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Thursday June 29th July is almost here!

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  • Thursday June 29th July is almost here!

    Good SUNNY Morning! Yesterday we FINALLY had some heat back and no rain.

    Yesterday was productive, though nobody else may notice. I finally got ALL the sugar cookies iced that needed to be iced. There are a few extras for trays & such. With Blaise's help, we started cleaning the pantry because of those annoying pantry moths. They weren't even in the food part, but rather high up behind and around pots, pie pans, and boxes. Thought we were successful in ridding them, only to come home last night and found 3 moths flying around in there. NOOOOO!!!! Next shelf is the canned goods.

    After I ripped my socks up after every step in the kitchen (just kidding), I cleaned up my icing messes and finally mopped the floor. Let it soak 10 minutes before giving it it's final mopping. Oh it looks so nice to see it w/o spots. Last Saturday at a garage sale I picked up a set of full sized sheets I liked to put on Becca's bed so I could give her her set of sheets. The new sheets are on, but you can tell they are older because the pockets aren't deep at all. It's OK, but they wouldn't survive if someone was constantly sleeping on that bed, because the corned would be constantly popping off.

    Swim practice was MUCH better since it was warm. The night before Blaise cried towards the end because he was so cold. He came home happy last night.

    This morning Blaise & I are meeting Sue at GE parking lot to give her her 8 doz sugar cookies. We are then going to coupon shop at GE matching coupons with sale items. Will come home and hopefully bake a couple carrot cakes for the freezer. My SIL and niece are coming to swim this afternoon, so we'll visit with them. Blaise has an away swim meet this evening. Fortunately it's not too far away. Next Thurs will be his final meet for the season. Next week's 2 meets are at home, so that won't be too bad.

    Have a good one all!

  • #2
    Good morning...Cori is being hard to love this morning and I am in not great mood...Hoping that a good breakfast will help...I am going upstairs shortly to start cooking eggs in a hole for my mom sis and I. Dad will get rye toast with butter and a glass of milk..He doesn't like runny eggs...I don't even try to cook eggs for my dad.

    Yesterday was ok at work...My afternoon and evening were great...just kind of hung out with family...Didn't do a lot of anything..I did get to see the goats...They are so cute...

    Work this morning...lunch out by myself if its raining..I will take the bus to Wendy's and catch a cab from there....if its not raining I will just come straight home.


    • #3
      Good morning everyone...

      Rise and shine...

      thanks,To my wake up call..Someone had powerful lungs...

      I did my morning chores....(Yawn)..Need anothe cup of coffee...
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      • #4
        My Cori played loudly most of the night and has exercised her lungs this morning!!!!!!!!!!!!! grrrrrrrrrr I told her she is being very very hard to love this morning~


        • #5
          Good Morning!

          Yesterday was John's birthday, and it was so busy. Friends came to lay a new floor for us in the office. I cooked lunch for them and then the family arrived. I had made a pound cake early and planned to do strawberries and whipped cream. Also bought to fix the layered bean dip, but all that went out the window and we ate cake and ice cream, since I had no time.

          All in all, it was a rockin and rollin day, and John did well, but I could tell he was weary by the end of it. Me, too!

          Trash day for us. Gotta lotta stuff I want to trash.

          Hugs to Everyone,.


          • #6
            Morning...flying through. Jon had car trouble coming in from work yesterday so drove to the dealer and it is ready this morning so I am the taxi. Think I will drop him off and see about a walk in pedi this morning. Tonight's baseball game is cancelled so last night was Andrew's last game of the season. THEY WON! and it was a great game. Andrew got hit in the butt again in the same spot and was not said he has a small bruise from the night before. He doesn't even have a big protruding butt! He has a normal little boy's bottom that must have a bulls eye on it! Anyway it did affect his game because he kept stepping away when the ball was pitched on later at bats. Who can blame him! So with the games over I guess my social life is back to zero. Cloudy but suppose to finally get hot again. Pedi and a stop at the grocery and then may cook. Gotta run...have a great one.


            • #7
              O Boy, I had a heck of a time getting in here this morning. Had my post all typed up, hit "post", then got the notice "working". Never a good sign. That starts running, and let's you sit "forever". So I copied my post so as not to lose it. No way to delete the post, so I just went to "Family Room" and came back. By that time Elaine and Maxie had posted, and of course mine disappeared. 🙄 Good thing I copied it. Here it is:

              Good Morning.
              Wow, I slept through the entire night and didn't wake til 5:30. A full 7-1/2 hours' of sleep, at least. I already cut a pork loin in half to fit my cooker, which nicely holds the 2 halves, and the house is smelling delicious already. Tonight we will have pulled pork.

              No plans for today. Maybe a load of laundry. Oh... I though E took over doing laundry, and weirdly enjoyed the task. But he left a full bag of laundry sit overnight, so I did it in 3 loads. It could have been 2 loads, color wise, but I will separate the heavier clothing from lightweight fabrics, especially when I have my lingerie to wash. He wouldn't have thought of that. So I had those 3 loads done, folded and on hangers, before he woke up. For which he thanked me, and said that I fold the clothes nicer than he does. (I don't let them sit in the drier or basket for a few hours before folding, I do it immediately.) 😊

              Cookie, I need the opposite weather here. Less heat and more rain. We're only going down 1° today. We do have a chance of rain next week, but only a 20% chance of it now. A few days ago it was 50%. So IF we get rain, it won't be much.......if at all. We still have several wildfires going here. I'm hoping we'll see a nice drenching rain soon.

              I ordered some socks advertised in the Sunday paper last week. For problem feet like mine. I wore one pair immediately when they came in yesterday. They seemed thick, and I thought they'd start feeling hot, but they didn't at all. They felt soft, and took away most of the neuropathy feeling. (They'll feel good on my feet when we visit DD in WA in a few weeks.).

              Tomorrow is my longest-time-friend's birthday, and she catches up to my age. We met in K-garden, went to the same middle and high schools, and stood next to each other at graduation, and we've stayed in touch for these past 70 years.
              I sent a card, and a small token gift. But because of the 3/4 century milestone in birthdays, I should remember to call her.

              Well, I really should get some breakfast.

              Hope everyone has a terrific day! ☀️
              Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


              • #8
                though I had already posted today... but don't see it.

                so... kept myself busy today... finally time to do the moping and final .swiping and putting away.. got ALL the throw rugs washed . hung out to dry and now back in place...
                did a grocery run... but DAvid was following in another buggy ,. :::what else do we need/".... so I grabbed what was on the list.. and came home...Can't concentrate with him following me... .. will have to return tomorrow or Sat morn.. aggggggg.

                need a quick trip to Karens.. need some help with Kindle.. have a gift card for amazon, but can't find how to load it. it is tooooo easy to make a mistake on that " tap It" ...

                good to come here and read what all you are doing ... I always feel I should have a cup of tea setting beside me..

                see you in the morning .

                Take it one Day , one step, at a time.. cause that's all we really have.

