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Sunday morning revival....

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  • Sunday morning revival....

    Good Morning, yes it is a Sunday morning revival, well for me anyways, I went to a county fair in Monroe, MI with our son and his SO and ate fried food, a flowering onion, French fries and homemade corn dogs on a stick...and a lemon shake up, mind you I didn't eat all of it by myself but it sure made me feel like I had a weight lodged in my body it felt so heavy, swollen, etc. couldn't do that very often and oh yes, we brought home a funnel cake to share...oh was the perfect weather for a fair not to hot, sun was shining and a nice breeze in the air....came back to our sons house and sat on his back patio and watched the ducks that he has, they do amaze me.

    Today we shall get the candy onions out of the ground and find a place for them to dry and then get them prepared for storage, also time to dig out the potatoes, rinse them off and get them ready for storage, hubby will pick green beans and I will break them up and can them in pint jars...and we do have a few tomatoes and peppers that made it, so I will put the tomatoes in a blender and make some spaghetti sauce for supper tonight...and peppers will get put in the is very cool morning out.

    The temps sure are weird for August, it is only 64 degrees out right now and not supposed to get more than 75 today...good day for working outside.

    Hope everyone is doing okay will check back later, hubby is up now so time to start some glad to have all of you here..

    Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to God

  • #2
    Good Morning,.

    It is NOT cool here. Hot August weather for us.

    I have not had this computer on all week. It makes such a racket. Oddly, this morning it is quiet?????

    If I told you what we had been doing, you would laugh out loud. We began by trying to buy a new commode seat for one bath. When we realized we couldn't get anything as good as we had, we decided to buy new hardware. Got it from Amazon, and it didn't fit. Got another set locally. Wouldn't fit, so John began cleaning the chrome fittings on all the commodes. One by one the seats have all spent time in our garage sink soaking, while he used stainless steel scrubbers on the fittings. That new seat we bought has made its way around the entire house, one commode at a time. It's a good thing we had that new seat. Ha Ha.

    Well, I need to get out the door to church. Have a great day, my Friends.


    • boffler
      boffler commented
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      Oh Elaine yes I had to laugh, even though I know how frustrating it can be wanting something and not being able to find or accomplish it..

  • #3
    Sun is shining but according to the weather I just watched on tv the sun shining is a big mistake around here for the day. Guess the weather guy did not look out the window! It has rained but not enough to leave much in the rain gauge. Jon and Sierra are suppose to fish today so that may still be on. These two never catch anything and end up doing more exploring than fishing. Saw pictures on Andrew in Arkansas and they did get a float in yesterday so the weather must have cooperated. Tomorrow Sierra and I are heading to the mall for the day. That just means I will follow her around all day but I may get some Christmas ideas. Nothing new around here and not anticipating anything of any importance to happen. Afternoon ball game so guess that is my afternoon plan. Enjoy your Sunday!


    • #4
      Good morning, everyone!
      A sunny morning here, 76° right now and going to 99° again. Definitely still hot summer weather for us, as the coming week brings in triple digits again. 🌵
      Laundry to do today. Where's it all coming from? Who else is wearing our clothes?

      Sharon, you must've been in "Hogs Heaven" at the fair. You really had my mouth salivating at that food!

      I'm just going to go start the laundry, read the newspaper, and get my day going.
      Have a great day! ☀️
      Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


      • boffler
        boffler commented
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        Yes I was Jo but trouble is my eyes are always bigger than my stomach so at least we only bough one of everything except the corn dogs and shared with all four of us...oh and the funnel cake hubby and I ate later at home.

    • #5
      Good morning, looks like rain here. Today would have been my Daddy's 93 birthday, posted a picture of him probably around 1 year old, on facebook.
      Supper last night must have been good, one piece of chicken and a few mashed potatoes left over. Candie kept asking if I was okay while I was cooking, my back was killing me but I did okay. Think today they are planning on a trip to Sam's Club, hope they have the moterized carts if we do, I do okay around the normal stores but that place is huge.


      • boffler
        boffler commented
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        Darla your meal sounds so good, hard to find good fried chicken...been thinking of getting out my cast iron skillet and making some myself..

      • determined
        determined commented
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        Boffler, I used my cast iron chicken fryer

