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Thursday, May 19 - - -

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  • Thursday, May 19 - - -

    Good morning.
    Couldn't sleep, so thought I'd bother the rest of you.

    Well! My appointment yesterday afternoon went extremely well. PROGRESS! The bone/marrow biopsy didn't come out satisfactorily because the stuff got crunched somehow. Dr R, my oncologist, doesn't want to redo that test right away, because he says it looks like I've been through quite a lot, overall. It doesn't appear that the cancer had spread.
    On my recent visit to my surgeon, she gave me a prescription for iron pills because my count was so low and nobody had done anything to bring it up. (It's up to 9 now.)
    Today I will get a call from his nurse, about my course of treatment to get my red blood count up. Might be starting with a B12 IV, then daily shots for a week, then a weekly shot ......... and when I get back on track, Dr Ez-something in that group can get my chemo started. (I really need to get that doctor's name right!)
    Dr R was very nice to me, no closed-off body language which I often encountered before. I was surprised that he asked if I had had my spleen removed. I said yes, it's that big lump left on my side. Apparently among the doctors I've been seeing, there has been discussion of my records and nothing was ignored, past and present.
    Mostly, it felt like a good doctor-patient relationship, and E saw it that way, too.
    At least plans are finally in place to get me fixed up properly.
    My next visit is in a month.

    Today I have physical therapy, a late morning appointment. I'm hoping that my bad right foot will respond soon, as did my left foot. I'm dealing with it. Although my latest 2 exercises are hindered by the pain-caused weakness in that foot. Especially when it gets inflamed. Will see what they recommend today.

    And that's my agenda for today.

    Have a great day! ☕️
    Last edited by JoGee; 05-19-2016, 05:55 AM.
    Create a beautiful day wherever you go.

  • #2
    Wow! Glad I came back and was able to read this. Interesting you noticed his body language.
    And the funny remarks about the bag situation: none of that should be considered humor! Not my eye bags, my saddle bags or any bags. Sheesh! Can you let him see how it makes you feel? I tear up so easily, my doctors always knew when they hit a nerve.
    Hugs to you, brave friend! And that gallant knight who goes before you!


    • #3
      😄 Thanks, Paula.
      Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


      • #4
        Subject: A New Adventure Begins, from E

        Today we heard the results from the blood tests that Dr. Ravitharan Krishnadasan ordered after the visit on Wednesday. As Jo said, his examination of the bone marrow biopsy was incomplete. He was unable to completely determine whether there had been any progression of the myeloproliferative neoplasm by examination of the bone sample because it had been slightly crushed during the biopsy. He would have preferred to repeat it but given that she is still healing and had already "been through a lot" he postponed that until a later time.
        Her red cell count and platelet count had improved quite a bit but he wanted to add additional tests to see if she required a vitamin B12 regimen. And this doctor whom Jo had felt was disinterested in her health even seemed concerned about the possibility of a long, daily drive to the cancer center for a potential series of injections.

        Today we found out that the result of the added tests means that she won't need the B12 injections and can begin chemotherapy. (In some sense both a comforting and a unpleasant result.) She is to hear from the office of the oncologist, Dr. Emad Elquza, on Monday regarding the chemo regimen.

        (Is it just me or does it seem that medical names of both doctors and medicines have become completely incomprehensible today?)

        And then we start a new phase complete with a set of possible side effects as well as close monitoring of her temperature. But my darling is a remarkably strong woman who will meet the challenges head on and prevail. And I'll be here to help and support her in every way. We'll keep you posted as we we meander through this latest adventure.
        Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


        • #5
          Suddenly they find my blood levels are good. The Oncologist for the cancer treatments is supposed to be in touch this week. Looks like I'll be getting that chemo after all.
          Create a beautiful day wherever you go.

