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Sunday 9-11 a day of remembrance

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  • Sunday 9-11 a day of remembrance

    Good morning ...

    Door is open,, coffee and donuts are on table.. help yourself...

    and the never seeming to end struggle with this stupid nerve pain.goes on.and on... I must have a lesson to learn from this! of the first lesson was to now understand and feel deeply for people who have this kind of pain day in an out.. and the then to realize your family gets tired of your whining ... .... especially husband

    today is a day of remembrance... that morning I was downstairs giving a lady a piano lesson when David yelled "Get up here.!!!!!"and we watched second plane hit. .and then Tv all day. no we,who acturally lived thru this will never forget it...Iwhen the towers went down I set there and cried at all the homes that would be empty that night ....

    we will probably go for lunch .. will be back later .
    Last edited by Mayebarnes; 09-11-2016, 06:51 AM.
    Take it one Day , one step, at a time.. cause that's all we really have.

  • #2
    Good morning....Bible Study/lunch with friends today

    Yesterday was a lot of fun...I met a lot of new people..spent the rest of the day relaxing...found out my parents will be here Tuesday in time for lunch and go home Wednesday...Wednesday is my nieces 12th birthday...we will have family lunch. Planned a menu for supper for mom and dad and I for Tuesday. Home made pizza and salad...will prbably have my sis and her family over for some type dessert.

    I too remember I was driving to the time I had a job taking care of the elderly and disabled in their soon as I got to work I wanted to watch the tv. I didn't get to watch much until I got home the elderly man I was carrying for wouldn't allow me. it was causing war flash backs for him....My cousin and his wife worked in Washington but both happened to be off work that day


    • #3
      Good morning.
      A very slight chance for rain in these next couple of days. Slight enough I doubt we'll get any. But we'll have sunshine!

      We weren't too hungry last evening, so we went out for a hamburger. There's a new place called Freddie's steak burgers. It's OK, and E seems to like it. It was more of a smash burger, I'd say. We got that and lemonade, no sides. They offer frozen custard, which I might try some day. I've never had it before.

      I've nearly filled a large waste basket full of clothing for Goodwill. But I'm just half done with my part of the closet. I haven't tried on my jeans or dress pants to see which I can still wear. I've dropped a bit of weight.

      My plans for this morning, after the sun comes up, is to read the paper.
      Then I plan to read a magazine article on exercising and good health, in one of E's many magazines.

      I recall 9/11. I was in the hospital awaiting the surgery on my spleen.
      It didn't happen, because there was a gang shooting in the wee hours of the morning, a gang leader was rushed into surgery because he was shot up pretty badly. The doctors had grabbed the blood set aside for my surgery for him, but he died anyway. They had to send me home then, and my surgery was rescheduled for the following week. I saw the TV footage of the destruction of the Twin Towers. It was hard to believe it was really happening.

      * The donut was perfect with my tea - thanks Maye. I hope your doctor has something to eliminate that pain tomorrow!
      * Beth, I'm glad you have a job you enjoy. Sounds like a nice week ahead for you.

      To everyone, have a great day!
      Now to get the newspaper!!! ☕️
      Last edited by JoGee; 09-11-2016, 08:10 AM.
      Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


      • #4
        We were home. TV on GMA. Watched all day. Stunned, shocked, sad beyond belief. The beginning of terrorism for me.


        • #5
          I was also home that day...having coffee and channel surfing when I saw it. I sat there and saw the very first reports and spent the rest of day watching. The beginning of terrorism for all of us. . . The porch is finished and looks great. Went over bid but well worth it. Changed the appearance of the entire house. Balloon glow last night was fun. We had 6 balloons show and had front row seats with a huge huge crowd behind us. Andrew enjoyed every minute and never stopped eating. He had hot dogs and nachos and ice cream and funnel cake...made me ill just watching him but I did steal a piece of funnel cake and yes, some of us never get to old to eat grease topped with powdered sugar. Yummy. Jon is working but Scott is here and still sleeping. I will change beds and then probably spend the afternoon in front of a ball game. Sunny this morning but cool...dropped into the 50s I hear.


          • #6
            Maxie I love hot air balloon glows...have been to both a some what large one and smaller me the smaller ones are the best because you can up close and have a better view...I am friends with a few pilots...


