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Sunday ~ August 7

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  • Sunday ~ August 7

    Good Morning, and Happy Anniversary to John and Me - 35 years - wonderful years. Never a fuss, never a disagreement, always on the same page with love and respect for eachother.
    Of course, we didn't raise kids, so maybe there was nothing to fuss about. LOL

    Well, getting ready for church. I bought a bag of steak rolls at WM - must have had about 300 rolls, so I am making Crostini for church. Need to use up these rolls.

    Heat continues, although we did get .25 of rain yesterday. Boy did we celebrate! AND the TX Rangers won by a hairy hair hair.

    Well, hope all is well and that you each have a very good day.

  • #2
    Good morning...our food theme for lunch after morning Bible Study is soup and salad...I was assigned crackers...I bought 2 boxes...

    Yesterday was pretty good...had fun with my parents and sister and her family..we started our morning at a coffee shop and ended it with fro yo. We went to old town...then we tried a new pizza place here in town called Mod was some of the best pizza I have ever had!!! Delish! It was a bit hot but not too bad..we also went to a car dad and brother in law wanted to do favorite parts of the day were the early morning coffee in my living room and the pizza lunch...

    Maxie I think that my parents are bringing my best friend back to experiance historical Saint Charles at Christmas...Have you ever been here for that or will this be your first time? Historical Saint Charles Is my most favorite thing about the Christmas season!! Its so beautiful down there during that time..


    • determined
      determined commented
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      Beth how did Cori do with the family this time?

    • bethina
      bethina commented
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      Determined she was better I think..she wouldn't come down from the cabinet tops on Friday so mom and I had to climb up and get her down..I confined her to my room...and she did ok...I don't think she hissed at anyone...and took crackers from mom's hands on Friday she is coming around more...

    • maxie
      maxie commented
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      I have been there several times at Christmas. It is also a holiday favorite of ours. Not even the crowds bother you there!

  • #3
    Morning all

    It's (hopefully) my last Sunday to work for the summer! YAY!

    Elaine - the chicken spaghetti was a HUGE hit and a definite keeper.

    Hopefully today will be slow and I can just sit at my desk and watch Netflix all day.

    Y'all have a good 'un!
    The only person you should try to be better than is the person you were yesterday.


    • #4
      Happy Anniversary Elaine and John. The only other couple that I heard of that never had a tiff was my Mom's parents, raised 14 kids and the kids said that there was never harsh words between them. Mostly because of Grandpa. All of them down through the years said that when Grandma got mad about something and wanted to argue Grandpa would just calmly walk out of the house and go to the barn or the outhouse until she calmed down. If she was still wanting to argue when he came back in he would just walk out again. He would tell her when you are ready to discuss things in a calm manner we will but I won't fight about it. Grandpa was a very quiet man and never raised his voice from his pulpit or in his home. Mom and her siblings all said that if they were acting up he would walk through and say "That will be enough of that" and if it continued they knew that he would come back through and pick them up and tan their behinds.

      SS Dr. went okay yesterday I guess. But then he said that he would recommend that my PCP refer me to a lung Dr. to get a sleep test for sleep apnea. He had asked about it and I told him that no Dr had confirmed it but that friends and family that I had fallen asleep around have said that I stop breathing in my sleep. Scared the daylights out of my niece. I woke up to her shaking me in a panic one time telling me "Breath, you weren't breathing" Hopefully SS won't decide that I have to have one done before they will approve me.


      • #5
        Good morning world. Relatively cooler here this week. No more over 100º this week. Feeling good all over today. May get some things done after all. Yesterday I woke with everything that can hurt doing so.

        Darla, I don't know how they decide how bad things need to be before the pass you. My eldest daughter got hers on the first visit. I know others who are truly disabled that fight for it for a very long time.

        Not much more so will just wish everyone a happy day.


        • #6
          Good morning ..

          When my son Mike was retiring after 30 years, from Air force, he got a complete ,, and I mean complete physical.. ( at his request).. and they did the sleep test for his snoring ... He has had the night equipment ever since and is healthy..

          Not going to be as hot.. and humidity is down . so today might even be a day to set on the deck...

