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Friday 8/12 Morning

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  • Friday 8/12 Morning

    I wanted to get up earlier this morning and straighten my room...Didn't happen...I ignored Cori when she came in....She no longer sleeps with me which is fine...anyways she came at 130...and I guess I was dreaming because I was going to get up get ready for work at that time...realized what time it was and gave cori some attention and gave cori some attention and went back to sleep..

    I found out late last night my parents are coming today and staying until Wednesday...not exactly sure if I am completely excited...I have a lot going on right now..and am still trying to adjust to work...and everything it would almost be easier to not have company...but I will never tell my parents that I will be glad to see them...and will get to eat good while they are here...more healthy. Everything is in its place upstairs and for the most part the cat hair is cleaned up.

    Work is still going ok....My supervisor seems to think that I will be able to take over the responsibility for the entire men's department being ready to receive new merchandise in the mornings by next week...I am not sure but what ever she says....I think that I don't have the amount of confidence in myself that the people at work have in me and I think they are going to push me and that is exactly what I like is being pushed beyond what I think I can do to what I can actually do...I thrive with being pushed to be my best...I grew up with parents that always pushed us girls to be the best no matter what we were doing...I just hope that I don't let some one down..I don't think that I will...I am so thankful for this job!

  • #2
    Good Morning.

    Hi beth. One thing I know about you after all these years is that you are always trying. You never ever quit. But you are a worrier, for sure.

    Janet, glad to hear they didn't find anything at the hospital. Continue to be ok. OK?

    Well, I discovered a spider bite I did not know I had and I am watching and waiting to see where this is going.

    Hope you all have a good Friday. Heat and more heat continues down here.


    • cookielady
      cookielady commented
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      How do you know the difference btw a spider bite & a regular bug bite?

  • #3
    Good SUNNY Morning! We are in the storm path right now and getting some much needed rain. Now we just hope it's not damaging rain & storms. If it's not, the farmers & crops will appreciate the rain. Funny how your perspective changes when you are working with a farmer and live among fields of crops.

    Yesterday was busy, but not overwhelmingly so. While delivering the pies I picked up a crating & a half of peaches. I came home and started working of the peaches. My SIL called & my niece was available to come help me for a few hours. I pay better than Subway and she's not working for them for the next 10 days due to vacation and band commitments, so she needed the $$. I had her mix up some more pie dough & start rolling some out. She's slower than me, but she got something done that I needed. I got the filling made up that will fill at least 18 pies and helped roll out some of the dough. We worked until 1:30pm and then I called it break time. She worked 2 1/2 hrs and that was good enough. We all went down swimming for a while. My SIL came and picked up Madison. It was just nice having Madison help and chat with her. After she left, I made up 4 other kinds of fillings...straight Rhubarb (no strawberries), Elderberry, Blackberry, and Plum. Lew called me and ask if I could make a Rhubarb pie for a customer, and the answer is always OF COURSE! When I'm making one, I might as well make 2. I may add strawberries to the rest of the filling for the weekend pies. Before supper I baked 10 peach pies. I only baked 5 at a time and had some chicken drumsticks in baking along with them for supper. Multi-tasking! After supper I baked 6 pies using the other fillings I made up. Then I had all those pots to clean up and run the dishwasher for the 2nd time. Got some laundry done too. Kathy was around for the day but she was getting stuff ready for the weekend concert festival her & Jimmy are going to, so we won't see her until Tuesday maybe.

    Today is more pie baking & crust rolling. I got my new marble rolling pie yesterday morning, so I was able to roll at the same time as my niece. It's going to take some getting use to. You definitely have to roll directly on the counter. When I tried rolling on wax paper, it kept moving all around. Anyways, I have to make 20 pies for tomorrow, but with the fillings all made & crusts already rolled & in the freezer, it'll go fast. Famous last words. LOL! I need to go to the bank somewhere along the line. Maybe we'll go to the bank & out for lunch.

    Time to get to bag the pies & get them ready to go!