            • #7
              Oh, the sad, sad memories of that day.i had daycare kids around me all day, and Gary and we just huddled together it seemed all day.
              Today I have church and later I have new flowers to take to the cemetery.
              I made a layered lemon dessert yesterday and will put a pot roast on to be ready mid afternoon. Carrots and red potatoes to go with it.
              I finished my book and decided before I start another I need to get a few things done. My flat surfaces are getting a bit cluttered.
              Maye, those " lessons" we take away from hard times I always hope to use to help someone else and to Never have to re-learn them! So hoping you can keep up with your day and know when to rest...this has to be almost over, right?
              I have been chatting long enough. Must go do my hair and get presentable....
              Bless you all and God Bless America!


              • #8
                Oh my...It's afternoon....HELLO ALL!!!!

                Yesterday was good. Got lots done & it wasn't all baking. After dropping off the pies, I headed to the estate sale down the road and then stopped at the pool place just a few feet down from that though I had to drive there because I needed to pick up the 100lbs of chlorine and a new solar cover that was on sale. I did it now because I could afford it more now than next spring. I'll use the remaining chlorine from the 100lbs I bought last year to put in the pool when we close it down this coming week. Came home and baked 10 pies for today then mixed up 4 kinds of cookie dough. Baked off the choc chip cookies. Chilled the rest. I sorted through Cork & my clothes and pitched ratty t-shirts and things I never wore all to Salvation Army with them. I sorted out some of the summer clothes I won't wear again this year, though saved out some in case it gets toasty in the next month. Organized it all, sorted the laundry, and got everything looking neat again. I haven't been very organized with the house for the last 6 weeks. Had a relaxing evening.

                I remember where I was when all the tragedy occurred. We were living out in Lima, OH...where I hosted my first big RU. The girls were in school and for some odd reason I had the TV on and of course was baking in the kitchen. I NEVER have the TV on during the day, but for some reason (God thing) I did. I saw the second plane crash into the tower. I cried. My Mom was on her way home from a New England bus trip and out of contact. They were delayed a bit getting home because bridges were closed and they had to take a different way home. We worried about them. It was before cell phones were had by everyone. Yes, terrorist ruined our peaceful life.

                This morning after church & dropping off pies, we went back to the estate sale because everything is 50% off. There wasn't a lot there I desired, but I was happy with a few things I got and Cork was even happier with the tools he got. There was a 5' Christmas tree with lights with no price on it. I offered $5 and they accepted, so one of my girls will be getting a tree though I'm toying with the idea of keeping it for myself. After emptying the trunk, I headed into town to Aldi's & WM. I was wanting to try a new cookie recipe that called from Pumpkin Spice Hershey Kisses, which I had no luck finding...dang! Now to bake off some more cookies, but first my head had to clear. Bottomed out at 42. Dumb diabetes. Going to try a new recipe I saw on FB to take as a snack for cards tonight. My Aunt P is going to be our 4th. Haven't had a real visit with her since 4th of July party. Anyways, this new recipe you wrap cocktail sausages with crescent roll strips and then make a chili & cream cheese mixture that you top with cheese. You line the outside end of the pan with the sausages and the dip in the center then bake. Looked really good.

       head is clearing, so I best get busy. Have a good one all!


                • #9
                  Aloha all!

                  I remember that day too. We were at our cabin in Alpine Arizona, Buddy was out jogging, and I was carrying a cup of coffee around to my spot on the sofa. I stopped dead in my tracks to see the second plane hit the tower. They were talking about the first plane and I thought at first it was like that plane that struck the Empire State building in NYC during the war in the fog. But the second plane I knew it wasn't so and then they hit the pentagon and then the crashed plane in Pennsylvania. Buddy came back from his jog and after breakfast we came back to Sierra Vista as we didn't know what would happen and we wanted to be with Bim.

                  Big management from the mainland were here last week and they are downsizing and two of our favorite managers are leaving. They no longer want any live in managers and since the two that are leaving just quit as they do not have a place to live and they would only get $15 an hour plus meals, but no apartment. WE need a live in manager as there would be no one here to take care of any problems that could arise such as over flowed toilets, water pipe bursts, or like did happen one time the fire alarm going off for no reason and management had to turn off the system until it could be checked the next day. There will be a medical person at night for those that have signed up for it. I did sign up my son and myself for that-just in case. Any way moral is very low for both resident and staff as they will come up with more changes in the next two weeks. Nobody knows what will happen next.

                  Have a good day all!

