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Grandma doing the happy dance

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  • Grandma doing the happy dance

    (in case you pop back in Donna,, keep this under your hat until this evening .. no telling the family)

    now back to happy dance :::::::::::::::::::::Grandma::::::::::::::::

    I called Grandson Kiel last evening... he is driving from Va. to Pa. ...long , 8-9 hr drive to be here for 10 day vacation . when he answered. I ask what the plans were .. and without thinking he said (.brother) Dave just got here , we are leaving in the morning.. oops...DAve coming was to be a secret surprise!... IF all goes well. this meant... all NINE Grandchildren will be here for the Christmas Eve get together. !!!.... they rarely get here all the same time.. last visit was Thanksgiving 2012.... the sad note is these are Mikes sons.. who moved to Colorado and won't be here this year...

    I just throw out all plans for having an organized. clean house,, comes two ,always hungry ,young men..BUT.. who will notice if I don't get everything done or the way I planned it??? noone.. they will just enjoy each others company....

    Praying the weather co operates and they get here safely..

    back to dancing :::::::::::::::::Grandma, /Nana.:::::::::::
    Take it one Day , one step, at a time.. cause that's all we really have.

  • #2
    I can see why you are doing the Happy Dance!


    • #3
      Nobody is going to notice what isn't done, glad you will get to have all grands there this year.


      • #4
        YEA! Why couldn't Mike & Pam come? They were always going back to CO to visit her family, or is it because he's low man on the work totem pole?


        • #5
          Donna , Pam and Mike did not make plans to come Pam and her 3 sisters would be with her Mom this first Christmas without Dad..... also were extra expenses involved.. etc etc .. and it was kind of late to get plane reservation etc etc..
          .....also first Christmas with Delilah for Pam.... etc etc..
          so we moved to lower rung on the the totem pole. but we get Mikes KIDS. which are still on the road... it took two hours to get around D.C ... hoping the weather holds for another 3 hrs.. looking for them around 10pm..

          the big leaked when David answer the phone and said the boys name while Karen was here.. .. so she knows. not supposed to tell her kids or Bill.. till they actually get here..

          I have mentally rearranged my "schedule " .. several times....
          Buns making got shifted to today... and 5 1/2 hr later I have 8 doz buns.. most in the freezer.. yummy..

          Karen brought me a little sewing job . will do in the forenoon tomorrow.. another item for the schedule

          always get antsy when family is on major highways on holiday weekends... so will hold the rest of the dance until they walk thru the door..
          Take it one Day , one step, at a time.. cause that's all we really have.


          • #6
            Oh, that song Oh there's no place like Home for the holidays...with its line about Pennsylvania and some homemade pumpkin pie" is going through my head right now!
            Happy for YA dance going on here!


            • #7
              Well poop! I am really happy to hear the boys are going to be "home" for the holidays but reading your title for the thread I thought you were going to tell us you were going to be a Great Grandma! Hope they made it safely and blessing to all of you.


              • #8
                Just go with the flow, Maye. And relax. Things have a way of working out, one way or another.
                Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


                • #9
                  Ah Kellie....were that so.... I would be doing an Irish Jig!!!!!!!....... BUT.... I have secret hopes that maybe that kind of news will be a Christmas surprise. Oldest grandson , Ian, and wife , had a miscarriage in May... so I have been hoping that they will have news for me one of these days again...

                  having these two brothers here together and mixing all of them together for an evening .. is so rare that I just plan on letting things like sweepering and having neatness and things on schedule .. go out the window for 9 days..

                  You know what.. I am much more relaxed.. like the black cloud of anxiety has lifted.. If I get tired. I will just set down..

                  thank you all for rejoicing with me... really love my invisible friends!.
                  Take it one Day , one step, at a time.. cause that's all we really have.

