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Monday...April 24

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  • Monday...April 24

    Good morning everyone.

    ​Up and atem early as I will be leaving for the Lake as soon as the car detailers return my car to me. Have several things to get done over there. Don't know if I'll get everything done in the short of time that I will have.

    ​Tuesday morning I'll return home to go help E. to get her yard mowed. Wednesday I will take E. to T.H. to get the books for the College Grads., then get home only to take the car in for an oil change. Then Thursday my car goes to the garage to check all hoses , the serpentine belt, and brakes. If the brakes need replaced, they are to do that while they have it.

    ​Thursday afternoon my sister-in-law arrives, and Friday we will leave for Branson, Mo. So as you can see "my plate" is very full so doubt that I will have to check in after today.

    I will just bid you all a good day and for the next 12 days.

    Quit griping about your church; if it was perfect, you couldn't belong.
    Last edited by jostoy; 04-24-2017, 06:09 AM.
    Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured.

  • #2
    Good morning everyone

    Rise and shine..i hope we will see the sun..To day..

    I just up the morning chores..and got supper ready...
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    • #3
      Good today...another trip to walmart..need to return the tablet case I got the other day...then on to home depot on the hunt for a toilet seat....then lunch at wendy's I am craving a junior bacon cheese burger....also need to get groceries but that will happen at save a lot this evening..will ride over on my bike..and maybe if the little portacecan resteraunt is open I will get supper there..not sure they are open today though.


      • #4
        Good SUNNY Morning!

        Yesterday was way more productive than anticipated. I thought I was going to relax, but I went from one cleaning thing to the next. Kathy had Blaise for the entire day, which was surprising. I cleaned his room, even mopped it. All floors got attention. Laundry got done & put away. Cooked some chicken & Brussels sprouts for Cork. My Mom called in the early afternoon asking if I'd be interested in playing cards at her house with her friends, so that 's what I did during the evening. We had fun.

        Now one of my goals yesterday was to finish making the PB pies. I have the Oreo crusts baked, they just need filled. Well that didn't happen. I was in the cleaning mode which is HIGHLY UNUSUAL for me, and I take advantage of it when it hits. So this morning I plan to get those pies made & into the freezer before I head to Butler to Aldi's & DG. I'm going to text Becca & see if she wants to meet me for lunch. If not, it'll be home to start some other project. Wished the weeding bug would bite me, because it really needs done out there.

        Have a good one all!


        • #5
          Good morning

          up very very early... see a nap in my future today..

          have 7 pr of summer slacks to re-hem... this getting shorter better stop soon... also ,I wish I knew how to take in the sides ..I remember Mickie talking about re-making her slacks .. I have lost weight .. the Knee dr. suggested it would be a good idea... and my knees have thanked me for it... but my closet full of "good" clothes are now really big...I don't intend to replace them all.. I did find some lovely jackets that I have not been able to wear . and now fit me.

          Jostoy.. thats how David and I feel about car maintenance .. fix it before it breaks.. we have two older cars and have had all them parts you mentioned replaced on both.. but since both are in good shape. we don't intend to trade .. hey,, drive carefully on your trip ,have a good time!.

          hi to you all.. time to head to the sewing room ..see you later.

          ~~~~Sassygirl and Bethina and Paula
          Take it one Day , one step, at a time.. cause that's all we really have.


          • #6
            Monday is already light outside and that is good since I have some yard clean up to do...not sure why I didn't remember yesterday. Dogs have been out enjoying the sun and the play yard!
            It is back to normal daycare this week. School is back in session. the last day of school for our district is June 1, so not too long until summer.
            I have a small load of laundry to start and then the yard, so I better get moving.
            Have a good day, week (jostoy) and hope all goes as planned for all of us...but be ready for a glitch in those plans, if yours are like mine!


            • #7
              Well, Jostoy, you have a full week but it is all leading up to a great trip. That makes it less work when you have a great ending. Yesterday i did the laundry and today need to iron and should clean the house. The ironing board has been thrown into Andrew's bedroom and he will have a stink fit. When it was in Sierra's before her junk moved back she would just hand me something to iron but this boy is not happy that I hung some of my 'dressier' shirts in his closet. But you know, he is never in his room and his closet is empty except for the few shirts I bought to keep here. Jon is off today and needs to spray some weeds. Since we are having the concrete work done in June there was no need to plant in the front and weeds are growing where we pulled up the remaining shrubs. Bad enough the porch is open underneath and unpainted without the weeds growing. Besides when the weather does finally dry out I am not standing in weeds to paint. It is all going to be so nice in a couple of months but for the time being we look a little trashy...right now WE are the ones bringing down the neighborhood. Left over lasagna today for supper but need to check salad fixings. Cardinals won! Blues schedule still not up for later this week. Green menace has stopped and Jon hosed everything off last night while watering so maybe this allergy misery will stop and the allergy meds will kick in and take care of the normal allergens. Sunny but cool morning with temps in the 70s later. Beth, Cookie and Joystoy all sound busy today....have a good one!


              • #8
                Late again,
                Good morning!
                Yesterday was uber busy for us. Middle daughter took us to breakfast. Then visit with eldest daughter til noon. Grabbed a burger & shake to younger DDs house, where we spent a few hours visiting. Her youngest daughter is an amazing artist. Apparently most of her pictures are quickly done, but you see so much in the body language of people, in the postures of the creatures she creates, and the girl is SELF TAUGHT! An amazing and very shy young lady!
                Grabbed a light supper enroute to our hotel. Half of it will be our lunch enroute home today.
                When we get near tucson, we'll be checking in on our nephew. He was in a motorcycle accident (hit a deer) a couple days ago. Had surgery on his arm yesterday and 22 stitches on his forehead; had a small tear in his spleen and maybe kidney as well, but apparently the docs feel those are self healing.

                Well, I think I'll disturb E now. He doesn't sleep well at night, but mornings are another story. However we need to repack the suitcase, and I'd certainly like my breakfast.

                Weill be so glad to get home!!!!
                Have a great day❣️☀️
                Create a beautiful day wherever you go.

