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Inauguration Day ~ January 20, 2017

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  • Inauguration Day ~ January 20, 2017

    Good Morning, and Good Day!

    I see jostoy lurking about but no one else at this point.

    I have been up since 4 and I can't blame anybody but me. John woke me stoking the fire, but then he went back to bed and I got up.

    Been internet shopping. Want a new area rug and they sure don't sell them here, so must rely on the internet.

    Frying catfish, taters, and chopping coleslaw today. Some things just have to be fried!

    Hope you all enjoy the inauguration of our 45th President.

  • #2
    Good morning I have been up since 5. Needed a lunch today. I go straight to volunteer after work...and the lunch isn't always that great. They already had the one lunch I really do like there this was on Tuesday and it was Chili.

    Work is still good. I am very glad its Friday. Its been a busy week!


    • #3
      Good morning all.

      ​Well the kitchen finally got done. Well except a small area that I noticed didn't get painted. I'll paint that probably tomorrow.

      ​Today I'll be changing out 2 electrical light switches. That will save me some money by doing it myself. Day before yesterday I called my furnace man about checking my fireplace, but he doesn't work on them. Well I went to You Tube and found the problem I was having. So now I have a pilot light that is pretty, and blue, and staying lit. You Tube "walks" you through on how to do every step. That saved me at least $60, as that is what my furnace man charges an hour. It took me probably 30-40 minutes to cure the problem.

      ​Time to get dressed and get to the lumber yard to get my 2 switches. Everyone have a good day.
      Last edited by jostoy; 01-20-2017, 08:03 AM.
      Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured.


      • determined
        determined commented
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        jostoy, you can find about anything on youtube so you can do almost anything for yourself, so long as government don't stick their nose in and demand proof that you had an "expert" do the work

    • #4
      Good Morning.

      there are times when you should not start to read an interesting book at bedtime!!.... the next thing you know it is midnight!.. David and Kat were up at 3 ;30.. why , I don't know.. but they are the noisiest pair !... so running short of sleep..
      Jostoy , you are amazing... I too go to the computer and ask questions and get a lot of helpful information .. where to go. what something means..

      so far have not found the manual for my new Kindle FIRE... they sell one on but why should I have to buy a manual?. I keep looking ..

      better get that second cup of coffee , and get fully awake. short nap in recliner helped a bit..

      see you all later
      Take it one Day , one step, at a time.. cause that's all we really have.


      • bethina
        bethina commented
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        There might be a manual for your fire on the fire device itself

    • #5
      Good Morning ladies and gents...yes today is inauguration day, as with any President, rather my choice or not, I will stand behind them and give them the respect as long as they respect the American people back. Not going to pluck out my eyelashes over it..

      Read the news, drank my coffee, got the trash rounded up, woke the hubby up to take it out to the curb, and now after reading this going to make me some breakfast...Have a great day one and all...

      Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to God


      • jostoy
        jostoy commented
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        LMBO at your plucking your eyelashes out. Never know when someone is going to be up colse and personable.

      • boffler
        boffler commented
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        Eyebrows yes, eyelashes no, LOL...I bet you were LMBO I tried telling the story to Doug and was laughing so hard I couldn't.

    • #6
      Good crazy weather power has been going off and on since 3:00 am. I have two candles lit and my flashlight handy. The wind is Howling!
      I am using my iPad. In this crazy storm I don't want to turn on my desktop.
      My mother's check in time is 10:15 which is good. Lighter and able to see where they are going. We both live about 2 miles from the hospital, and all main roads.
      But Becky is nervous about the power going on and off. We had a prayer together this morning and any you have to spare will be appreciated.
      Lights are dimming, see you all later!


      • #7
        Good morning everyone..

        Rise and shine..

        I am the late the morning chores...

        And working on rag quilt....
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        This gallery has 1 photos.


        • #8
          Afternoon all!!!! It's another dreary day here in Western PA. I'm like Sharon....if it's going to be cloudy & cold, let there be some snow to brighten up the atmosphere.

          Yesterday went well. We tried 3 different dough recipes & the one got dumped in the trash almost immediately. The other two are up for opinion(s) by taste testers though Sue & I agree on the same dough recipe. I also made 3 different kinds of fillings. I didn't get those made until I ran to DG and got some marshmallow fluff for the one recipe. Sue & I agree on the one filling too though the 3rd one was pretty darn good too...very buttery. Before bed I mixed up another batch of the dough Sue & I liked.

          This morning Aunt Janet came to scoop grease balls for about an hour and we had a nice chat. I started rolling out & making more ladylocks to see how I'd do by myself. Did pretty darn good I think. I've got them all baked, filling, and dusted with lots of powdered sugar. Aunt J taste tested the 6 different combos of baked shells with the different fillings. She picked the same one I did and I didn't even tell her which was which until afterwards. I'll just have to keep working on them to gain speed.

          There is a floor full of laundry downstairs waiting for attention, so I know that's what I'll be doing later.

          Have a good one all!!!! Paula...hope you all stay dry inside and have lights/power all day.


          • #9
            Good afternoon!
            I tried posting this morning. It wouldn't post, then I lost it. Hate when that happens.
            Today got to 36°, with rain, and this afternoon a fair amount of fog.

            The memorial service was really nice, everyone had some laughter and some tears. E was one of the speakers there, had a very nice speech about his brother and SIL.
            Some relatives there we hadn't seen in many years, some we recognized, some recognized us.
            Oh, "evil twin" never showed up. No telling why, or who she's ticked off at now. What a shame.
            There was a very nice luncheon afterwards.

            Elaine, mention "catfish" and I recall the fish fry at your roundup. Delicious!
            Sharon, I'm with you on the president situation.
            Sassy........ love the cat!!!
            Paula, my thoughts are with you and your mom. Hope the storm lets up.

            Have a great evening.
            Create a beautiful day wherever you go.