          Going out for lunch...daughter, family get home sometime today.. and our babysetting of dog, fish and cats will be over... cat and dog were easy. but that darn fish just cried and cried.. .. I had to remember to keep the door to the computer room door shut when I was not in there... Had the fish bowl setting up high and K.d. never got a sniff...thank heavens..

          Happy Anniversary Elaine and John.. I will never be able to say the same.. about no fuss or argument .. ... BUT we agreed on the important things.. about God, Discipline of kids. money,, I did the house buying , he picked the cars.. but He is a one to one person.. .I am a people person.
          love groups. Choir. sewing. Bible study.. visiting folks. Yes, Elaine, I had to drag him to the Round-ups. but once he got there, he enjoyed himself..and met John and Ellis, Ken.. and still talks about our trip to your 65 years later we are still together.. and we still fuss.
          Take it one Day , one step, at a time.. cause that's all we really have.


          • #7
            Good cool Sunday morning!
            Barb gave our forecast and just that "under the 100's" makes such a difference, especially in my morning chores.
            I am sitting outside with dogs and enjoying the morning, wet hair and all!
            Happy Anniversary, Elaine and John! Hope this day is extra special.
            What are steak rolls!
            I have church, then planning the daycare week. Adding a new child and that always has its own kind of excitement and stress.
            I am blessed with work.
            Donna and Maye, my son said the humidity this weekend was just like Japan...they were shopping at a huge mall, though, with so many of Nikki's favorite American stores, that no one minded the outside time in the humidity. Today they are house hunting. They had thought they would stay in a new town home development, but in just the week they have been there, decided they want a single family dwelling. The boys haven't met any friends, 10 year old grandson sounded sad when I asked him if he had met anyone, yet...I think the culture shock has hit.
            I better get busy; my hair is still wet, and it isn't a look I want for church
            I need one more coat of paint for one of the shutters I am doing and that will get done after church. I also didn't go lawn mower shopping yesterday, so there is always something on my To Do List!
            Hope your list is relaxing and counting your blessings. The RT is certainly one I count in the top!


            • #8
              Good Morning! It was a nice cool one today.

              Yesterday was uber busy, but very good. Delivered the pies & Lew decided he wanted 16 pies for today...I only delivered 10 yesterday. Well come about 11am he called & they were down to 3 pies...could I bring down anymore? I had 4 cooling. Half an hour later he calls again asking if I had anymore elderberry & peach baking....yes, send the customer up & they pies would be out of the oven in 20 minutes. So there goes his 16 pies for today. I also made 2 fresh peach pies for my company & my friend Lori's family reunion. Got Lew's 4 pies delivered right before 2pm. I told him I was DONE and not to call cause I had to get ready for my own company.

              Came home, took a cool relaxing shower, and then started. Had some help from the family. We were completely ready by the time they came at 5pm. Had a wonderful picnic dinner and had plenty of leftovers. It was nice visiting with the college/working gals. Love listening to their stories. They left about 8pm and Becca was on her way back to her apt by 8;15pm. Earlier in the day Corky helped her load up her Escape with all her "Christmas" gifts for her new apt. She'll get to put that stuff in the apt when she drops off her paperwork tomorrow morning. Then she hopes to be moving in on Wednesday. Friends from work have offered to help her move.

              I sat down & watched two episodes of House on Netflix, then decided I had some extra energy, so I made a batch of cherry pie filling and rolled out enough pie crust for 6 pies. Felt very accomplished when I went to bed.

              We went to church this morning then came straight home. I had to deliver pies & Corky had to leave to give a golf lesson. I've got the 6 pies in the oven and will deliver them later in the early afternoon once they cool. In the meantime, Blaise & I are heading to Butler to have lunch at Arby's then grocery shop at Aldi's. My pantry shelves are actually looking bare. I used up all the flour & sugar I had stock piled. Will come & relax after I deliver the pies. I'm going to my SIL place to play cards tonight with Mom & her friend Dorothy. Dinner for us will be leftovers from last night. I sent it all home with Sherry last night so I don't have to mess with bringing any of it tonight.

              Did I mention that I discovered how nice the convection feature on my oven is? I was afraid to try it last year and this year when I put 5 pies in to bake at one time, the top crusts weren't getting evenly browned, so I FINALLY decided to try it and they came out perfect. Now I bake 6 at a time and there is no messing around another 5-10 minutes trying to get them to look right plus I've lowered the temps by 15 degrees.

