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  • Pat.

    Please don't let Erin's hair be a problem. My youngest, Rebecca went through this stage. She has beautiful red hair too but when she went through her rebel stage she first cut her hair all weird, then she bleached it almost white then it was black. After that she had bi-color natural red and black. Finally she and a friend made a pact to let their hair grow out.
    As if all the hair things weren't bad enough, she would wear some of the most gawdawful rigs imaginable.
    She is still a oner but in a beautiful way. Almost 48 and looks more like 28.

    Just try to roll with it. My great niece dyed her hair pink for her graduation and so did nearly all of her family. Even her father, the Marine ret. dyed his beard. Some of the family just wore pink wigs, though.

  • #2
    I always found my hair color changes over the years to be fun.

    Today's beauty stores supply more colors of the rainbow, neons too. Not my cup of tea.
    But it's a safer way for younger people to express themselves, apparently.
    I think my GD with the edgy cuts and colors might be a gal with some degree of depression.
    It seems to be her way of enhancing a side of her personality that brings up a happier person, and with more control in her life.
    Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


    • #3
      I know - pick your battles, right?

      Luckily she just decided to go with a cut yesterday. I promised her to let her get her hair dyed and I was thinking of a gift certificate for Christmas to do it.
      The only person you should try to be better than is the person you were yesterday.


      • #4
        That's what my DD told me....picking battles. 😉

        I think GD's "edgy" hair styles are more disconcerting than the colors. Her other "trademark" is never wearing matching socks! Most are patterned socks. But she makes it work with her outfits. 😄
        Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


        • #5
          JoGee my socks very rarely match!


          • #6
            Beth, I guess you're in step with the times, then. 😃
            Create a beautiful day wherever you go.

