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E’s Surgery 😷

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  • E’s Surgery 😷

    So it was done by noon today. He is concerned that he has even less movement in his hand now, but the doc thinks the blocks and meds need to wear off. All I can say is “time will tell. He has a heavier duty sling for his arm. He’s disappointed that they weren’t able to fix his rotator cuff and that his hand feels pretty useless. He will go for PT when they clear it for him.

    I feel I’ve let him down. I ate a breakfast sandwich from the cafeteria. I didn’t finish it, as I was feeling nauseous. Then I had heavy chills. My sinus’ began running, then I coughed up a lot of phlegm. When it was time to take him home, I grabbed my purse and his computer bag. I got quite dizzy, and had to sit a bit. I made it to the parking lot without my back and legs giving out. I was so very tired, not having gotten hardly any sleep the previous night. Dropped off his prescriptions, then we got home and I had a heavy nap. Feeling better now. I guess I picked up a bug at the hospital. He was good at guiding me home without using the interstate.

    Niece (a nurse) told me I was probably dehydrated from stress. And that he needs to be patient for all the meds to wear off.

    My kids say I’m too hard on myself. My body and immune system are weak. That their dad seems to be doing normally, needs to let meds wear off, which may or may not take longer than he likes. One says PT will be invaluable to him when they clear it for him. She’s my PT expert.
    Create a beautiful day wherever you go.

  • #2
    It would be NICE if one of the kids would come & take care of you two for a few days. Glad he made it through surgery OK. Why couldn't they repair his RC?


    • #3
      Glad surgery went well, and just remind him it isn't a magic thing, he has to give it and himself time. Not glad you had a spell.


      • #4
        Come to think of it, they didn’t exactly tell me. Must be the way he fell on it. They did remove a lot of spurs, cleaned up some jagged ends, took care of some arthritic problem. They did mention a piece of bone that broke and couldn’t be reattached. Something on that order. He might not have good use of his arm. His hand is just starting to work again, so that should turn out okay.

        Other than that, my head is just swimming with info to do and see that he follows instructions.
        The only daughter not working is the cripple one, who has a lot of drama going on with her own dd. (Drugs). She doesn’t drive, and last time we got her to help with me, she demanded more help than I did, so E took her back home.
        All the others are working. Our niece is the only one who offered, but she has problems and carries oxygen around, plus she is raising 2 of her own grandkids.
        But she’s at least someone to call on if we need help, and that alone is a relief.
        Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


        • #5
          Glad the surgery is over but so sorry you two are alone in handling this. I do wish someone could have come to help out for a few days. The way doctors throw info out at you when you are worried and stressed calls for an additional pair of ears! Being in your home is a stress re-leaser in itself so both of you rest and heal quickly. Prayers for both of you!!


          • #6
            Today, it turns out, he has full use of the fingers on his right hand, but not the thumb. That will probably improve when the
            "Block" that is numbing his shoulder wears off more. We still need to get his prescriptions, but he's still relaxing, though he insisted he'll go with me. They must've really pumped him full of meds!
            Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


            • #7
              Late evening.. just read this all down.. what a difficult day for you Jo... E. WILL BE alright... he will fight to get back as much movement as he can.

              you two are a Pair and you need him as much as he Needs you...


              • #8
                That’s true, Maye. Thanks.
                Tonight he does have full use of his hand, I’m glad to say. Unfortunately the deep meds are wearing off, and he has to take the pain medications he was given.
                I hope he can sleep better tonight.
                Tomorrow we have to “alter”a couple of shirts to fit over his sling.
                We will see how tomorrow goes.
                Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


                • #9
                  Jo, have not been around and was not aware of this.

                  As they say, "what happens to you, happens to him, and vice/versa. Not easy as we all get older.

                  Hoping for good results. Love you both.


                  • #10
                    Maxi, you’re right. Being home again has helped both of us.

                    Elaine, he’s doing good, so far. He’s sleeping in again this morning. But he’s sleeping better with those pain pills than he has in a while.
                    I know it’ll be a rather long process to heal. He seems to be trying to rush it, but I keep reminding him to just sit down and let me get stuff done without him being underfoot. Or I warn him that maybe rushing things might interfere with his being completely healed, then he will sit and read for a couple of hours. But I know how he feels.
                    You’re right about getting older; we face more “challenges”, or so it seems.

                    Thanks for the good wishes, everyone.
                    Create a beautiful day wherever you go.

