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Saturday...Nov. 26

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  • Saturday...Nov. 26

    Good morning everyone.

    Guess everyone is still sleeping in with their full tummies.

    I'm still in F.W. My nephew will be moving to his new home this afternoon. He'll be getting some big items out of my sister-in-law's garage. So if I don't get a chance to move more things around in the garage today, I'll have all day tomorrow to get it organized on Monday.

    Our turkey day was both laugh and fun, but also "hurtful". Since this is the first holiday without my brother, it was a little sad. The family started in on me about coming for Christmas, but as I reminded them, I don't travel at holidays that usually produce bad weather. It is too stressful to keep watching the weather ahead of time to see if the weather will be ok to travel in.

    I will be heading home Tuesday morning, and the weather is not to get bad until Tuesday night into Wednesday. I'll be home by then.

    Everyone enjoy your day.
    Last edited by jostoy; 11-26-2016, 09:12 AM.
    Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured.

  • #2
    Good Morning.

    jostoy, I hope you don't mind, but I could not let your spelling of Saturday go. I had to correct it. I will always and forever be an English teacher. Sorry.

    Cold this morning. Frost. Hope it kills all of the Lady Asian bugs. What pests. Wonder what they are good for?

    All leftovers gone, so we can move away from turkey.

    Have not seen the news, but John says they are dancing in the streets in Little Havana, Florida over Castro's death.

    Well, better get the day started. Hugs to Everyone.


    • jostoy
      jostoy commented
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      Laydebug, I'd rather you change my errors than to let everyone see my mistakes. : )

    • Paula A
      Paula A commented
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      And I cringe when I know I have made a grammar error like the other day when I said preposition and it should have been something else, I think and my mind just wouldn't go back to Freshman English in Virginia (where I had the Best English teacher!).

  • #3
    What!? Did the world end last night and I got left behind? Am I the only person besides Jostoy up? Must have been a big Friday after for you guys!! My day was very nice. Cold but not freezing while we walked the streets of old St. Charles. Did not buy anything but we had lunch and then stopped at the container store. Never been in one before and oh boy, do they have stuff in there!! Scott went out with his best friend from high school and college last night so it was a quiet night with the doggie. She is a good dog but I will be so happy to get the house vacuumed and back in dogless shape. Today they are heading out to a train show and then I think going home. It has been nice and probably what I mood has improved but I do feel like I am going through the motions out of holiday habit. Since Scott is off the entire month of December he may comeback for Andrew's Christmas program which also falls on my birthday this year so it would be nice. Trees go up tomorrow then I will start to wrap next week. ho ho, looks like Christmas is coming weather I am ready or in the mood or not. Andrew will be here after the train show but it is sunny and he will be playing can a 10 year old find our so much info? Looks like the guys are beginning to stir..they are also off to a very late start like the rest of you. Have a good day...first sun we have seen around here since Wednesday and it is nice to see it stream in the windows!


    • #4
      Good morning.
      Today will be an emotionally difficult day here. E's brother passed away last evening. I got an email this morning from another niece, but I hope his brother's kids left a message for E. We knew it would be any time now. But I will be very disappointed in all of them if they hadn't tried to contact E. 😥

      Other than that, not much is happening here, and no plans for today.
      We do have colder weather, and possibly rain coming in the next week.
      Hope you all have a good day.
      Last edited by JoGee; 11-26-2016, 09:52 AM.
      Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


      • Paula A
        Paula A commented
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        So sorry to read this. Especially at a holiday time, a very sad marker in our memories. give Ellis my condolences, please.

      • cookielady
        cookielady commented
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        ((((Jo & Ellis))))

    • #5
      Good morning
      dark, wet morning .. ycky.

      Mike,Pam are organizing.,do laundry . packing ... we will leave here about 11:30. stop at Kings, have a bite to eat and then they will be off to Pittsb. airport.. through flight to Denver, set there for awhile then fly to Colorado Springs. and home.. was a great vacation for all of us...
      We were at Donnas last night .. my Sisters family and 1/2 of mine.. fun, noisy, cardplaying evening...................had one bad incidence...David had a miscue step. going in Donnas walk and fell frontwards flat out.. banged up his knees and forehead scraping them ...his is all creaky today.. but ,Thank God,, nothing broken.!...

      I am in need of a nice long nap.. ...

      so one holiday down ,one to go... I guess I can now make myself get in the holiday mood.. I love the REASON for the season .. just don't care much for the decoration , especially the outside ones.. and the hustle and bustle stuff.. ah.well.... has to do with the advancing years I guess.. too many "been there, done that". years.

      see yu later today... ~~~~~~~~~~~
      Take it one Day , one step, at a time.. cause that's all we really have.


