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Thursday 30..June

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  • Thursday 30..June

    Good morning everyone..

    Last day of the month.WOW!!!..Where did that month go!!!

    I need one of those to day...
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  • #2
    Good Morning .

    ahhh,, I would love to get a tiny baby kitten again.... our K.D. was about a year old and was done cuddling.. darn. what a cute Sassyg.

    Worked on grandson David's. "furry" costume.. putting new zipper in ... what a Job... He will be going into Pittsburgh today to join up with the rest of his "furry" friends at the convention... will stay down there until it is over.. Karen will pick him up Sun or Monday. ..he is leaving his big old van here..cost too much to park it in Pitts. that many days.. and his sweet Aunt Karen says she don't mind taking him back and forth..

    Sun is shining and making my windows all look bad... but I am going to ignore them..will get a grandkid to help with them

    will be back to see how everyone is doing in a bit..
    Take it one Day , one step, at a time.. cause that's all we really have.


    • sassygirl01
      sassygirl01 commented
      Editing a comment
      Me too..I miss that..Double Darn.....thank-you Maye..

  • #3
    Morning all

    It's my "extra" day off due to the holiday. I have cinnamon rolls rising, but just discovered I am out of milk so will have to run to the store at some point to get it to make the icing.

    It is STORMING outside right now - lightning, thunder, and pouring rain.

    An Atlanta TV station erroneously reported that there is flesh-eating bacteria in our local waters - I can't imagine how catastrophic this will be on this holiday weekend for hotels/condos and other tourist-oriented businesses. I had to go onto our condo Facebook page and post a link stating that this report is WRONG and the beaches are OPEN. I'm sure the phones will be ringing off the hook today with guests calling with questions. Glad I won't be there.

    Laundry, and other chores to get done. Best get busy. Y'all have a good 'un!
    The only person you should try to be better than is the person you were yesterday.


    • Pat B
      Pat B commented
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      Jostoy -

    • maxie
      maxie commented
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      I read that yesterday and commented I was glad we had not vacationed in the Destin area this year...that is normally our destination on the beach. So glad that report is false but what a catastrophe for your area on a holiday weekend.

    • Paula A
      Paula A commented
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      Pat, my friend called me this morning to FaceTime while she rolled out her beautiful brioche dough so I could see how she puts her sticky buns together.
      Now, if I can just get the courage to follow you in the kitchen...

  • #4
    Good Morning! It's down right chilly out there at 49 degrees. Yesterday I don't think it hit 70....brrrrr!

    Yesterday was nice. Worked on cleaning my stove top and the outside of the refrig before Kathy & I left to go shopping. We went to the Salvation Army Thrift Store since it was half off day. I got a few tops & bottoms and I gave her a budget for some clothes. We did Arby's for lunch and made a couple other stops before coming home. I puttered the afternoon away and made a nice pork chop & chicken dinner for us all.

    This morning SEARS is coming to do their yearly maintenance check on the appliances that we bought from them last year. One of the perks of their extended warranty. I need to slip into town again to pick up a few items from Giant Eagle so I can make the dishes for Saturday's party. Going to attempt to make a red, white, & blue tie dye cake for Saturday's party. Aldi's no longer carries lasanga noodles (seasonal they say) so I can make the perogie lasanga. I've got a couple pie orders for tomorrow too. This morning Kathy & I are going to start cleaning windows on the outside of the house. Have to be on a ladder for most of them. Need to mop the kitchen floor before they get here, so I best get busy.

    Have a good one all!


    • jostoy
      jostoy commented
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      Donna, I hope Kathy is the one going up that ladder.

    • Paula A
      Paula A commented
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      Great idea for your lasagne! I am always looking for different ideas besides using a layer of ravioli in mine.

  • #5
    Good is volunteer will be a short sis or bro law will pick me up around noon. The bird comes today..They leave on vacation shortly after that...looks like its supposed to rain all weekend starting with Friday..I will just ride in the rain to feed the cats...atleast it won't be hot.. I just hope the rain stays away long enough for them to finish fixing my road. They have torn the curb completely I have a temporary ditch in front of my house...and I won't be able to get to the street with out stepping into water if it does rain b4 they fix it.

    We had a scare with my granny yesterday...she woke up and was fine able to walk and everything...well my Uncle went to see her at noon and she was completely confused disoriented could barely walk so they took her to the hospital by ambulance and my mother went to be with her..come to find out she has a uti...They gave her antibotics and fluids by iv. Mom said she seemed a lot better last night and my aunt went to stay with her for the night..I talked to granny last night on the phone she sound said she was much better last night and she seemed to think she would be ok by morning.


    • #6
      Good morning everyone.

      Today is mowing day in the country. Will also see if I can work up the dirt around her new porch area with my hand tiller. You know the old fashion kind that you have to push manually. Need to get the grass seed sewen before Saturday night when it is suppose to rain for the next 3 days. Will also spread the mole killing stuff Saturday afternoon for her so the rain can put it down into the ground.

      This morning I need to go get the things I forgot yesterday at the grocery store. I even had a list. Will also do some minor things around here before heading out for the country.

      Everyone have a good day.
      Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured.


