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WHAT !!!!! No one has started Oct.1

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  • WHAT !!!!! No one has started Oct.1

    Well good morning to all who show later.

    I have a funeral visitation to go to this morning, then I'm helping at the dinner at our Church this afternoon. I am a good dishwasher.

    When you all crawl out from under the covers, I wish you a good day.
    Last edited by jostoy; 10-01-2016, 08:01 AM.
    Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured.

  • #2
    good morning ,,

    I see the sunshine!... welcome to October.. those of you that love Fall... me ...I am sighing.. I just know we will soon see snow flakes. sigh.

    well on to better thoughts... still taking pills but pain has subsided greatly..... yea!...

    My friends and family also cooked and sent in food all week.. no cooking at all.. how lucky can you get?..
    have already planned a dish to make for Donna when she is "laid-up"..

    a couple loads of laundry , quick trip to store. for forgotten items. and then home to read..

    be back later to find out how you day is going .
    Take it one Day , one step, at a time.. cause that's all we really have.


    • #3
      Good 🎃ctober Morning. 🍁

      A nice bright sunny morning here....should be 90° again, but without the chance of rain again.
      No plans today, except to get some walking time in, so a stroll in the neighborhood is going to happen. See how much stamina I can build up again.
      Today I want to select the rocks to decorate (with faces, bugs, snakes) for Halloween. Get started on that project. I'm sure that there are kids (we get about 200 for Halloween) will see that they "disappear". 😄
      No other plans in particular today.

      Have a great day, everyone! 😊
      Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


      • #4
        Fall...not a real favorite of mine and it just brings winter. Time to winterize the yard and find a place for the plants that need to come in. It is a cool, drizzly morning. We had thought to pick apples today but I am not sure of the weather out look for the afternoon. Cardinals won last night but I saw some of the San Francisco game later and looked like they were winning also. Try again tonight to move ahead! Picked up Sierra's car yesterday so she is all happy. I got to eat out so I am all happy. Andrew got a new drone so he is all happy. Dad went out with friends after all this so he is all happy. We are just one big happy family having our apple picking day rained on! Paula, was that your Becky who responded to my post yesterday? Thank her so much. I am trying to talk son into getting Drew retested but we have a mother in denial about some things. Her dyslexia theory could be on the spot and we already have his dad diagnosed with ADHD. I appreciated any input!


        • Paula A
          Paula A commented
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          No, but there is such a nice Becky on this site!

      • #5
        Morning..rough start to my day...530 I fed cori..She was huge brat! My arm shoulder still hurt really bad from my flu shot...I think its probably a combo of the work at and my flu shot...

        Work has been frustrating this week...I can totally see why I would never want to take off work and leave my work for some one else to pick up...the lady that helps with maintaning the men's department has been off all week...Yesterday I had to do the entire department...which would normally not be an issue at all for me...Well we have 2 different groups of students coming from one of the local highschools to get work experiance they volunteer in our store...well they don't seem to pay attention to where stuff goes and just put it where ever they want it to go. Meaning we have to go behind them each morning and fix everything only to have it all screwed up again the next morning. Don't get me wrong I really do love the place I work just frustated with it right now.

        Maye I got the Saint Louis Cardinals purse for my best friend yesterday! The other one the vera bradley I wanted was gone. It just wasn't meant to be. C shopping for one person completed! I also know what one of my nieces is getting...and I know what my mother is getting...I know what my dad is getting for his birthday in January...Still trying to figure out my brother inlaws gift for his birthday the end of this month...I know one thing..


        • Paula A
          Paula A commented
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          What was the main color scheme in the purse you liked? and what style? I will watch around here.

      • #6
        Who is this Becky? Do I know you? Inquiring minds want to know....


        • jostoy
          jostoy commented
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          Maxie, Becky is in the game forum mostly.

