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Friday 2/24

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  • Friday 2/24

    Good morning...I am broke out in hives on my hands arms and neck.. was awake scratching last night alot...I think its from the Sun even though I have not been out in it alot..I was out on Monday walking with the sales sign at work...and then yesterday waiting on the bus.

    Work has been really good this week..I have gotten off early 2 days...because I have been getting my work done early...Today even if I do get my stuff done early I don't want to leave early.

    Cori was a bad bad kitty this morning..actually knocked over computer monitor attempting to get my attention...Then the phone went flying...nothing was broke...she wanted a drink from the faucet...she got that is now leaving her mom alone..

    After work I have things to do for a baby shower tonight..I am in charge of the punch and I need to pick up the rest of the baby gift.

    Tommarow I am going with my activities group...we are going to a program that will teach us about Eagles then we will get to watch them in the wild. Then we will have lunch together and all go our separate ways..I am looking forward to that .

  • #2
    Good morning everyoone...

    rise and shine...Sunny..

    Bethina..I had bad kittty too..They were trying to get me up 4 am..With the "Meow"..Then jump on the bed...
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    • Paula A
      Paula A commented
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      Oh, man! My kitty, exactly! He lets me know if his dish is not full enough or his water is low!

    • sassygirl01
      sassygirl01 commented
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      Paula A..Mine too..Right..They let me know

  • #3
    Good Friday Morning.

    another week, went zipping by... for me a fairly quiet one... no Dr. appointments. . I do need to find a new eye dr.. need eye tested and new glasses.. . my long time Dr. has retired and don't think I will go back to replacement man...hopefully find an office closer to the home/ and good dr.
    Bethina, you are almost as busy as Donna

    Wonder where David will want to go today?... yesterday was a little housework and a lot of reading ...
    this morning , using the computer, I ordered 4 more books... from our extended library federation.. will not be in local library until Monday or Tuesday.. the county has 9 libraries tied together in a federation system .. we have access to all of them..{ all I need now to really be content would be a little bus that delivered them to the house... like the post man.. but that will not happen ..much too expensive.} ... the series I am reading now is not available in Ebooks.. darn.

    Happy cooking, baking. and whatever to you all...
    Pat, if you are reading ,How is Erin doing?.
    JoS. thinking of you ...

    Elaine, whats cooking ?.
    Paula.. hi busy busy lady.
    SassyGirl.. hope your feeling better.
    and to all of you .. have a great day.. see you later

    Sassy, what a great and true cat pictures . only I do sudoku puzzles.
    Take it one Day , one step, at a time.. cause that's all we really have.


    • sassygirl01
      sassygirl01 commented
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      Maye,I am..But it is slow going..But i got rid that (Cough)..

    • sassygirl01
      sassygirl01 commented
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      Maye..Thank-you...On kitty pic..Really...WOW.!!!

  • #4
    Good SUNNY Morning! Yesterday was dreary.

    Before Bible study yesterday I headed down to WM. They didn't have Mrs Richardson's caramel sauce, so I bought Hershey's. After Bible study I headed home & got busy. Made 2 Samoa pies. The Hershey caramel was OK, but I looked on line & WM has Mrs Richardson's available there, so I purchased the 6 jar combo. Then made 3 PB pies. Got that mess cleaned up, then iced the carrot cake. Delivered the restaurant's order, then came home and started working on the sugar cookies. A customer ordered 3 doz t-shirt cookies with the team's initials on them. I also iced 3 doz Easter shaped cookies to take to my friend Maureen. Felt very accomplished after getting that all done. It means I don't HAVE to do any baking today is I choose not to.

    Today I'll be getting ready for our trip to Ohio to visit my friend Maureen for the weekend. Becca gets off work at 3pm and we hope to be on the road by 3:30. I plan to clean & get things organized around here before I leave at 2pm. I'll pick up something for our supper to eat along the way. Hope to be there by 7pm. So I won't see you all until Sunday evening.

    Have a good one !


    • Paula A
      Paula A commented
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      Have a fun trip and good visit!

  • #5
    Good morning, everyone.
    I'm up. Today should be a nice day. The temps will reach the 60's through the weekend. Then Tuesday we'll be back in to the 70's again, for a foreseeable while anyway.
    E has to be out and about today. I told him I'd like to go along for a change. I'm a bit tired of sitting home. So, today we'll get the car washed, go to the grocery store, and whatever else.
    Sunday we have reservations at The Gaslight theater with nephew and his wife. We haven't been there in over a year, as she and I have both had serious medical problems. Hers is with her breathing. She sees one of my doctors, but he doesn't know we're related. She hates the guy. I've found him to be much nicer since I've had Ellis accompany me on my visits. In fact, with his new (learning) assistants there as well [niece doesn't like them either, but I found one is really sharp, and the other one a totally ignorable useless "lump" of humanity], now this doctor answers questions and provides useful and hopeful information.
    Cookie, have a safe trip and good visit with your friend!
    Hi Maye. I read mostly e-books. Now I'm reading a couple of paperbacks as well, and find myself pressing on a word for definition, then I feel stupid. 🙄
    Beth, have a good day at work.
    Sassy, that's a funny cat photo.

    I'm sure someone (or two, or three) posted while I've been typing.
    To everyone, have a super duper day!
    Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


    • sassygirl01
      sassygirl01 commented
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      JoGee,It is cute...

  • #6
    Good Morning!

    Just running by on my way out the door. Taking a friend out and about today. Went out to lunch with 3 friends yesterday. Out to lunch on Wednesday with family. I'm hitting 1000 this week!
    Nothing cooking, Janet.
    Donna, have a wonderful trip!
    sassy, love the kitty. Ours presents us with that information all day long, although his dish is always full and he doesn't need out help to eat. LOL

    Have a good day, Everyone.


