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Saturday - Sept 30th

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  • Saturday - Sept 30th

    Good morning.
    Hey, today's the last day in September!
    We're in Phx this weekend.
    Looks like a nice day ahead, tho' it'll end up somewhere in the 90's.
    It's after 6am right now, but at 7 I'll take a shower and feel ready to face the day.
    I was worried about E packing the car....were unloading stuff onto the kids. 😂
    Anyway, E is only a bit sore today from packing the car, but nothing serious. I watched, and helped when I could. At times he did use my help despite his protest.

    So, busy days ahead. Probably won't see the grandkids much if at all. They're all reaching their 30's now, some have started families, some waiting for the right person to come along.

    That's what's happening here.

    Hope you all have a good day.
    Create a beautiful day wherever you go.

  • #2
    good morning ... now we are going into real Fall..chilly mornings, Maybe warm afternoon.. everything beginning to look "worn -out".. trees, flowers, weeds. sigh sigh.. that dreaded Winter is coming soon...... Think I will take a day and search the e-book locations on the internet for books/authors I might like and make a lonnnnng list. for winter reading .. one big benefit for me is the grass/yard will not be tempting David to over do himself.. he got out and run weedeater yesterday .. the blood pressure had a higher reading last evening.. but within safety range..

    JoG. grandkids do get like that.. mine have.seldom visit, or call.. BUT they take for granted YOU are every so often I text them little brief messages . and they do answer them.. if they only knew how much we would like seeing their Faces huh?.. your unloading "stuff" on them..ummm ,I must do that ,, clear out the shelves and do the same...

    quick trip to library to pick up book I ordered.. run the sweeper ,white cat hair makes that a necessary job. and think of something good to make for main meal..

    be back later to read..


    • #3
      Good Morning. Waiting for son to answer about taking me for bloodwork, forgot yesterday and ate.

      Ellen's bday yesterday, football game last night. Our boys won.

      I'm thinking the whole bed making started before people had actual bedrooms, or doors to them. Both sets of my grandparents had their beds in the living room the people I knew who had bedrooms didn't have inside doors. So company could see the beds. Now days most people just pull the door closed if company comes.


      • Paula A
        Paula A commented
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        That is what I do...not for the bed, because I make it to keep the cat off my sheets and pillow, but because my room has always been the stash it place! I need new blinds in there but I just said I need to clear clutter and the extra things I got form storage that I am still not sure of what to do!

    • #4
      Good Saturday or what I call, Get it done Day! painters should be back today. They came yesterday late afternoon and there was so much hammering I was wondering what part of painting that noise went to. These guys are awesome! They essentially were finishing the outside base of the walls...And noting fell off a shelf this time! I need to go to the store when I finish here to get some soda for them and tell them they can have any of my popsickles. I saw the ice cream truck stop outside and thought it was the little girls across the street, then looked up and saw one guy eating a green popsicle! I have those in my freezer. All colors...

      Sharon posted today on Friday's so you can catch up with her there...always good to hear people are back home safely!
      Beth, I can't wait for the picture of you dressed up in costume and to hear about your Florida trip! White, beautiful beaches!

      Jo, I hope you have a great time in Phoenix. Our trip last summer included taking some of Spencer's comic books (remember how I scared him?) and when Becky goes there for Christmas I will send more unless I decide to send them for his birthday later in October.

      It will be 80's this weekend and then next week the temperatures are going into the 70's. Fall is here! A few trees are starting to change but not enough for real color. We usually see a few that are mixed in with the oak and then the mulberry trees turn yellow in November.
      I will be visiting Utah later around the 20th and hope to see real Fall color then. It may be too long as Salt Lake doesn't have snow I will be all right. I no longer have outer wear for that kind of winter.

      I better get a move on...hope your sports go well and food is yummy!


      • bethina
        bethina commented
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        Little old man didn't get to come out today... I woke up in the middle of the night with a horrible sore throat thought for sure it was strep...finally made it urgent care thanks to my neighbor...I have a double ear infection and sinus infection...I have antibotics that I will start taking shortly...

        I asked that they keep my costume together for work and I am going to actually buy the whole thing on Monday and wear it at work one day just to do it...way closer to halloween though.

    • #5
      We are also on the road today. Heading down to Scott's in Sikeston, meeting up with my sister and parts of her family for lunch and then visiting the Yule Cabin. I know it is early in the season for Christmas but it is something we do every year and if just so happens September is the way it fell this year. The Fall months fill quickly when you have weekend workers.

      Andrew brought home his first mid term grades yesterday and we were in shock. How can this kid that kills us over homework and acts like he should be a cave dweller bring home such decent grades? He has a B in spelling!!! and only one C on the entire report. I do not understand this split personality we deal with nightly. Why are we going through this hell every single night?

      Sierra received a grant refund yesterday in the mail. Nice size check but since there is never an explanation we have no reason what it is for. The State and school are suppose to send what is left from the grant and scholarship money at the end of each semester and they are way behind. Since her costs are now above her grant money and we are paying the differences it must be from last year. I told her not to mention it to mommy dearest but she said she already did and, lo and behold, guess who called? Actually thought some of the refund was hers. Like....NOOOOOO!

      I am trying to think what I did yesterday and it must not have been much. Did cook and do laundry. Must be feeling better since I looked around and decided this house needs a good cleaning and it's fall decor put up. Just have to get the painting done first....tomorrow! No need to worry about baseball anymore since the Cardinals tossed themselves out of the playoffs but hockey starts next week. Fist game on the 7th and home starter on the 9th!!! OMG! hockey is back just as the Cardinals are over. Life is sometimes not all bad in it's timing!

      Ah, someone is stirring so time to gather what needs to be taken to my sister and son. Seems we always have stuff to exchange whenever we meet. Have a beautiful day and safe trip JoGee and her E.


      • #6
        Good Morning. = well, almost afternoon.

        Had a ton of laundry this morning (towels, afghans, rugs, that kind of stuff) and then the weather is just so perfect outside that I could not drag myself back in.

        Congratulations to Drew! Awesome grades.

        Hope you are enjoying Phoenix, JoG.

        Paula, you are almost as busy as Donna. Enjoy it while you are young.

        Biscuits, pork chops, pork and beans and spinach should help fatten John up for lunch.

        Have a great day.


        • #7
          A morning PS...yesterday I made a Christmas lego order. I always order those early to make sure nothing is back ordered and I am not in the middle of holiday shipping. After leaving here this morning I went to check email and received the order confirmation, then a shipping confirmation (what!) and then a tracking email. That order was in St. Louis this morning already and out for delivery by 8:30. The driver just dropped it off! AND since it was a large dollar mount order it was free shipping! I received that order in less than 24 hours with free shipping! I am a happy camper and may just start ordering a lot more stuff early this year...

