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Saturday March 11th

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  • Saturday March 11th

    Good SUNNY Morning!

    Yesterday was good. Blaise was off school for a teacher in-service day. I had a slow start, but once I got moving, things got done. Cork has been sick all week, so I decided to strip the bed and wash everything hoping to get rid of some germs. The restaurant ordered 4 pies, but I didn't have enough Cool Whip, so I delayed making them until after I picked up the rest of the CW.

    Pizza Hut was running a BOGO buffet special yesterday, so that's where we went for lunch. Stopped at the bank & Aldi's before heading home. Decided to make 3 of each pie. I had one of each already in the freezer, but since they seem to be ordering 2 at a time of each, I thought I'd make enough so that I'd have 2 of each in the freezer. What a mess! Oreo crumbs everywhere. I'm a messy cook/baker. Kathy stopped in just in time for me to leave Blaise with her while I made the delivery of the pies.

    Great news yesterday. My doctor's office called & the pharmaceutical company has agreed to give me their new insulin to use since my insurance won't cover it. PTL!!!! What a blessing!

    My morning started REALLY EARLY. Blaise woke me up around 3am screaming crying and throwing up EVERYWHERE. So not only was I dealing with a sick child, I was cleaning up a stinky mess. Fortunately we don't have carpets in our bedrooms or in the hallway or in the bathroom. We were up several more times through the night. I finally gave up at 6am and just got up. I'm going to try to mix up and bake off some cookies I have ordered for next week. I feel like I'm doomed to get sick. Today is Blaise's last BB game and tomorrow the awards ceremony, but I guess those both are going to be missed. This flu has been going through the Primary School like crazy. We got a letter home on Thursday stating such and that while the school is closed for the next 4 days, they were going to super clean the building trying to get rid of the germ. On Thursday afternoon, the bus driver said out of the normal 22 kids, only 7 were there on Thursday. Blaise was doomed to get sick. Now I hope I don't get one of these two illnesses. Yes, I'm washing my hands.

    Have a good one all!

  • #2
    Good Morning.

    Oh dear, Donna! What a surprise this morning. Sure hope Blaise gets past this quickly and it doesn't spread to you and Cork. Great news about your medicine!

    Well, all was going well until last night when the cat's teeth scraped the top of John's hand and we had a major mess of blood. John is always using his head, even in a crisis, so most of the blood was on a throw rug that I was able to treat and throw in the washer. Unlike Donna, we have carpet in that room, which is white. Poor choice, as it turns out. His hand is OK this morning, but a little bit of seepage still. Not only are his platelets low, the skin on his hand is so thin. Praying no infection occurs.

    Well, nothing new here other than that drama - about 11p. LOL We bought King a new litter box yesterday and he may be mad about that. Ha Ha!

    Have a good day, Everyone.
    Last edited by ladyebug; 03-11-2017, 07:45 AM.


    • #3

      computer , more or less working correctly.... the Tech young ( very young) man was here , replaced the router.. and all cables connected to it. with heavier, then reset everything , including my Kindle and iphone.. so all the wi-fi are in sync.... things moving faster .. BUT I lost a lot of Old stuff.. which I needed to ditch anyhow.. things I had not bothered to back up.. but probably have paper copies of somewhere.. .. I could read your post on the iPhone. but very hard to type in answers. .. so I"m glad to be back!.

      Elaine , did you call Dr. and report... in case they want to replace lost blood?..

      Have been reading and reading .. trying new authors.. have not found any I really like yet.. so a lot of books get brought home or downloaded and skimmed. and sent back....also been busy, clearing out the music cabinets... old lesson books. will donate the better ones to the church's rummage sale.. along with the finished puzzles.. and some books I have on knitting &. crocheting. .

      poor Blaise. and sure hope you guys don't get it too Donna.. happy to hear about the insulin!...

      time for more coffee. .. only 1/2 donut allowed.. gotta get off a few more lbs... my achy knees thank me for each pound lost!especially when climbing steps... see you all little later .

      Take it one Day , one step, at a time.. cause that's all we really have.


      • #4
        Today is my shopping day. We will meet for breakfast first off and make a plan for the day. It was suppose to snow but I see no flakes! Scott sent a picture this morning of his blooming Bradford Pear all covered in snow so looks like it went way south of us. We did not miss the cold though...burr. Everything I planted last summer is coming up and I do not want it to freeze after surviving the winter. Nothing much going on around here. Got my bedroom cleaned and a couple of totes removed...yes after bring here a year and a half I have removed the last of the totes. Andrew brought home a lot of math homework yesterday and he never brings in weekend homework. Jon left it for his mother since we do it all week. Probably review for the testing coming up. Have I mentioned how I dislike the school testing? I'm sure I did because it isn't like me to keep my opinions to myself. Donna the flu we had around here was not the throwing up type. At least that is one that didn;t come home to us. As far as I am concerned that is the very worst type. Oh Elaine, what a mess and concern. Always something to worry about. Time to get the morning started. So glad we missed the snow, hope we do not see a flake...the south can have it!!


