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wednesday the 13th of December

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  • wednesday the 13th of December

    Good very very cold morning ... 6degrees .yck..

    was hoping and may still go shopping .. sure hate getting out in the cold.. but no snow today..roads look bare..

    Got the buns made yesterday... 6 dozen . for Christmas Eve and me a bunch for when company is here.
    lot of work for one little old lady... oh where did my energy all go?... ( using it to keep warm?).. a shopping trip , perhaps , finish up some small items on the list yet. David is supposed to be thinking of what to get the "men".. 4 of them... and he has not come up with an idea..

    I have gathered all ingredients for the Cookie bake night, this coming Saturday evening ... granddaughters and baby Elsie... PLUS ..Jacob, and maybe a boyfriend or two. so will not start "cleaning " kitchen until we are done with dough ,and icing .. this may be the finale for this ritual too..

    Always come in and read your posts late in evening ... so keep writing your news!!!!. our family here might be smaller. so need each and every one of you to make my day.!!.

    see you later

  • #2
    Good Morning, Everyone. Hi Janet!

    Not 6 degrees here, but 37. Warm fire going, so it feels great in the living room.

    Gone most of yesterday out of town, so looking forward to just being at home and doing normal chores (laundry, dusting).

    Had such a good meal at Cracker Barrel yesterday. Today I'll be in charge of cooking, and it won't be as grand. LOL

    Hoping all who are ailing are improving.

    Hugs to Everyone. D:


    • #3
      Good daddy is here for I don't know how many days....he showed up yesterday and will go home when he decides...not sure how I feel about that...already been in trouble with both parents since he go here...grrr I will just keep to myself...

      I did go with a group to see some of the Christmas lights...They were so pretty.

      Having some issues at lady is keeping everyone stirred it if you annoy her..she will turn you in! She tried to get 5 of my friends in trouble yesterday...I was being nice to her just to keep my life simpler but my bestie at work has told me to completely ignore the lady...I will do that. I have already annoyed her once...just by being happy in the morning. IF she tries to get me into trouble I will get my people involved and that won't be pretty.

      Work errands cleaning and cooking dinner for daddy...then church tonight.


      • #4
        Good Morning to all, yes the blustery cold weather is upon us, we have a winter storm watch in our area....I have my finger poke appt. this morning, hubby said he was taking me just in case it snows, you know what, I have spent over 30 yrs. going to appts. alone and I rather enjoy it because I can make stops that I want on my time...when I really wanted and needed a ride he was working, LOL... Thought of jostoy yesterday and others that are on their own, when you have to get out and do things for yourself because there is no one else but you to do it...she needs to move closer to her sister in law...

        I dipped the truffles yesterday, hubby tried one and said they were good, need a bit more practice in dipping them and then getting them off the split fork thingy...also got all the cookies to get the potato candy made and ritz crackers with peanut butter in between dipped in chocolate...I fixed a box of goodies to send to my cousin in KY he will surely be surprised...he jokingly mentioned that I was going to send him a dozen cookies, said that to a few other cousins also, well I want to surprise him, hope they are in one piece and not crumbs when they get there...

        Also want to make a few stops today, I am at a loss on what to get the older children in the family, I want at least one gift then money cards.

        16 degrees out with a wind chill makes it feel like 8 degrees so maybe I won't complain about hubby taking me that way I get dropped off and picked up at the door...

        Well time to get a shower and get my day started...Maye I am with you, need the people here.
        Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to God


        • cookielady
          cookielady commented
          Editing a comment
          Sharon....this year I finally started using my turkey "needles" to poke & dip my dippables & they work much better. Might want to give them a try next time. See what you think.

      • #5
        Good FRIGID Morning!

        Yesterday was a mixed bag. We started off bagging up all the iced sugar cookies. Then set up tables in the garage, brought cookies out of everywhere that were bagged up, and started sorting into orders. By the end I was ready to cry, stomach was flipping, and I was totally overwhelmed. We were short sugar cookies and several other cookies that I thought I bagged up weren't there. The mear thought of shopping with my Mom today just was pushing me over the edge. I needed to be home here baking.