      • #7
        So much cooler this morning...actually I will now have to say it is to cold for summer after saying it was just to hot for June but suppose to warm up again next week after a weekend of rain chances. We are bone dry here without a drop of rain in weeks. We have baby Bluebirds! 4 little birdies in our house...who would have thought that a bird house I hung on the fence on a whim would be the home to blue birds. Such pretty birds. We have no plans for the Fourth. There are fire works around here so maybe but probably not. We were invited to my sister's but all my boys are working this holiday and I will be spending all of next week with her anyway. Besides my back is still feeling the road trip we took the other day. My sister is 6 years younger than me but Scott laughed at the way we crawled out of the car when we finally got to his house. Stiff legs, aching backs, stumbling the first steps on the driveway. Getting old is not pretty and also painful! Tonight is Drew's last game of the season!! Hurray! We have another long drive and must leave on time since we are tonight's transportation. Kid must be there on time for warmup or he gets anxious...coaches are such pills! Guess we will find out if they really made the playoffs...hope not hope not hope not!!! Laundry today and want to run to the fruit stand. The tomatoes are wonderful! The watermelons so sweet! And the corn on the cob is to die for! I was cooking it in the microwave but Jon cooks it in water with milk and a stick of butter and it is like eating dessert. I think I may be hungry so should go off to find some breakfast. I have not cooked a meal all week and should feel guilty but as long as the peanut butter holds out for me and salami for the son we seem to be holding up pretty good. Sierra will be by today so may want what she calls decent food so may switch to carry out for today. 'but grandma I don't get meals at home' well, little girl, grandma is on holiday until September...


        • #8
          Good morning from desert country! 🌵
          How odd to see fog outside. It'll be gone once the sun actually rises over the mountains, though.
          Remember I said 2 nights ago we had definite winds and good rain? Well, as we left for my eye appointment, E found our wishing well had been blown a few feet, lost more wood, cracked, shards in the driveway....we have to get rid of it now.
          Also it tore the canopy off our glider..I might be able to fix that a bit, though, for what it's worth. Neighbor's' trash is dotting our backyard; and my greenhouses lost more panels, so we need to finish taking them down. Jostoy, help! 😉
          We had rain yesterday and last night, too, but not a whole lot. I sleep very well when it rains, which is why I'm so late signing in today.
          Two more days of rain forecasted: today, 90%\91° and tomorrow 80%\89°. Much cooler than usual. It should be cool all weekend, and the heat will edge it's way back after that. Meanwhile, I'll appreciate all the rain we can get....the winds, not so much.

          No plans in particular for today. I woke with some minor cramping today, and I don't know why, so I can't be doing a whole lot. Guess I'll grab some crochet stuff and work on that today.

          Had my eyes checked by the retinal Doctor. He fixed my retina tear several years ago, and checks my eyes annually. He's such a nice man, and talks to me like a friend. Suspecting I'd have to update my info there, I took my last Doctor checkup sheets with me. I didn't have to list my meds, as they were ALL printed on the first page, and the receptionist ran off a copy. The nurse asked me what my blood pressure was, but who remembers that? It is a little different each time. But on the last page of my med sheets, there it was. When we were done with checkups, he said I had excellent eye health. However, if I get "floaters" or any other problems, to call him immediately.

          Tomorrow....very early appointment for ultra sound on my foot.

          Well, being so far behind today, I'll just ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ to all, and wish you a great day.
          Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


          • jostoy
            jostoy commented
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            JoG, if I lived close to you, I'd be glad to help with anything you needed done.

        • #9
          Good Morning, well it's still morning here. Already been out and about, one part was a wasted trip, Kenny ran out to the hospital for test and found out that they were not done on a walk in basis, so they sent a copy of the scripts over to where they needed to go and gave him the number to call and set up the appointments. Since that didn't take long we were at the place I needed to go to get the cane the Dr wants me to have before it opened. So as soon as it opened I was first in. Thought that paperwork was going to have to be faxed to Dr but he must have put all the info they needed on the script. since he copied everything and gave me the cane. Well he did adjust the height for me. It is really just to carry with me so I don't have to worry about walking close to things to catch myself if my leg gives out. Kenny has an appointment with the lung Dr at 2:00.
          Hope everyone has a great day


          • #10
            Good mid-morning! I had an early call from a friend who wanted to FaceTime to show me how she makes her sticky buns. I shared a couple of pictures on Facebook of the ones she made the other day. The buns are about 6 oz. each and they sell for 4.00 each in their Food truck. She is a self taught baker and when she lived in Red Bluff we were frequent testers for all her projects.
            Very light day today. Three kids and the baby isn't one of them. Really makes for an open schedule and helps my wrist that the carpal tunnel is coming back...
            Hope you all get your appointments, jobs and projects done.
            Be back to read again later.


            • #11
              Jostoy, you're a sweetie! That made me feel good, anyway. 😊
              Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


              • #12
                Aloha all!

                Jo, sounds like you had a dust devil go through your yard.

                Off to see the dermatologist this morning and most likely will come home with burnt spots all over. Or maybe another round of this cream (forgot the name), but you look like a freak for a while.

                Warm muggy day here.

                Have a good day all!

                Pat, saw your cinnamon buns on Face book this morning. Yummy!


                • #13
                  Hi Nalani.

                  I can't imagine a dust devil at night in the rain. But it's possible.
                  We have had high winds before, the worst was one day last year, 160 mph, they said. ( I consider that almost a tornado. )
                  That's when we had to use panels from the unbuilt greenhouse to replace the panels lost from both of the ones that were already built. Also, our yard furniture blew clear across the back yard. I thought it would be a one- time freak thing. Silly me. Climate change has arrived, and it's sometimes a bit difficult to adjust to.

                  So far today, our 90% chance of rain is just overcast skies, and a sprinkling of rain for maybe an hour this morning.
                  I hope we get more than that. If not today, certainly tomorrow.

                  Aloha, friend!
                  Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


                  • #14
                    Ok, the monsoon has arrived and that can be just as bad as a dust devil--worse even


                    • #15
                      I hobbled to the back door to look at the glider/swing. The canopy is torn in half, most of it shredded.
                      I haven't walked around the yard yet. It's pretty wet. The last couple of years have brought more damage than I've ever seen here before. 😒
                      Create a beautiful day wherever you go.

