her list with the realtor. I prayed that the decisions were obvious, and they were. Both were a big ole NO! Pictures on line are very deceiving. The second one was better than it looked online, but there were puddles of water in the basement....thank goodness for all the rain we had the last few days because it showed that problem very clearly. Plus it wouldn't pass the inspection when she'd go for her loan.

            Back to work. Have a good one all! Worried that Sharon hasn't checked in today. Her appointment isn't until tomorrow.