        • #5
          Good morning.
          I'm up a bit late again this morning, and haven't yet got my brain in gear.
          Not much of any interest happening here.
          I'm clearing my hutch of the wine glasses we've collected, and GD is very interested in getting them - she has a newer, more impressive hutch in her new home. She's also looking forward to getting a cookbook (Polish). I wonder what else I can pawn off on her?

          Hi Cookie... sorry to hear about the flu your family is catching. No fun! Good to hear about the insulin!

          Elaine, that's a mess of another sort. I agree, ask the doctor what to do, considering John's condition.
          Some years ago in the Philippines there was a huge outbreak of rabies from animal bites. Our friend who lives there, his wife got bitten by their dog while scraping scraps in his bowl. She was in a big panic! A neighbor came over to see what the commotion was about, as our friend couldn't calm her down. The neighbor said, "Oh, if the dog accidentally bit you, you'll be okay. It's only if it's mad and bites you on purpose that you have to worry." 😝. Believe it or not, that calmed her down, and her DH could put medication on the wound. (She was born and raised there.).

          Maye, welcome back. I'm glad your computer is fixed. Yeah, it's getting harder to find good authors. And I have a lot of books I need to donate to the library. I even have music books that I ought to donate somewhere, where they'll be used.

          Hi Maxie, keep thinking "spring is just around the corner!" Geez, it looks like we're going to skip spring and head right to summer. But this is desert country. As far as testing in schools, everyone really hates testing. But I guess it's a necessary evil we all have to deal with. I hated testing only in the classes that I had "bad" teachers in. The classes where I had enjoyed the teachers, those who made sense out of things, I didn't mind the tests at all.

          Well, time to quit this post and get busy here. E is up.
          Will see how many have posted while I was typing.

          Have a super-duper day! ☀️
          Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


          • #6
            Courtesy of my cat-loving DD.
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            This gallery has 1 photos.
            Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


            • Paula A
              Paula A commented
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              My sentiments exactly!

            • sassygirl01
              sassygirl01 commented
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              One "cool" cat..So relax...

          • #7
            Good morning! It is sunny, 55*, and no pressing appointments or agendas. A first in a long time.
            I did my laundry yesterday morning before daycare. One good thing about getting up at 4:40! The other is realizing I can survive the shock of turning my clocks back.
            Elaine, poor John. Hope it heals up quickly and cleanly. Gary had bleeding problems, too.
            Donna, that is awful about Blaise and the school. Maybe you should get a mask? Stay healthy, ok?
            Maye, isn't it amazing how much our life depends on our computer now? A day without my wi-fi or iPad makes me anxious and so grateful when it is all back up and zipping along.
            Birds were actually tweeting this morning when I went out. Mowing is on my Whenever List, and something I like to do.
            Maxie, I hope you and your guys have a good weekend and the shopping is fun!
            Jo, I have seen some pictures of desert the desert blooming around you?
            Hope we all have a good relaxing weekend. Jo, the cat picture is just what I feel like today!


            • #8
              Paula ..... yes, the desert is full of blooming wildflowers. Most of them are yellow ones. But I see interspersed with them are some orange flowers, and just starting are some red ones in cone-shaped clusters. Time to consider a visit to the botanical gardens, I guess. Or the bigger parks.
              Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


              • #9
                Alora's First Birthday: She hated the crowds, all the big strangers, the adults trying to get her to dig into her little cake, the one other child who was getting into her personal toys. This is the calmest pic of her we could get. She only smiled for Daddy when he walked her far away from people. She also hated that headband! I hope she gets to see her relatives more often, before the next party.
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                This gallery has 1 photos.
                Last edited by JoGee; 03-11-2017, 06:06 PM.
                Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


                • Paula A
                  Paula A commented
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                  She looks tired. But so sweet!

              • #10
                Yes, she wore herself out crying. So nobody got to see her open her gifts. And the party ended.

                They put our a big buffet for the guests, basically Mexican soft taco fixings. But for those of us who can't deal with the spicyness were able to pick through it all and fill a plate with non-Mexican sides.
                Create a beautiful day wherever you go.

