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Saturday ~ 10 / 8

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  • Saturday ~ 10 / 8

    Good Morning, Everyone!

    SO much cooler here finally. You can actually stand to stay outside.

    John is busy picking up pecans as well as pods from the Magnolia tree. It looks like a bumper crop of both this year.

    Baking a cake this morning and think I will do enchiladas for lunch. Maybe wash a load of clothes.

    Hope your day is more exciting than mine. Hugs 💋
    Last edited by ladyebug; 10-08-2016, 06:45 AM.

  • #2
    Good morning, Elaine and all who follow. Up way too early this morning. Poor old doglet had an accident. My fault as I should have seen to it that she peed before we went to bed. I think I need to put a rubber sheet on the bed just in case it happens again. She is 13 years old now.

    #1 thing on my TD list is to mop kitchen. Think I'll do it after I give Miss Lily a bath.

    Getting up so early makes me hungry later so I will go decide what I want this morning.
    Everyone have a good day. Nothing exciting here.


    • Paula A
      Paula A commented
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      Barb, you may be able to use the Assurance bed pads (in the aisle with Depends) and it will absorb and not run off like a plastic sheet will. I have done both and the Assurance works best: for toddlers and dogs!

  • #3
    Good morning everyone..

    Rise and shine..It rain here last night ..And this morning too..We need it.

    I did the morning chores and got supper ready..I am lazy..In the crockpot...

    And here is cute
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    • cookielady
      cookielady commented
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      Not lazy...very well organized I'd say!

    • sassygirl01
      sassygirl01 commented
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      That is

  • #4
    Plans have changed again for the weekend. Scott's plant cancelled the plant tour so we are not going today to family day. When I told my sister this she immediately said she is free tomorrow to still go to Sikeston and do the Christmas Cabin. Sooo, tomorrow we will eat at the home of the throwed rolls and visit the Christmas Cabin. Sierra is still available to split the driving but did have plans with a friend so think she will bring her along. Jon is working a double tonight and then tomorrow so house will be quiet around here. Cold and quiet. First cold morning here and the furnace is not switched over yet....reminds me of those cold winter mornings last winter when the thermostat told me I wasn;t home and it wasn't going to tell the furnace to produce heat! Isn't this hurricane never ending? Those poor people! Lamberts, home of the throwed rolls, only takes cash so I need to run and cash a check this morning. Got a B in spelling. Things are quiet around here...


    • Pat B
      Pat B commented
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      Lambert's! There is one in Foley Alabama and I LOVE going there. Especially the "pass-arounds".

  • #5
    Good morning .

    so dark outside yet.. overcast. wet.. yck..

    maxie ..going to take a vote someday to decide which one of you ladies is the busiest!... Maxie, Donna, Paula or Jostoy.!!!...

    have a quick trip to library to switch the book I just finished for new one I had ordered ... stops , at groc. store for milk.bread. and at the butcher shop for lunch meat and cheese. . home to read , lunch, read. . dark rainy days , great for reading . cant even see the dust on the end tables.

    great big smile at the kitty picture SassyG... Crockpot sounds like great idea... set mine out. toss a roast in it..
    Take it one Day , one step, at a time.. cause that's all we really have.


    • sassygirl01
      sassygirl01 commented
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      Maye,thank-you....Does that sound like great idea..

  • #6
    Morning all

    I am working (voluntarily) on my Saturday off. I took off early for the meeting with Erin's guidance counselor Thursday, so I'm basically making up time.

    Wow - have you see the footage from the East coast of Florida and the aftermath of Hurricane Matthew? Wow. Just WOW.

    Otherwise, nothing much new here (and that's a GOOD thing). Y'all have a good 'un.
    The only person you should try to be better than is the person you were yesterday.


    • #7
      Good morning...not sure what my morning will be just yet...I am up and dressed...not sure if I have company upstairs still or not...My aunt and uncle got here just in time to sleep last night. They went to a concert over here last night. I fdo still have company...I just heard them I will go up and see them for a minute...

      Today is subdivision wide yard sales...I thought that I would get my bike out and go for a while and see what I can find.

      Cleaning and getting groceries is also on the agenda dad ate most of my junk food this week...

      I have no clue where cori cat is hiding out this morning...I just know she is won't come out until they leave.


      • #8
        Good morning everyone.

        Paula, no I don't have a cape , and Donna, we all have our "talents", so don't ever feel like a slug. You probably do more than I...mine may be just a little more labor intense, but I don't do anymore than you. Maxie, I wished I could "run" like you do. As for taking care of any kids...not my thing. I do love my nieces and nephew dearly, but I don't like being around fussing kids as it gets on my nerves. Might have been different if I'd had some of my own, but after living by myself for 50 some years, I like the peace and quiet. Noise does bother me. When I'm in F.W., I just go into another room when the 2 little ones start their fussing.

        Already have a pie in the oven to take to the fish fry tonight. It is our Church's Pastor Appreciation day. They have the fish fry every year, but this will be my first time going. I do love fish. Will be glad when all my "chores" are done at the Lake so I can just go over and relax while fishing.

        Everyone have a great day.
        Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured.


        • #9
          Good Morning. Yesterday was pretty for part of the day. Dreary & wet today.

          Yesterday was good. Loaded up the car and ran errands first thing. Came home and started in on the carrot cakes. Called my ladies in Butler to see if they wanted me to bake any pies for them this weekend, and they said no, they had just made a pumpkin cake....fine. It wasn't 5 minutes later and they are calling to say they DO want pies...a banana cream and a coconut cream pie. Power of suggestion! Got those pie shells baked and ready to be filled this morning. Actually cooked a meal last night. We've been working on leftovers all week that I had cooked last weekend. I'm going to have to learn to cut back.

