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Tuesday Morning ~ March 10

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  • Tuesday Morning ~ March 10

    Good Morning, Friends.

    Well, it finally stopped raining - after 24 hours. Of course, our rain gauge is on the blitz, so we have no idea how much we accumulated, but it was a bunch.

    John got home last night about 9:30. The trip to Austin takes about 5 hours, so it was a long day, but I'm so glad he was able to go. Unfortunately, it rained in Austin, as well, and so they couldn't see much of the State Cemetery, but lots and lots of dignitaries have been laid to rest at that location.

    Well, must get to the market today. Cupboard is bare.

    Have a very good day, Everyone.

  • #2
    Good Morning ...

    we had such a Spring -like day yesterday... was wonderful...going from car to stores was just a nice walk... supposed to be in 40 s today but with showers.
    After all that cold snowy crap, it feels like heat waves... maybe I will take down my sign ... "I HATE WINTER " from the front yard... ha..

    today is lady and two of the children lessons... #3 child was allowed to stop. ( at my suggestion).. we shall see how this goes.

    Elaine , that was a long sad day for John...he will be tired today and glad to be home.. But nice to see the recognition and honor for his Nephew.

    ~~~Hello to everyone. I will be back to read later.
    Take it one Day , one step, at a time.. cause that's all we really have.


    • #3
      Morning..Yesterday was not a good will be better I can only hope..

      Dad did go to the doctor and they changed his blood pressure meds if the new med helps he doesn't have to go back..other wise they will need to run more test.


      • #4
        Good morning all!

        Hope John gets a good night's rest. That was a long day for him, but glad he was able to go.

        Sold my patio furniture yesterday. Another chore done. They still have to pick up the settee as it would not fit in her SUV. She will come back with a friend and a truck for that. Lucky that I am on the ground floor and you can drive all the way around the building so she was able to move it only about 30 or 40 feet and not up and down an elevator or down a long hall way. Today must get my boxes ready and into the car for the shredathon this Saturday. Getting things done slowly but surely.

        Have a good day all!


        • #5
          Good Morning! It's very dreary here...yuck! The snow is melting & everything looks filthy...double yuck. Yesterday was a beautiful sunny day.

          Yesterday was good. My doctor's appt made me feel better. He explained why stress is making me gain all this weight. He's changing my anti-depressant because my current one isn't doing it's job. Lack of sleep will also make you gain weight, and I've been seeing 1am & 2am way too much. We are also adjusting my insulin injections. I have such a kind & caring doctor. Did several other errands while out. Came home & we finished getting the house ready for the 5pm showing. We all went to the library for the half an hour we needed to be out. Got a call last night from our realtor and the couple wants to come back with other family members later today, so we'll have to disappear again.

          Today is Recipe Club at the library. I made the BBQ pork yesterday and just warming it up today. This morning I'm making horseradish potato salad...a requested addition for today by club members and family. That will be our supper plus some baked beans. Not sure where we will disappear to today.

          Have a good one all!


          • #6
            Good morning! We will be about 10 degrees cooler today because of cloud cover that should bring rain by tomorrow. so all is good! I started watering the lawn at the end of last week so it will be great if we get rain and not have to keep within the time the City allows for watering.
            This week is the shelter dinner. It is also the 3rd anniversary (?) of Gary's passing. I am going to make his favorite chocolate cake for the shelter in addition to the rest of the dinner as a memorial to him. Just writing that made me tear up. Miss him so much.
            I feel for all of you with that leftover piles of snow and the melting stuff. Hope it thaws and doesn't come back! We need more Spring rain and sunny days!
            Stay well and duck and cover from all those germs floating around. three of the four kids yesterday were coughing and sneezing constantly! I am going through gloves and Kleenex like no other! Luckily, they are old enough to know to cough into their elbow, but still, we are busy washing hands and toys throughout the day.\
            So, you all stay out of harm's way and enjoy your day!


            • #7
              Good morning, everyone.
              Yesterday was lovely here. Just gorgeous spring weather. But today, back to my gardening.

              The other day E got the Marygold Hotel movie off Netflix. It was an excellent movie, and the sequel was on at the movie theater - so that's where we went yesterday. Those movies make quite a statement about aging. Of course, we don't want to spent our years in India, but you can apply the statement anywhere. Dame Judy Dench is a wonderful actress and I don't think you can go wrong in choosing her movies. In fact, all the actors were excellent in this one.
              And we actually grabbed a hot dog for lunch at the theater....seeing as there were 20 minutes of previews, we ate it then.

              After that we had a leisurely drive to the campus. It was the last lecture in this series. I swear, throughout my Jr. High and High School years, as well as the college years I had, most teachers were dull and the courses were fairly dry. How I maintained high grades was a mystery. Here at the college, these speakers have received teaching awards galore. Last night's speaker was truly over the top. He gave excellent and succinct reviews of the preceding speakers, and concluded with his portion which included audience participation! The theater was fully packed, so it gave us a good idea of the huge numbers involved in the subject matter. As he eliminated categories, groups sat down. At the end, 10 people were left standing. (We were all "planets" in our Galexy, and he explained factoring and elimination of those not likely to support life and technology. We are talking millions and billions.) Grasping the bottom line, and the whys and wherefores, is fun!

              We never did get supper, but made do with a Dunkin Donut or two and hot tea. It felt like a long day and we were tired.

              Beth, the doctors have new and wonderful meds for heart patients. My brother takes them, and he's had a quadruple bypass. I'm sure your dad will do well on them.

              (((((((Elaine & John))))))) , today will be a day for both of you to relax and absorb the events of the weekend.

              Maye, the Equinox (spring) is very close, and I'm sure signs of it will be popping up everywhere now.
              You'll likely be happy dancing on everyone's front lawns! 👯

              To all, have a lovely day.
              Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


              • #8
                Morning all

                Thanking God today that our condo complex does NOT cater to Spring Breakers - apparently yesterday was pretty crazy well West of us.

                Erin is sick as a dog - Granny took her to the Dr. yesterday - she tested negative for Strep, but is still on antibiotics and decongestants. Bless her heart.

                Y'all have a good 'un.
                The only person you should try to be better than is the person you were yesterday.