    • sassygirl01
      sassygirl01 commented
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      Ladybug,Aww..Thank-you..That is

  • #7
    Freezing this morning! 32* out and windshields are icy! Becky sprays it with a water-rubbing alcohol solution and the ice melts to slush and falls away.
    No rain or fog, so cold is ok. The sun shone yesterday and I gave the kids bubbles to keep them moving outside.
    I have a hair and nail appointment this evening. I changed my profile picture on Facebook and will show my stylist because I want just a little more taken off the length.
    Too bad I don't have 2 hours to get ready every, makeup and clothes make a huge difference with me. But daycare is hard on your clothes and everything else as you wash constantly ( sneezes and coughs!) and get little hands all over. I have tried wearing nicer clothes when I have interview visits, but I have always had something go, life, right?
    Last day of winter break. And n Ct week our temps are going up! Can't wait!
    Hope you all are having a great day! Reading exciting books and eating some yummy healthy food!


    • #8
      Looks like the cold is moving back in for the weekend. No fog this morning but back to sweatshirts. Sierra is coming for lunch after class. I have heard from her a lot this week but not seen her. Drew came in in a much better mood yesterday afternoon. He is doing story problems with fractions and story problems are NOT my strong suit. He brought one in for help and I had to call his sister. Why do they put numbers in these stories that are not necessary? The kid is 10 years old and never mind how old his grandma is...why trick us up? Anyway, Sierra is very good at working the problem then explaining it. I just cannot get over adding unnecessary numbers just to confuse. Allergies are are super horrible around here and plants are getting green and starting to bud. Guess this weekends freeze warning will take care of that. Chance of flurries tonight after temps close to 80 most of the week. Jon's union voted to strike yesterday so hopefully things will move in the other direction soon. Just need a governor willing to negotiate but his goal is to break the union. I just wish people could understand both sides and not beleive unions are the root of all evil. Break them today and they will be back if full force after people realize what has happened when you lose your protection and bargaining rights. But we all know how strongly I feel about this. Picked up my taxes yesterday so they are done for another year. Andrew has early dismissal today so after lunching with Sierra and picking up the things Drew added to the grocery list and home to meet the bus, I will be short of time. Looks like we will do carry out for supper. How sad...I feel so bad...eating out twice in one day...good for me!! Last night I made wild rice and pork chops and was delish but, of course, not to Drews liking. He ate applesauce. I have never force fed my eat or you don't but you sit at the table with the family and do not junk snack all evening. I have found if they sit at the tabe they will find something to their liking to eat. Applesauce may not be a great meal but he ate something. Jon is working all weekend so he can have leftovers and lunch meat or grab carryout cuz the kitchen will be closed. I have no weekend plans and will be happy to not leave the house after today. How did I become so antisocial? But I always enjoy chatting with this group every morning. Hope you all have great weekend plans and feel well enough to enjoy them.


      • cookielady
        cookielady commented
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        Funny you should mention Math homework. Blaise is in first grade and already and don't understand where they are going with these problems. I have to look at the example every time because I don't see the logic. I msg the teacher & told her I was handing in my parent badge and quit. I'm failing first grade math. It's that stupid Core stuff.

    • #9
      Maci, the story problems in math used to throw me....and I was an A&B student! But later, when I was on my own, I found out that I was "living" those problems, in order to make up my budget.
      How to set my income according to my needs.
      How to divide my grocery monies to get whealthy foods I needed for the month, which also included the round-trip bus fare to the commissary.
      How to make $10 stretch for my lunch money at work and feed the kids, because my then-hubby stole a big chunk of $$$ from my purse.
      How many ways to kill him without being blamed.
      (I went to his supervisor's house to "borrow" milk for the kids because I would have used used my week's lunch money for their milk, explained that's why I had a bare fridge and cupboards......and he was getting drunk with his friends every night'). I knew he'd be good for a week or two, but I had to find ways of hiding my cash, then told him to eat at the mess hall every day, because I didn't need a thief in the house. (Tough talk, but he believed I could "take him" if he wanted a fight. And even the young couples at our housing complex wouldn't tolerate a wife-beater anyway.)
      But back to the subject, one day I just realized that I was actually living out my life in those story problems i used to begrudge in school.

      I don't think the Core classes are bad. I think the kids will find ways to put them to use eventually.
      From what I see of kids today, they don't get enough challenge in school. The cashiers don't know how to make change without the computerized registers showing them the answer, and then brag (!) about always having been below average in math! Many can't write a simple letter without smart phone abbreviations. My grandson sent a text once that contained those abbreviations, no capital letters, no was a nightmare. I asked him to rewrite it properly so I could understand it. I never got a text since, and that was a decade or more ago! He's flipping burgers today. Sad career for a young man.

      Anyway, you can ask the teacher to spend extra time helping the boy to understand better. Show the kids how to more easily approach the problems for solving. And if this year's teacher can't do it, then be sure to bring it up to next year's teacher. And be sure to mention his progress, or lack of it, at the parent-teacher meetings, until it happens.
      Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


      • maxie
        maxie commented
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        I know Jo, Sierra tells me this is stuff he will need to know and he actually knows more than he lets on but it is hard on the parents who never had core math. I think they teach it out of order but what do I know. We just thank goodness he has a sister who knows it. This particular question gave the fraction for what he had left and we had to find for what he used. I told Jon for every kid that caught that there were 30 more who didn't. I just don't think that is a fair! Oh and Cookie just wait. I swear they have changed the rules for grammar! Making change is also a pet peeve. and looking at a clock to tell the time and I cannot forget cursive writing. I can even read a roman numeral! Lots of changes in education and I guess the kids adapt...probably not much need for a roman numeral reader these days but I imagine a common core math teacher is very employable! Have fun Cookie, it gets better and!!