    • #6
      It is another warm morning here: 78 at 6:00 when I took some boxes out to the recycle garbage, My neighbor across the street is getting ready to go somewhere with his camp trailer and ATV's so we were awake early with that noise. His truck is very noisy and both our bedroom windows face the street, so no problem waking up on a weekend!
      Some of the middle school kids at our church go to a private school, Whittenburg country school, if you have seen me post their fundraisers,etc, and 6 of htem just came back from a Month in China!!! They were teaching robotics to a Chinese summer camp for school kids. (They were funded almost 100% by a businessman in Sacramento) They were showing their pictures at church last evening and it was so interesting! One of their parent volunteers is a genius who invented some coputer chip stuff, sold it all and retired up here, and he taught the kids in a bout two weeks what they needed to know to teach it in the school in China. They were able to go to a lot of places, took all kinds of transportation (plane, ferry, bullet train, subway, double decker bus, rickshaw, bikes and walking), as they taught at different schools and went to places like The Great Wall and saw the museum where the terra cotta warriors are. They had the one mom's phone hooked up to a big tv and we had a great view of everything they saw, did, and ate and who they did it with. They said Chinese people were always videoing them...6 American kids, 2 American adults and then 4 other Chinese adults with them, but the American kids were always the center of attention.
      Ok, so now almost ready for church, earlier due to the wake up call across the street, and I only changed clothes one time, then the skirt and top I am wearing now. First dress was just too warm. I will be glad when it cools down enough to wear some of my other clothes.
      We have over half of the great salads I bought yesterday. Nice big Italian antipasto with grilled chicken added. Also, chocolate supreme pie left over, too. I am not a chocolate person, but this pie is good!
      We watched a cute Hallmark movie yesterday that featured a cooking contest in France that made me want to make beef Bougnione (I can't spell that and neither can my pc!), and Becky wants to make the coc au vin featured by one of the characters. Both are warm weather food, but that is what I amthinking about.
      It will be a no stress day, as far as I can tell. Nothing planned and not looking to add anything to the To do List! School starts soon enough and that will change things up here.
      One awesome piece of news about Becky's college: she got an email from her last semester Poli Sci professor who asked her if she wanted to tutor for her and some others in the department!!! And get paid (I think she would do it for free!). So she will be driving down to Chico more maybe, as needed, but this will be so good for her major and getting to know all the staff! She was asked to attend a meeting this week here in REd Bluffr on a proposed new permanent shelter for the homeless and is very excited about tht. that is the field she is going into: Public Administration, with focus on housing needs and homeless needs.
      I have written so much.
      Hope you all enjoy your day! the fair food sounded so good, Sharon!


      • boffler
        boffler commented
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        People in China definitely push their kids to be smarter, wiser, etc. but at what cost to their a no stress day...that is awesome news for Becky she will love it for sure, such an honor..I think all cities would be wise to find something for the needed and homeless..

    • #7
      Paula, that tutoring excursion to China for those kids sounds so fabulous! A cultural fete for both sides! That's just too great. 😃
      Congratulations to Becky on the tutoring job(s) coming her way. The extra $ she'll make will be a nice bonus for her. I'm glad she enjoys her career efforts.
      Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


      • #8
        Good Afternoon all! It can't decide how it wants to be today.

        Yesterday I got up early and had 12 pies baked & 6 in the refrigerator ready to be baked all before we left at 7:45. Went to pick up Blaise from camp. He had a great time. We got a little lost going there & coming home. Yes, we used the GPS going even though I had printed directions. Not 100% sure where it was taking us, we ended up spending $10 on Turnpike tolls....GRRRRR!!! Coming home we DIDN'T take the TP and eventually just turned off the GPS because she kept wanting us to make a U-turn or make turns to get to the next entrance of the TP. Stupid thing!

        Got home, repacked the car with supplies needed at the church, then went there to help prepare for today's meal at the homeless shelter. I don't go because there is another group of church members who enjoys doing that. I'm the behind the scenes person. We got in & out of there in 90 minutes. We were good! Went down to the farm stand on my way home to get paid & pick up my pie baskets. Out of the 24 I had taken, 23 were sold by 3pm. So for today's order I prepared 26 plus two apple pies for Lew. Before they closed, a customer wanted a cherry pie, so they called me, and she came up to take the only cherry pie I had made for today. Oh well. Did take some time to watch a show with Blaise and then one with Cork. Had to mix up more pie dough because Sue was dropping off what she got rolled and got more dough to roll tonight at home. Works for me!

        This morning we went to church. Came home got the pies delivered, then Blaise & I went into town to grocery shop. I don't have to bake one single blessed pie today. I'm just trying to play catch up around here. Going to play cards with the ladies at my SIL Mom's new place. Picking up PH pizza for dinner & will have it there. I may even squeeze in a nap after I grill some chicken & hamburgers for my guys.

        Have a good one all!


        • #9
          Good evening .

          I am here.. lucky me...Computer PROBLEM!. I am still having problem with the printer.. and in my twiddling around trying to find its problem I caused some other problem????? and the computer files are not opening ... the "Paper" type files.. I can still get to Google and places like this...
          ...Jacob is not home today.. I have sent him an SOS... so will get it fixed "sometime" this week.. I'm not in a hurry ,,,just get frustrated because I have no idea how to fix errors./

          Elaine,, I just drew a mental picture of your household One commode at a time routine ...and howled with laughter... how nice, shiny and clean they all will be now..

          What a great experience for those kids, Paula,,, for both sides.. what a great way to spent that guys money...
          Darla, I love to look through the "old " pictures and see what my parents and grands looked like
          Hi Maxie and JoG..

          got some more books downloaded on Kindle. so will get started on them.. see you all tomorrow.. providing I don't freeze up the computer.
          Take it one Day , one step, at a time.. cause that's all we really have.

