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Thursday, February 24

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  • Thursday, February 24

    Good Morning, Friends 🤗

    Did not get here at all yesterday. Spent forever getting the Virus Protection thing installed on 2 computers, a laptop, 2 iPads and 2 phones.

    Then had to get to town to have lunch with some family. Good lunch. New place. Paninis and crepes.

    Last night a friend called. Coming into town for a few days and wants to go there for lunch. Ok by me. Cooked John a big pot of pinto beans, another of soup, and a pan of cornbread. He would much rather eat that at his own table. Boy are we different!!

    Hope everyone had a great day. Hugs to All💋💋

  • #2
    Good morning everyone...

    Rise and shine..It is Foggy...

    One my cats went behind the t.v...And pull the t.v. cord out the wall..It took time to reboot...That was my evening..
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    • #3
      Good morning..Cori and I were up at 2. After I went to the bath room and gave her some food we both went back to sleep..Cori snuggled with me...When she does that and doesn't want to get up it makes it a bit hard to start my day!!

      Work today...Work yesterday was very very good...I was completely done with all my responsibilities by 10 after 10. I got an early day off Went to Bread company for my favorite lunch.

      Church last night it was my Bible Study groups turn to be in the children's area/nursery. I was in the littlest baby room. We had 3 and at one point or another they all cried. Reminds me why I don't want children.

      Today is work...and I don't know what else..I have not decided about going to group today or not....

      I am running a bit early I texted my sister and will make us breakfast...Fried egg sandwiches a favorite of both of us!


      • #4
        Where is Nalani???


        • sassygirl01
          sassygirl01 commented
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          I miss here too.???

      • #5
        Good Morning! It's starting out very dreary here. Started the same way yesterday but we did eventually get some sunshine.

        Yesterday was good. Lost track of time & we must of missed the bus by a minute...dang! Had to take Blaise to school then. Headed into town a bit later to drop off the pie at the doctor's ofc, then headed up to shop at Mary's and Aldi's. Mary's was out of tiny babies for King cakes. Will have to look elsewhere. Aldi's no longer has the caramel sauce I need. They said it's a seasonal item. REALLY?!?! My SIL was going by the other Aldi's across town & she was checking there too, and they were sold out too. I tried making my own caramel sauce & it cooled into sugary mess.

        Came home & before I could start baking, I worked on making two pots of veggie with cabbage & one w/o. The one w/o was for my friend Lori. She stopped by right before dinner & cut Blaise's hair and took a few quarts of soup home with her. I like bartering. She gave me a perm the day before. My brother Ray stopped by to pick up the couple quarts of soup for him & my Mom and stayed for supper with us. Soup of course. I did get the sugar cookies baked off. I got the crusts for the PB pies & Samoa pies made, but I ran out of energy. Found a little during the evening and did up the laundry. Talked to Becca and made our plans for tomorrow for Ohio. What a day.

        This morning I have Bible study. Will go to WM either before or after and get some caramel there, but I know it's going to be much more expensive. Then home to make pies, ice carrot cake, and get those delivered to the restaurant and hopefully get the sugar cookies iced...we'll see. Leftovers for dinner for sure.

        My niece is in surgery right at this moment getting her gall bladder removed. She's only 18, but she's been miserable for years.

        I've been wondering about some of our missing too. Nalani and Pat.

        Have a good one all!


        • Paula A
          Paula A commented
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          Donna, maybe in baby shower section at Walmart...for the tiny baby? Or toy section with the itty bitty stuff?

      • #6
        Another foggy morning but not as dense as yesterday. Lunch with school chums was fine. I didn't learn anything new. Spent most of the time talking with my old ex best friend from high school. She and I were very close mostly after high school into our young running around years before marriage. She worked her entire married life into retirement and I did not work after marriage but she and I still have the most in common. Funny though...we went years without any contact and when these lunches started we just came together again. Makes you wonder what it is that draws people. Sierra works with her grandson and she says they laugh that the grandma's are 'lunching'. Speaking of Sierra she is sick again...she called the doctor and he out of the office and they told her if she got worse to go to urgent care. But they did tell her to take the sinus stuff and allergy meds so I have been giving her the right combination and have been on track with the allergy thing. I woke with a headache myself this morning. This beautiful weather I am enjoying so much has not done much to help the spread of whatever crud is going around and around and around. People are out and about sneezing and germ spreading. Boy was there a spelling session around here last night! If Andrew would just settle down and do it instead of fighting it he could just get it over with. But nooo...he ends up having a fit and his dad has a fit and I want to beat them both. Anyway, I think Jon is finally going to set up a meeting at school. I will make a list of my complaints and one of them is this agenda book. Monday it says study guide for science.....if there a test coming? Sometimes another study guide comes home. So we have two to study but when is the test, Friday, next week? They do not do science or social studies every day so we would like an end date. We study in steps building. On Wednesday is the practice test but we don't worry about that because we just go over the words on Tuesday and build every night to the final test on Friday. Cramming is not Drew's style. He just shuts down and you might as well feed him a corn dog and take yourself to bed. Jon is off today so I am not cooking, he can. Have to pick up my taxes anyway. Fog is burning off but not seeing any sun. Need to change my bed and should run the vac...what I end up doing could be an entirely different game plan. Easter candy is out so that makes this my favorite time of the year until the Halloween candy comes out and then that is my favorite until the Christmas cookies come around...did you hear Oreo has a new cookie stuffed with peeps? I gotta get me some of those!!!!!!!