        Well I called my Mom and here she didn't want to go anyways & Becca was feeling good either, so we aren't going shopping. It was like a HUGE weight was lifted off my shoulders. I then got the pies ready for the restaurant, got them delivered, and then picked up Blaise for his appt. We met with his new counselor and she said the first two sessions are spent doing paperwork & answering questions. After we were done there, we went to Arby's for supper then made quick stops at WM and Aldi's. Came home & dipped 20 doz buckeyes.

        This morning I'm baking the pie for the doctor's office, but before taking that in, I'm delivering a doz package/wrapped sweet breads to a customer. Then home to bake, bake, bake. Baking more sugar cookies & finally getting to the nut horns. I MIGHT actually make something for dinner tonight. MIGHT.

        Have a good one all!


        • #6
          Good morning, everyone.
          I slept quite well last night. Only woken once for blood, etc., the routine Medical vampire stuff.
          But I did rise earlier this morning. Having to make more bathroom runs. Needing to deal with the IV pole each time.

          E has PT today, so will see him in the afternoon. I did get the word from the doctors-on-morning-rounds that I will be discharged today.

          This morning I’m having apple juice for breakfast with a tall cup of ice, but I’m not really hungry. They did promise me lunch, and I can “hang out” here til E picks me up. No hurry to kick me out, they said. I guess the day nurse will have to disengage me from the IV, but not til the discharge papers arrive. That takes a while. Whatever their computer system is now, it seems to “glitch up” daily for a few hours. No doubt that’s why my surgery was so late yesterday.
          When the guy transporting me from my room to surgery found the nurse’s station couldn’t bring up the papers to transport me (in a wheelchair), he simply abandoned me at the desk. No papers, no transport. My nurse told the other nurse to take me to surgery; she’d call them to make sure it’s okay by the time we got there. Yes, they prepped me immediately, but the surgery was late.

          Whoever is now running this hospital, is “running it like a business”. [Sound familiar, from our nation’s leader?]
          I still get triple invites to join the hospital connection and see my chart. I’ve joined twice. This isn’t working very well.

          I really look forward to getting home.

          Have a good day! ☀️
          Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


          • #7
            My doctor's office started running it like a business a long time ago and that is why I don't really like to go..they pushed a couple of doctors out ot early retirement, too.

            Ok, I think we are all getting colder temps in the morning. We are freezing at night but then up to high 60's or 70 during the day. But as soon as the sun sets, look out! This morning there was ice on the windshield that took Becky a while to cler off, even with the spray bottle of the alcohol and water mix.

            the baby had a hard morning and then finally fell asleep in the afternoon. His mom just texted she is keeping him home today.

            I want to make gingerbread cookies with the kids and I think I can lmake them today while they are napping and we can decorate them on Friday when the baby goes to his gramdma's house (who is also having a hard time getting him to sleep, etc.)

            Tonight we have a dinner invitation! usually it is me that has someone over, but the couple who brought us the Best rolls Ever for Thanksgiving is having Becky and me over to dinner and a lesson on how to make them!

            I hope you all have a good day. JoG, hope the hospital takes good care of you. I am a little upset with the guy just leaving you at the station like that, but happy the nurses are there for you.
            Everyone who is under the weather, get rested and get better!


            • #8
              Good morning. Not near as cold here as some of you are snow and the sun is shining but let's face it, it is winter and it sucks!

              Had a wonderful lunch and visit yesterday. They then went off to the mall and I came home and took a nap before fixing a meal. Ask Jon to dig around for something to bring up for tonight but i see he did not. Have no idea what we will eat and since this is the only day I am home with nothing to do I should put out a decent meal. Or maybe I will say screw this and find a hamburger helper. Actually this family has no complaints with a hamburger helper which is a testament to how really crappy a cook I am!