          This morning I started right in on making those pie fillings. I'll have enough filling left from each to make a 3rd pie. I'm going to make a coconut banana cream pie. I just want one slice of it and then I'm going to take the rest to the restaurant for them to try to sell. Pulled out cookie recipes and figuring out how much butter & eggs I need. I got an order yesterday for cookies for a wedding. Will go deliver the pies, stop at Aldi's and then I'm not sure what I'm going to do. I may tackle Blaise's room today, or the kitchen may win and I'll mix up the cookie doughs.

          Have a good one all!


          • #10
            Good morning, everyone.
            We've got 72° @ 6 this morning, going up to 88° with a 20% chance of rain. Which means we may or may not get wet today.
            Our plans have changed a bit, too, for today. We will be meeting with our niece and her grands (about 5 or 6 count) at a McDonalds for lunch. She needs a bit of $-help. She is also the legal guardian for 2 or 3 of these grands. She has a severe medical problem requiring carrying around oxygen; mostly her heart, I think.....I can't remember the name of it, much less the terms for all my own problems. Guess she's been falling down, maybe fainting or blacking out recently. So we are trying to talk to her about getting herself to the doctor to find the cause of it. Her doctor is also my Oncologist, and I'm sure he won't be available over the weekend. Niece has a lot on her plate, so to speak. All the grands, and none of her girls married. All children have different fathers.....I don't know if any takes responsibility. Two of the three girls are working, the 3rd irresponsible I guess. Juggling who's watching the kids has to be stressful. Hope we can provide some relief for her today. It'll be an interesting day.

            Maxie....I think I once read about that restaurant somewhere. What if you can't catch? (I have vision problems, and since my retinal surgery have faulty depth perception.) If your roll hits the floor, do you leave it there? Do they make exceptions about throwing for seniors like me? Just wondering. Who knows, someday we may be driving through the area and stop there.

            Funny cats, Sassygirl. Thanks for today's hearty chuckle!

            Hi Barb. Poor Lily. I know pets often feel bad about accidents when they have standards of cleanliness. She didn't mean it.

            Hi Elaine. Busy as usual. I think I'll enjoy autumn when the temp stays lower... I've got a bunch of new clothing now to be comfortable in the cooler seasons. Long Beach CA will be about 10° cooler than here, so the cruise will be nice I think.
            E has been generous to get me tunics I'm comfortable in, that hide my colostomy well. And he replaced all my shoes with wider sizes so walking will be better......Goodwill is likely very happy with the bag of shoes they got, in like-new condition for most of them.

            Wishing everyone a beautiful happy day today. 😄
            Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


            • #11
              Wow! 5 people posted while I typed mine!!!! Hi ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
              Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


              • #12
                Good Morning, cool here but not as cold as they said it would be. Going to the fall fest with youngest niece and sister then will go grocery shopping with sister and oldest niece later on.


                • #13
                  Good morning and so glad it's Saturday!
                  It will be a different kind of busy today. One mid day nail appointment got changed to last night so that is done and frees up our out of town shopping time. Not like there is a lot to do, but it takes a chunk out in driving. And I have to renew my Costco card while I am up there. I want to check some of their baking items and compare pricing with Walmart...then the dinner at Becky's friend's and I found out it is her what to take?
                  Maye, I totally agree with three of those busy girl names and respectfully opt out...I am actually trying to do more to get up to speed (although, not sure abut getting up to stamina!)
                  After seeing a weather video which I shared on my Facebook page of the area where my brother lives, I told him to watch out for more than the usual amount of alligators. He texted back that they saw one at the Orlando townhouse (where they were sheltering) right behind the grocery store!!! They are adjacent to Disney World, so that place will be on high alert for gators in the water, I am sure. No damage to his house, but he sent some pictures of the field (what it looked like) that was really the parking lot to his youngest daughter"'s apt. Covered in limbs. and branches. Except for a few cars, you would think it was just a big open green spot behind some apts.
                  I am buying a food processor today...I have resisted, thinking Iwouldn't use it enough or "I like to chop and grate", but lately, seeing how fast some of the chores of cooking and prepping go with a processor, I decided I need one...
                  Jo, I will be interested to hear how your cruise goes...I have not gone on any, although family members (even Gary ) have. (His was an educator's paid cruise with Scholastic reading specialists and his mom lived with us at the time, and I just was ok with him going and not me.) I am afraid I would gain way more than the normal vacation pounds and I love sitting on a beach...but I want to hear about your trip and the wedding as you and E tell things so well!
                  I've talked too long. But this is such a fun place to start the day!
                  Have a good one!
                  Pat, that has to impress everyone you work with to come in again! Hats off to you!


                  • #14
                    Paula, I will be glad to keep you updated on the cruise and activities.
                    We were on an Alaskan cruise a few years back. I highly recommend the Norweigan cruise line for ease of setting up plans, fewer fees, receiving info, etc. Enjoyed that cruise a lot, got nice benefits, too.
                    I think the wedding is on Carnival cruise line. Once they took the payment, getting info was a big hassle. They want you to "join" online. But signing up means daily ads and stuff (excessive info you don't need or want), and E told them that. Then, they took us off the passenger list even though they'd been paid. It took a couple of days and DD's help to get that straightened out. Surely the cruise itself has to be better than that.

                    According to my doctor, we need to get sunscreen with DEET, as the Zika and another dangerous mosquito breed will be out during the days; the mosquito that carries malaria comes out at night. Since my immune system is impaired, I'm "at risk".
                    GD who's working as a NP or something like that, says to eat bananas every day. She and her fiancé have them every day. ???
                    Create a beautiful day wherever you go.

