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Doctor Visit (Infectious Disease) ✍

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  • Doctor Visit (Infectious Disease) ✍


    7/12/16 ~ to our Family & Friends

    Well, it was an extremely thorough checkup today, and a very informative one at that. And I didn't even have to get undressed, although he asked me to lift my muumuu so he could see the colostomy and other surgical scars that I've accumulated over the years. The three of us (doc, Ellis & I) had quite a good discussion throughout the appointment.

    You'd think when you're cured of one thing, it's over with. But apparently every medication, infection, condition of your past adds up to what you consist of today. (That may also include heredity conditions.)

    So, insofar as my foot/feet goes, most of the pain is down to a pesky discomfort zone, so I'm healing okay. He recommended a couple of foot exercises, which I've been doing during the course of the day and sometimes at night before sleep, after sleep, or night wake up periods....he wants me to flex my feet and toes, and I'd also added an ankle exercise as well. He was glad to know that. Still, there's a ways to go as the skin feels tight. I'll be walking a bit more every day now as well. I find that I still tire easily when doing much walking. "Much" meaning over 15 minutes.

    He had gone way back in my medical history, amazed that I'd gone though so many serious things. That goes back to Dec 1989 with my first surgery. "This medicine may have caused this and affected that." After my splenectomy, he found there is an immunization I should have been getting every 5 years, but haven't. Ellis will remember the names of the medications, as I admitted it was too technical for me to this doctor sent a page of his overall findings, and recommendations for two injections and I'm not sure what else, to both my Cancer Oncologist and the Hematology Oncologist.
    He checked the circulation in my legs, expecting problems, but found it was normal. He checked my heart and asked if I've had heart problems (not at all), and said there was a slight drip on one side but he wouldn't think it would be any problem for at least 10 years down the road....right now we are taking care of immediate, more serious problems. He listened to my lungs and found them to be extremely clear. Guess I'm doing something right.
    Before we departed he recommended what to look for and how to care for myself, especially since I'm going through chemotherapy. He was glad to know that I was already on top of most of it. I felt glad to know that.
    (We wish all doctors were as caring and thorough and info-sharing has he is.)

    So I'll be doing my foot exercises, keeping my legs properly elevated, trying to work in some body-strengthening exercises from PT as well. Hope the feet swelling stops before long. I don't like my current compression stockings as they hurt my feet (badly sized?) and don't stay up, so I have some others on order that should be effective AND more comfortable.
    The leg massager that Ellis bought will be back in use again, as the pain is subsiding, and the angry color has started to fade as well.
    It's gonna be okay!

    Thursday, 7/14, I will begin Round 3 of the chemo regimen.
    Create a beautiful day wherever you go.

  • #2
    Jo... this was such an uplifting post to read this morning ..... looks like you are doing everything you can to help get on your feet..

    what a fighter!!!!!
    Take it one Day , one step, at a time.. cause that's all we really have.


    • #3
      This is all great JO, that at least there are no "new" problems, and that what maybe starting won't cause a problem for along time down the road. Glad that you got someone who was so through going into your history, and didn't see one thing and try to blame all things on that.


      • #4
        Good to hear you've not let any of the problems get out of hand. Most of all, your attitude is probably what keeps you gaining your health back.
        Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured.


        • #5
          What a great appointment! Love all the talking between you guys!


          • #6
            To find a caring doctor is wonderful in itself! Sounds like you are doing everything you should be doing and have a great helper with your E.


            • #7
              I agree with all the others. So glad you have a good doctor and have such a great attitude about it all! Hugs!


              • #8
                Thank you all for your caring support. It means so much to me.

                Today will be a slower day. Have to be early for lab work because they run an hour behind these days, then see the doc who will order this round's chemo formula mix, and finally I'll be sitting in the chemo infusion chair for however long it takes (2-4 hours). Then no doubt I'll want a nap when we get home.

                We just got news that my oncology surgeon is leaving now. Someone else will be putting me back together when all the chemo is done. Don't they know how disturbing this is to a patient, especially when the surgeon was so highly recommended and has all your trust? (And I finally got the pronounciation of her name down..... The replacement has an even more confusing name.). Okay, I know their skill doesn't depend on the name pronounciation, but you like to feel you'll know and trust the person, whatever their name. But confusing names don't help much. )

                Oh well. Not much else one can do than go with the flow. Today I will just concentrate on today.
                Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


                • #9
                  Any chance of following your doctor or is she going to far or out of network?


                  • #10
                    She will be out of network. Somewhere in Phoenix. But I don't know the doctors there. They don't know me. They don't know the depth of my records.

                    Right now .... Today my blood count is down to "iffy", so my chemo is going to be delayed a week. I have 6 months' of calendar to change when I get home. 😳
                    Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


                    • #11
                      Can you put stickers over the old dates and go from there?
                      Save all the writing...


                      • #12
                        It'll ruin my iPads & iPhone. 😂

                        I've color coded my chemo days, marking them by rounds of treatment.
                        This round is put off til next week on Wednesday. So each round is going to be off by a week til mid November when it's done.

                        To add more 'fun' to the day, I still had to go up to the infusion floor to get an immunization the other doctor recommended.
                        That was a half hour wait while the Med was being prepared in the lab.
                        Then back down to the appointment desk, where by then they figured out new dates and printed my calendar page for future appointments.
                        Bear with me now....FINALLY my last stop was the lab, where I got the needle removed from my port.

                        Then, it was 2 o'clock, and we'd totally missed lunch. At 2:30 we found a decent restaurant and ordered sandwiches and fruit. It wasn't free pie day, so we bought a whole key lime pie to take home.

                        We made it home at 4 o'clock, and the thermometer in the car read 108° while the radio announcer said "it's currently 103°". What do they know! My ankles felt like I was walking on a grill instead of on concrete.

                        I'm ready for a nap, but it's too late in the day now.
                        Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


                        • #13
                          You are amazing. I know you will overcome this just like you have your other health issues. As we age, things just take longer to resolve it seems.


                          • #14
                            So true, Elaine. Thank you.
                            Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


                            • #15
                              I was thinking with my calendar on the wall, weekly calendar on my desk brain 😅
                              Of course, you and E are way more electronic than I am.
                              But, they say, using those brain cells keeps them young and working!