              Sierra joined us for lunch yesterday and has been a delight the last couple of days. She left this morning early for a meeting then I think is working later. One more final then she is finished thinking for a month!! or so she says. She does all her studying at night so I know she should catch up on her sleep anyway. Need to hide that elf this morning and I have been doing a pretty lame job of it lately. We are saving the balloons (Darla) and teepeeing the tree (Paula) for closer to Christmas. So people we do need and use your input.

              Finished up the wrapping last night while watching the Blues game. I need a big box for one last gift then anything else I buy is just because I am a kind and generous grandma. Andrew comes in every afternoon and does his elf search then checks for new packages under the tree. The count for him is still zero packages under the tree but he goes back every day!

              Sharon, how nice that your husband wants to drive you and I do understand how you like those trips alone. But sit back and let him fact, he might even like some of the side stops you make. Since I am still in need of a driver until tomorrow I am getting good service from the drivers around here. Only problem is sometimes they want to make their own side trips and we all know how unnecessary their stops are. I am thinking if you are driving me we do my stuff and they are thinking if they are driving me they will do whatever they want too. So in a nutshell is it sometimes easier to do your own driving because it eliminates doing their boring stuff. But in your case today it is nice to have hubby do the driving if it is going to snow.

              Need to start some laundry and get the day started. Jo, glad you are coming home this afternoon. Did you get any of those heated blankets? Wow! Glad we do not have the snow and bitter cold you are suffering in the east. My goodness Cookie, slow down. How do you go like that with a power nap? Take a day off!!!


              • #9
                Paula, Because of ""the "hospital business", they have rules.....and if that guy "delivered" me to surgery without the right papers, he'd be fired! Heil business procedures. The nurses get the brunt of things here. The one who "transported" me was juggling both the wheelchair and the IV pole......she said she will gladly keep her day job, and that transporting was really pretty tough.
                The "business rules" didn't seem great in communication. Everyone I dealt with were surprised I had a port for drawing blood and administering medications. They weren't prepared for that piece of info, and relieved it was set up when I was admitted. But it made their job easier in the long run. I made sure all new nurses on duty today were aware that the needle needed to be removed before I leave here.

                Maxie, they kept me well supplied in heated blankets. By the time I got into surgery, there were 6 blankets folded and covering me. They move the last blanket to cover the new blanket to keep in the heat. The various wires, clipboards, etc, were between various warm blankets. The surgeon's assistants were busy with removing all that so the surgery could take place.
                Plus new hot blankets on the route back to my room, and additional hot blanket when I was tucked in bed.

                Most male & female nurses wear jackets or bulky sweaters over uniforms, so they are GLAD to be the ones moving those blankets to anyone. Any excuse for warming up. 😄
                Last edited by JoGee; 12-13-2017, 10:37 AM.
                Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


                • #10
                  interesting reading this evening . I love coming back in to see what has happened.. Maxie, open a couple cans of store soup when you ask someones help and get ignored.. I suggest cream of mushroom.. and toast for supper. HaHa.( I would like it.).
                  .... we did go to town. to one small mall.. it has a Dollar Store.. had fun in there.. everything a dollar.. got more pretty gift bags. forget wrapping paper!.. those bigger size bags cost a fortune at Walmart. ... and then,,,,,,,,,,,,I parked David in the area at a table with coffe. and walked ,,seemed like a mile , to Pennys.. boys, little boys department .at the very back corner of store.. I did fine a cute t-shirt to go with his Wrangler jeans .. on sale. The store was literally empty.. no people, no clerks .. a checkout at the entrance to store.. walked back up to where D. was setting... My knees screamed. Thats it for today.!!!..

                  Sharon, I wish so much of the time. I could get in the car and go shopping alone..the fastest and best for me... But David set and/or .sleeps a lot in the recliner and he wants out too.He follows me about in the groc. store. with the buggy...etc etc.. I'm praying for patience....His life has changed so much in the last 2 years.. and hard for him to accept.....this getting and being old is a lot of crap!. but......... thankful I am in my own home. can do 90 percent of the work to stay here. God is Good.

                  see you all tomorrow .. keep typing ,,I'm reading !!!