      • #7
        A late start to my day, but I can deal with that. A low maintenance day, no need for shopping hair and make up, or clothes for that matter, so just a comfortable start to the day.
        I know that sounds weird, but it is the way I am.
        I will be mowing the lawn and raking leaves. Paying bills and one late morning g appointment at the bank: they are changing how the accounts are managed and need to give me my choices.
        Which probably means changing up the price for managing the least the numbers for the routing and accounts will stay the same. I hate changing my bill paying that is set up automatically.
        Getting out my Fall decorations this weekend. I love Fall and the baking and soups that just go with it.
        Maye, I hope you tell us what dish you have in mind for when Donna, or anyone needs a hot meal taken in. I am always on the look out for that kind of meal.
        I am getting out my good soup bowls, too. Clearing out some shelves and saw swhere I had wrapped and put away china.
        Hope you all have a good day and stay as Happy as Maxie and her bunch sound! We all need that extra word of encouragement now and then and although it wasn't my Becky that sent you a message, I am happy that the other Becky did.
        Fingers crossed that we get rain tomorrow!
        and hope all your teams win! (Not sure what that looks like if they play another Rounder's favorite team...)


        • #8
          Good afternoon everyone..

          I love this month..Everything with pumpkin...

          Pumpkin cookies,Coffee,pie,bread...Does that sound good..(yummy)..

          I just up on the apt..And it looked real cute..and have some help too..

          Just like the this lovely weather...
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          • #9
            Good Afternoon! I slept in until 8am but then my feet hit the floor running. Woke to sunshine, which was wonderful, but now the clouds are rolling back in...again.

            Yesterday was very productive. Made two large pots of soup...chili & chicken rice, 10 pies, and did up the bruised tomatoes & got 2 quarts to freeze. Plus laundry. Tried making up for my slug state the day before. Oh...and visited with Aunt J when taking her over some of the soups. Kathy & Jimmy showed up to do laundry. She was in a mood. Last year she didn't bother bringing up claiming Blaise on her taxes but that's because she didn't file any. She's already started. Of course we only want to keep Blaise for the money. LOL!!!!!!!!!!! She ask when she can have him back. Right. She can't afford to pay for anything, but she wants to take on caring for him. They do nothing but come home from work, microwave something, and the sit in front of the TV until bedtime. She was complaining about their lack of food. But she wants to take on a 3rd mouth, do all the school & sports things, his laundry, and such. Sorry...was ranting.

            This morning I delivered my last pies of the season then ran to Saxonburg to do a few errands. Took some soup to my Mom while there & visited with them a bit. Now it's home to do some tomatoes and bake a pie for tomorrow's order. The ladies I've been delivering pies to every week chose German Choc pie & PB pie. They said they were going to work their way through the list. I made the PB pie yesterday along with an extra one for the restaurant when they order.

            JoG....I don't make homemade spaghetti sauce. I use my tomatoes for cabbage rolls and soups. I make LOTS of soup.
            Paula....I like making chicken stuffed shells w/mashed potatoes & a veggie for a meal when I have to take it.

            Have a good one all!


            • #10
              Aloha all!

              Hot here and clear. Have a good day all!


              • #11
                late evening ..

                love to come back and read....

                just to let you know Maxie, we actually have two Becky's in the Games.. One shares Moderator chores with me.. and the other is one of our great game players.. the Mod. gets called Labb . tho... and was most likely her. she is my "go to " lady for good advice. Becky might also have answered you...she is a super wise lady too..or it could have been any of our wonderful folks on here..

                was so happy to see you here SassyG.... love that picture and yes.. cats snoop and try everything .. got a grin out of that one..

                Paula send me your email via PM and I will email you recipe for the "chowder"... that is my basic Christmas Eve soup.. Corkie probably won't eat it. but Donna and Becca, Blaise will.. I'll make him a chicken sandwich. ... but I have made so many tweaks to the basic recipe.. its better to copy and paste to you...

                bedtime .. see you in the morning .
                Take it one Day , one step, at a time.. cause that's all we really have.


                • sassygirl01
                  sassygirl01 commented
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                  I am glad to be here..That was funny..That is for sure..That made your day...