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Saturday 4-4

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  • Saturday 4-4

    Good Morning ,

    will open the door.. come in ,take a seat. have a cup off coffee. piece of coffee cake and tell us of Your Plans..
    Take it one Day , one step, at a time.. cause that's all we really have.

  • #2
    Good Morning!

    Hi Janet - been watching the Lunar Eclipse for the past hour. Fascinating stuff!

    While doing that, I rolled out my yeast rolls and have them rising. Made the streusel topping for the berry pies, and now I'm off to the shower.
    Nancy and I are heading out of town to a farmer's market. Should be fun.

    Have a beautiful Holy Saturday, as you prepare for Easter tomorrow!

    Hugs ~ ~ ~


    • #3
      hi again,

      Mark was here early , just talking ... was writing out a to-do list.. revised from yesterday.... and need to get to work on it... will make the upstairs look dust free and tidy... although we usually spend our time downstairs. where the food is... as long as the Bathroom is clean. the house will be ok... ( but will need done again tomorrow , right?).... I should make one more trip to Walmart.. see if they have really fresh mushrooms... have made myself hungry for those stuffed mushroom, ( with a mixture of crab meat.).. .. plus a few items just needed.. will see how the day goes.. that place will be packed today .... agggg

      have a wonderful time at nephew Tom's last evening .. great food... ah , Donna is a great cook... and I made LisaUk recipe for Mac and Cheese.. the bestest!... card games . birthday cakes. and lots of noise and laughter... can't beat that folks..

      Since my Easter supper is late afternoon... I will make D. go to Church.. he will not object to loudly ... the fuller the church and it should be packed. the less fuss made over the "absentee" members.. and I hear new minister is not a "long " talking guy .. ... Easter at Church is such a Glorious Day.

      Hi Elaine,
      HI Paula
      and HI to you all who share yourself on this great little place the .,RT.

      so back to working on the to-do list .

      have a great day.
      Take it one Day , one step, at a time.. cause that's all we really have.


      • #4
        The house is clean, the grocery shopping completed, need to cook my dish for tomorrow and then just sit and wait for my niece to come in this afternoon. Sierra took my car last night because she had to work early this morning so can't go anywhere anyway. This evening I think we eat Mexican and then early tomorrow morning my sister is stopping in to visit before we all go to my brothers for Easter Dinner. First ballgame of the season is also tomorrow so now I should have either hockey or baseball every night. Have a beautiful Easter all..


        • #5
          Good morning, all.
          I'm finally up and about. Did you ever wake in the dark, totally disoriented? I didn't know where I was. Must have come out of a very deep sleep, from some dream.
          I didn't watch the lunar eclipse, but wasn't aware there was one.
          The good news (for me, anyway) is that there's no swelling in my feet this morning.

          E was putting together the "egg-bot" contraption for egg decorating. I planned to dye eggs today, so he got busy on that. He ordered it for me, but I think he's really anxious to try it out. I haven't even seen the operating instructions yet. 😳

          Have to go through the fridge to see what needs to be made for tomorrow. I have to shred other veggies for the slaw onion, bell pepper, etc. Give that cabbage some flavor. There was a Jewish recipe in the paper and a cooking magazine I'd like to's primarily apples and walnuts, but other fruits can be added to it. I'd have to pulverize the nuts (IBS is no fun!).
          I bought a small boneless ham for tomorrow, and a couple of sweet potatoes.

          I remember one big holiday at church in Phoenix....quite likely an Easter, because kids get most fidgity then to get to their candy. Also, the egg hunt and the search for "the golden egg" (gold foil wrapped chocolate). The old Pastor, who we loved the best of our three, was weary of the extra hymns and drawn out service, gave about a 5-minute sermon. Basically he said, "Love everyone, remember the golden rule, rejoice in the day, and do not commit any sins. Go now and enjoy the day." He got a standing ovation. And many members came and told me how much they appreciated the Inspirational page I put in the monthly newsletter, and inspirational bits I added to the weekly bulletins. (I never signed them, and was surprised that they figured it out.)

          Well, I hope your Easter weekend is beautifully perfect.
          Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


          • #6
            Good Saturday! I had to take the dog to the groomers this morning and then we talked about her dogs and our little dog's eye, which to the groomer looks like it is still a bit ulcerated...back on meds for her, and hope we don't have to have the cone back on her head. She had to be fed by hand for that.
            I will look for LisaUK's mac and cheese recipe, Maye.
            We are having an overnight blueberry French toast as a brunch today. I am making our fruit salad. This weekend will be full of good food and my challenge will be to not eat all of it
            Elaine, thanks for hitting Like on my Facebook post the other day (autism Awareness). some nice friends were posting very kind remarks about the picture; all I saw was a shirt that needed to be tossed and (dare I say it?) I needed a new bra! Went shopping yesterday and also got a nice outfit to wear to my nephew's graduation next month.
            All the cleaning was done yesterday so today is cooking and styling. I am hoping for the rain that is forecast and not going to water today...this drought is just bad.
            Jo, that Easter sermon probably did more to get people to come back than if he had preached to a captive audience that he didn't always see, other than Christmas and Easter.
            Floors around here always need sweeping so that is next on my list.
            Have a wonderful day and enjoy your company if you have them. I feel like I am there with you, almost!


            • #7
              Good morning all!

              Everyone is planning a wonderful Easter meal for tomorrow and I will be having airline food. I hope each and every one of you have a wonderful Easter with family and friends and rejoice!

              I am packing my bag and since I am only taking a carry on I have to be very careful on what I take. Have already gotten my boarding passes so that's done.

              Now I must get to work. I am taking my ipad so will try to check in from Maui.

              Aloha, Nalani


              • #8
                Paula, that pastor was a realist! Concerning visitors taking communion with the members, he was all for it. He sai Jesus wouldn't turn anyone away, no matter what church they usually worshipped at.
                (He related the fact that his children attend other churches, and he takes their communion when visiting them. Our other pastors: one was totally against it; the other said not to let the other pastor know, and he'd let my visitors take the communion.). Three totally different personalities, not easy to work for sometimes. 😉
                Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


                • #9
                  Nalani, have a safe trip. The airline food is pretty good these days.
                  Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


                  • #10
                    AFternoon all! Just finally getting some time to sit down. The sun has FINALLY out today though a bit cold out there. The past two days it's poured rain.

                    Yesterday as mixed day emotionally. My Mom was in a snitty mood, but I went to my brother's place earlier than the rest to get the food stuff ready to put out & had a good chat & cry with my SIL. Thank God I have her & Aunt J to open up to. I felt a TON better after that & enjoyed the evening and all the food. After the "older crowd" left around 11pm, my SIL said we didn't all need to leave, so we put stuff back in the refrig & freezer and sat down to play a very long, but fun game of Canadian Salad (a card game). We didn't leave until 2am. I probably didn't fall asleep until after 3am, so when Blaise woke me up around 8am, I wasn't very happy. I finally gave up around 8:30 and we got ready to go to get Blaise & Mom's hair done. I had washed my hair this morning & it didn't look nearly as nice as Lori had done on Thursday, so she offered to curl it again. I look nice again.

                    My husband's brother called while we were at Lori's and he came over for a short visit. He lives in Toronto, CA. It was nice to see him. He calls about once a month to check in. He had lunch with us & then left. We might go check out a large apartment that's for rent near my brother Tom's. Corky still hasn't decided what we are going to do with our lives, which is driving me nuts. I detest being in limbo.

                    Have a wonderful day! Enjoy your family. I'm looking forward to my brother & his family coming over tonight for leftovers from last night & some more game playing.