        • #7
          Good morning..
          It was a good morning to sleep in. So I did. Got my soothing hot tea, and am attempting to wake up, since the sun beat me to it today.
          Today's sunny, but will be 10 degrees cooler than yesterday.
          That shredded beef/turkey BBQ I made yesterday. E loved it, which is a good thing 'cause there's lots of it. Yesterday we had it on hot dog buns for lunch. Then last night it was on macaroni for supper, with small side of lettuce slaw and a dish of pineapple for dessert. And there's leftovers enough for another meal or two.
          E found a Tigger tee shirt in the back recesses of his part of the closet yesterday, tags still on it. It's marked XL, but I've seen 2XL that were smaller than this. He gave it to me and I'm wearing it as a nightie. I like Tigger!

          He's got to see about getting the car looked at soon, preferably before we make a long trip, even to Phoenix. It's general preventive maintenance time. That should cost a bit. But that's how we have cars that run well "forever". When the actually start to fall apart with age, it's time for a new one.

          No other news here. This weekend we shall be going to Gaslight again (it's been a year or more since we've been there). Will be meeting e's nephew and his wife, who's been really sick all this past year, too.

          Elaine, that restaurant sounds good. But so does the stuff you're cooking today. Yummy.
          Cats sure know how to find mischief, don't they, Sassy & Beth.
          Cookie, hope you find the things you need today.

          Yes, I've been missing Nalani, too. I guess that because she's in the latest time zone, maybe she hasn't gotten many comments back, and feels left out? I miss hearing the descriptions of places she goes to. I'd like to hear more about the foods there. Like the traditional foods, or how dishes were used to here might differ from how it's probably different there.

          Have a super-duper day, everyone.
          Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


          • #8
            Good morning ...

            had a lazy sleep in until 7.. yes, around here that is a sleep -in... not much on for today. usual dishes, cook. sweeper a bit. ect.

            Donna, text me your recipe you used for caramel sauce... I have one that sounds good... let me know when you hear from Sherry.

            Maxie ,, this is my favorite holiday.. if Easter can be called "holiday".. . the saddest of days with the most joyous day...the joy , the bright colors and uplifting music.. happy kids.. and yeah,, goooooood chocolate!!!!!

            SassyGirl , I had a yellow tom cat like the one in your picture.... and sadly. on the first day of hunting season , someone shot him.. came dragging in . shot through both back legs. . dying... we immediately posed our property. . NO hunting .. made me furious..if you can't tell a cat from a deer , I don't want you near anything I own.. that is a beautiful picture of one. thanks

            Take it one Day , one step, at a time.. cause that's all we really have.


            • sassygirl01
              sassygirl01 commented
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              Maye,I bet he was pretty cat..Oh NO.!!!..NOOOOO..That would break my heart...
              That is awful.I would do the same thing..I would be upset too..That is right....You go girl.!!!
              You are welcome..any time...

          • #9
            43 and mostly sunny! That is the forecast and that is about all it takes to make me happy!
            A couple less kids today which helps a lot, too.
            I want to make cornbread and give away all but one piece. I changed my Facebook profile picture to see if I want to cut another inch off my hair tomorrow for my appointment. And to remind myself to not bake cookies or brownies if I want to wear the clothes I like...I can not walk past a plate of goodies. Donna, I admire your will power!
            I am making a salmon Caesar salad for lunch.
            I have a graveside funeral service for my cousin this Saturday. I called her mother, my mom's first cousin, to see what I could bring for after the service. I had talked to my cousin's daughter a lot ( same age as my oldest son) and she had told me about going to her grandmother 's afterward. Her grandmother told me she would be hosting
            Close family and did not need anything. It stopped me right there. I was speechless. They all came to our daughter's funeral and to our house afterward and to Gary's funeral...oh, well. I just wanted to get that off my mind. I don't want to burden my mom or upset her.
            Thanks for listening.
            You all have a good day. Hope the sun shines through!