              Oh my....I wrote a book. Have a good one all!!!! Happy Anniversary Elaine & John!!!!


              • #9
                Yesterday was a grandma and Andrew bonding day. We swam, fixed supper and shopped. The boy hates shopping but he wanted his school supplies. What these teachers want now! They expect the parents to make up for the fact that the damn state shorts the schools more and more each year. Cleaning supplies! Holy cow! But he had a bag of school supplies and a bag of cleaning supplies and was a happy little boy. His mom bought him a new backpack and he cannot wait to fill it. Best part of school is the new supplies! My knee is a little stiff this morning so must have hurt it in the pool....grandma should know better than playing on a 9 year old level in the pool but, golly, I am so much faster in the water than on land...I almost was able to keep up and the boy forgot I could swim. No rain this morning but pure sunshine. Congrats on the rain Elaine and the anniversary. Looks to be a quiet Sunday here with leftovers to eat. Afternoon ballgame so guess I am set. Pat, you made it through the tourist season! Enjoy those weekends. Can't type and drink coffee at the same time...a self made rule since my last computer is still floating in a morning I am off to enjoy the sun!!


                • Paula A
                  Paula A commented
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                  What kind of cleaning supplies?! Wow!

                • maxie
                  maxie commented
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                  They wanted clorox wipes, kleenex, paper red ink pens which I assume are for the teacher, postem stickies, a lot of things I guess the schools used to furnish. One year each student had to bring in a package pf printer paper but they must have leftovers because it was not of this years list. I also assume those that can bring in for those that can't. This is the state of Illinois and we do not support our smaller school districts and have been cutting aid for years because we are so broke. Once school starts Andrew will start selling stuff. Magazine, cups, shirts, candy, Christmas items. It goes on and on but the schools must do something and we grandparents buy buy buy.

              • #10
                Good morning! Today I woke to finding long generous puddles along the curbs in our streets, and humidity about 50%. It will get to 97° today, so I don't expect much time outdoors.

                Happy Anniversary, Elaine & John. Never a tiff? Amazing.
                I thought my parents never argued. Wrong! They saved it til us kids were asleep upstairs, and they'd take their differences to the basement. Then there were days Mom wouldn't be speaking, and Dad stayed 2 rooms away (except meal times). I just viewed them as weird. Mom & I never had a close relationship, and Dad taught me the most useful things I needed to know. Mom was a troublemaker....I know how she interfered in my brother's life. I liked the military life far away from her. E & I have our occasional tiffs, nothing really major. We were friends long before we married, so we found we had very similar grounds to share.

                Beth, glad you had such a good time with your family.
                Pat, I never had Elephant Ears......are they crispy or soft? I'd like to try making them sometime.
                Darla, hope the Med problems get straightened out quickly.
                Barb, may you have far more good days than bad ones!
                Maye, Ellis enjoyed those RoundUps as much as I did. 😄
                Paula, I love your upbeat outlook. You must have the patience of a saint to watch over a lot of kids. How many do you usually have at one time?
                Cookie, busy as always! Cooking AND baking! (Not to mention clean-up afterwards).
                Maxie, you have a life of daily adventures, too. Keeping up with a 9 year old?

                Jostoy~~~~~~~ , Nalani, Justy, who else???? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
                Have a great day today!
                Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


                • Pat B
                  Pat B commented
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                  Jo - they are crunchy on the bottom, but soft otherwise. We really liked them!

                • Paula A
                  Paula A commented
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                  I love elephant ears! ( my iPad won't let me use the French name!)
                  Thanks for your comment, Jo.
                  I have a large care license, but operate at a small care number. During the summer I have 8 about 3-4 days, during the regular school term I have 6 on my full time rolls. One little guy is a 4 day schedule so Thursday is one lighter.

              • #11
                Oreilles d'éléphant ? They do look delicious in Pat's Facebook pic.
                Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


                • #12
                  Aloha all!

                  Happy anniversary, John and Elaine!

                  Hot and humid here so will stay inside.

                  Have a good one all!


                  • #13
                    Aloha, Nalani.
                    Staying indoors is GOOD when it's hot and humid.
                    Our miserable humidity is dropping now, but when the rains return on Tuesday ......... Ugh!
                    Create a beautiful day wherever you go.