      • #6
        Good Morning! I NEED some of your SUNSHINE Maxie. It's been almost a week it seems w/o sunshine. Blah!!!!

        Yesterday was another busy one...slow but sure. Today....NO PLANS! I baked & cooked a bit more for last night's gathering. It was leftover/game night...tradition with my family. We invited Aunt J & Uncle D along with Mike & Pam who were visiting for the week & our Aunt P. We had a nice dinner but there is STILL leftovers. Pam mentioned that they were going to have to leave early because Aunt J's #3 son was coming to visit them. I told Mike to call them and tell them to just come here and they did! We had 3 tables of cards going & lots of laughs. In fact, our table got so loud & rowdy with laughter, that the other table of cards took their table to the QUIET front room to play. LOL!!! Just about everyone left at 9:30. Becca then headed back up North because she had to be up at 3:30am to go to work. She's on the Phili bus to pick up that group of boys returning. She wasn't gone 5 minutes & Cork found her phone on the dining room table, so he gave her about 5 minutes to figure it out & return, and when she didn't, he left to take it to her. I prayed & prayed that they didn't pass each other, and they didn't.

        I slept in this morning which felt wonderful. No big plans for today except to make Kathy's mashed potatoes for her Friendsgiving party tonight. Yesterday I made her noodles, gravy, and slice up her turkey as I was preparing for our gathering. She'll be up later to pick it all up. I think I'm going to do up all the laundry and working on my list of cookies and supply list.

        Have a good one all!!!!


        • #7
          Good morning..I was up early..have had a beading out to the mall with friends later.

          This week end is moving week end for my sis and family. It's looking like they will staying with me for a week or two...I may need to find a place to hide!


          • #8
            Too much food and visiting and now I am about an hour off my schedule. It was so foggy when I drove my mom and Becky and I home from the rental last night! Visibility was only about 50 feet. I crept along at 20 mph on the little country road to the freeway, then luckily no one was going too fast and we all drove about 35mph...By the time Red Bluff came into view the visibility was better and not as crazy trying to see and drive. I was not aware of how much I was straining to see until we got home and I relaxed. I had no warning there was going to be fog. A car ahead of me on the freeway was even driving with his hazard lights on to let drivers behind him notice he wasn't going the speed limit, I guess. Totally fine by me!
            Yesterday we shopped the small shops up town. My SIL said they were better than the little ones in Red Wing and bought something in every shop. There was one store I hadn't been into since they moved their location and when we did saw all kinds of great items. My mother saw a purse she liked and I thought I would go back later and get it for her for Christmas.. My SIL decided to go back and get a sweater she liked and then my mother decided to get the purse herself. So I am still shopping for her.
            While we were doing that my brother and his son went on guy errands to the motorcycle shop and then to Home Depot to get light blubs for my laundry area and bathroom and a new light for over my kitchen sink.. Eric is 6'5" and my brother was asking me if I had any things I needed Eric to do...They actually asked the clerk in charge of the lightbulbs (who knew?) what kind would be best. I love the lighting in the bathroom now. The guy told them there is a difference between the light they give off and some are better for doing make up or work. Believe me, all the work I did for Thanksgiving dinner was paid back in one trip to Home Depot and the installation of the lights!
            They said they wanted to rake today for me, but it is really raining and I doubt that we will get to that. I don't really care about the leaves because that is something I can do.
            Today is their last full day here and I need to get my pans back from the house. Last night after the fog driving I was so stressed I said I would tell them to bring them to me, but I will probably go out there after lunch to get them. Becky volunteers at the shelter this evening and she will have my car so I won't have to whine abut not wanting to drive in the fog.
            I better get moving and start my Saturday work. Some things never change! Food for daycare and clean the floors...the list goes on and you know what I mean, I am sure.
            Have a great day!


            • #9
              Thank you, Paula. I will.

              Thanks, Cookie.
              Last edited by JoGee; 11-26-2016, 11:47 AM.
              Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


              • #10
                Good morning, all. Rained all night but seems to be clearing off now.

                I had a wonderful visit with my grandson and his family but forgot my inhaler before bed Wed. night. Still to tired to make pies so got up early Thurs. to make them. Called my sis and told her I wasn't going to make it but to have someone pick up pies. Had to call her back and tell her the pies were burnt and to forget it. Haven't burnt a pie since i was about 14 and the wood range got too hot. This was because I neglected to turn the oven down after the first 15 minutes.

                JoG, sorry to hear about Ellis' brother. Bad enough when it happens but it takes a long time to better if it happens on a special day.

