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Thursday, January 15, 2015

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  • Thursday, January 15, 2015

    I went for a whole week without any dessert and then I bought the powdered donuts and a caramel nut Danish and pigged out. See, this is what happens when I deprive myself of the sweets. From now on I will have to indulge in something low fat, sugar free or an energy bar that is a meal in itself, but some of them do resemble the taste of a Snicker's bar. Whoot!

    Speaking of sweets it's coming up on Valentine's Day and all that goes with it. My DH is having a birthday the day after and I will have to think of a gift for him. I'm leaning towards new apparel for the pool. After all, he is an Aquarian. Pool time will be here before you know it.

    We ate out yesterday and that was a mistake because his blood sugar was 142 today. Not good, but he will get it down before tomorrow. Exercise and lean & green today.
    "Only love can be divided endlessly, and still not diminish." ~ Anne Morrow Lindbergh

  • #2
    Good morning Karlinann....Sweets can be a downfall.... for me.....after all these years of being a diabetic.....and having a heart attack in the year eating habits have changed .... have better control over sweets.... only eat muffins I make for myself...and with the new natural sweetener Truvia......can use it too bake Biscotti for myself.... Marianne likes them too..... always replace fat with applesauce...and use almond milk if it calls for the kind that only has 30 calories for a cup.

    Family is taking me out to dinner tonight to celebrate my birthday..... they all will return to my house for cake and icecream.... just found that out from Marianne last night.

    I have been home too much as of late.....will try to get out to grocery store today....will feel good to walk around the store....although I did have a day this week I played music on my computer and danced around the doing that and it does help my arthritic knees... just doesn't last long enough. My dog Snoopy was following me around when I was dancing..think he wanted to dance too...LOL!

    Hannah was here for couple of hours in the afternoon yesterday.....her Mom had to work dropped her off at 3 pm.... Her Dad picked her up at 5:30......she had swimming lessons at the Y ... they joined so all of them could use the Y for exercise .... Hannah's Dad went to his exercise class while she was having her swimming lesson.

    Hope all rounders have a good day....will be back later on to see what is new.


    • #3
      Morning all

      A very happy birthday to both Mickie & Donna today!

      Rain expected today - I have to check Erin out of school around 10:30 this morning to have her at the dentist for a teeth cleaning at 11am. Will then return her to school to finish the day as she has band practice this afternoon until 5pm.

      Otherwise, not much new happening here. Y'all have a good 'un.
      The only person you should try to be better than is the person you were yesterday.


      • #4
        Good Morning.

        Happy Birthday, Mickie and Donna!. Hope you both have very special days.

        This frigid weather is getting me down. 32 again this morning. With all of the intermitent rain, it feels like 32 below. However, must leave the house today for the market.

        Made plenty of soup for a couple of days, and baked a bunch of ribs and some side veggies. No cooking today. Yay!

        Hope all is well. Have a very good day!


        • #5
          Happy Birthday Cookie and Smitty!

          Work work days have been long and hard this week....some of the other clients that normally work the floor have been off work for what ever reason....and They have needed me on the floor...I am good with this I make more money working the floor than I do working the job.

          Will do some laundry this evening as well.


          • #6
            Good Morning, nothing new here.

            JoGee or anyone else looking for a Dr. I posted a site they have been advertizing here for people looking for Dr.s seems it breaks them down so you can search for ones that deal with your personal conditions. It also says that you can check out how other patients "grade" them.


            • #7
              Good mid-morning

              had a grand sleep-in until 8am.!.. wish I could say I jumped out of bed ,restored and full of energy... however,,, I got out of bed, make it to the kitchen for coffee... and toast. not a lot of energy yet.. but I have tidied up here and there and even did a super sweepering in the liv. room... D. sweeps the middle but once in a while the corners need me. so its done . ready for second cup coffee and a set at the computer..

              Happy birthday Donna and Mickie... hope its a grand day ... first time in many many years I have not mailed Donna a card.. ( I plead sickness...I didn't get Karen one either).

              Karlin, I looked at a package of maple icing cinnamon rolls when shopping tue... left them at the store... I would have ate them all in two days.!!!... so hard to pass up goodies!..

              Hi Pat. Beth .
              Elaine ,trade you temps.. we have 20 . going to 29.. Ill take your 32.
              HI Darla..

              better keep moving .David took car for maintenance at Jiffy lube... and I want the Liv Rm. "done". before he gets back..
              Take it one Day , one step, at a time.. cause that's all we really have.


              • #8
                Good morning all!

                A very Happy Birthday to both Donna and Schmitty! I know you both will have a wonderful one with family.

                Have been coughing like mad to the point where I want to upchuck. Hate this. Still confined to my apartment, but my car will be ready today but most likely late afternoon. If they will come get me I'll get it otherwise I shall wait until tomorrow and go on the bus to pick it up. Just hope I can stop this infernal coughing.

                Have a good day all!


                • #9
                  Good morning.
                  I woke this morning and my throat feels scratchy. So I turned over and slept another few hours. Got up at 8:30. Throat still feels "off" so no plans to go out today. I can always be just as busy here. Hope the throat thing turns out to be a fluke.

                  Well, hot tea and lemon today.
                  Have a great day.
                  Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


                  • #10
                    Good morning to all of you and a Birthday greeting to the birthday twins!
                    Our little dog has a possible ulcerated eye and got a cone to wear yesterday and meds and it has added a lot to my schedule.
                    That is my reason for being late. She goes back to the vet tomorrow and I am hoping for the best.
                    Do you add a little honey to your tea? My mom swears by it. I have been drinking lemon ginger tea to keep my throat clear.
                    Have a great day! It is Friday Eve!


                    • #11
                      Yep....make that honeyed lemoney hot tea.
                      Create a beautiful day wherever you go.