    Have a great day!


    • #4
      Good steamy morning from OHIO!! We did get a little bit of rain yesterday and now with all the heat it is still like a sauna out there...Don't know what is going on but I feel a bit sick to my stomach this morning, so going to eat some crackers and sit on the couch for a bit to see if I feel any better..

      Maye you take it easy and do not lift or do any vacuuming and such...with me when I hurt in that area I know it is time to use my inhaler because I never do anything to strenuous,

      Beth do not worry or project it will just cause you stress, think positive about yourself and your capabilities and you will do just fine...I know you will enjoy your parents being there, they are the ones that love and support you at all times, and life is precious so enjoy those times and moments with them. Cats are just weird, they sleep all day and roam all night....

      Maxie how are things going at your place?
      Nalani, sounds like you stay pretty busy most of the time.
      JoG, the hits just keep coming for you...I found out last year when I was sick that if your body gets out of kilter with vitamins, minerals, etc. all sorts of things happen to you...take care...continued prayers for well as John, Elaine's hubby.
      I could not imagine making all the pies that cookielady does, will need to change her name to the pielady soon..

      Hope jostoy can get back to us before long...

      Well time to get those crackers. Have a great day one and

      Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to God


      • #5
        Testing to see if Scott has me up and running yet.

        Well what do you know. It did it without aborting. Just hope it does my edit now.
        Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured.


        • cookielady
          cookielady commented
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          YEA!!!!!! You're back!

      • #6
        Ok ...Good morning everyone.

        Had been having problem ever since the board went down the last time. Then I went to the Lake for 5 days and was "out of touch".

        Have been doing my usual "chores" of mowing and picking the veggie out of the garden. No canning this year. Still have tomatoes from last year. Looks like all the tomatoes will ripen this year, so won't have any green ones left to can either. I haven't had green ones for the last 2 years. Do need those to can if and when I can get any.

        Not much else going on here so will just bid you all a good day.
        Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured.


        • boffler
          boffler commented
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          Yeah she's back...Scott is great at taking care of things...So appreciate him caring about us...and may I add that you are a bit 'touched" alright!!

      • #7
        Good Morning, had a nice day out with Sheryle yesterday. Did some Thriftshop therapy. I didn't buy anything but she did buy me a couple "new" pair of shorts and a shirt, also a suitcase to help pack things for the move. Funny she and her husband started out as Kenny's friends but now he doesn't even talk to either of them and she and I are closer than he ever was with them. She is pretty mad at him right now as to how immature that he is and putting us in this place, told her that I will call her from My sisters and give her an address. He has a Dr appointment at noon with the cancer Dr, it is hot and muggy here so the day is shot, looks like it is going to open up and pour rain at any minute.

        Beth, don't overthink your job, just do what you know you have to do to the best of your ability and relax, And remember that if someone corrects something you have done, it's just to help you to do your job better.


        • #8
          Good morning! ☕️
          The good news is that I've gotten beyond my funk and it's going to be a good day! I was just given far too much medical info at once, and needed to sort it out in my mind. I've come to terms with what's ahead, and that there will be no major meds for 2 weeks til the biopsy gets done. My PCP was of the same mindset when he got the Oncology facts.

          Oh, it'll be in the mid 90's, with humidity in the very high 80's. Rather icky day ahead. But that's desert life! 🌵

          Plans for today, perhaps a movie. Perhaps an early dinner out.

          Beth, I agree with everyone, just don't worry about things. You'll be understanding the job better in a bit of time, and you will be doing very well in it, I'm sure. You have the ability to do it.
          Cats are crazy, they have their own time schedules, but are cuddly and fun.

          Elaine, take care of that bite. If it spreads, get a doc to check it right away!
          Thanks Sharon. I'm up to date with vitamins. It's the big meds suddenly being withheld. Each for different problems, but together those meds seem to want to clash????

          Jostoy --- welcome back!!!

          Hey Darla, good luck with the won't be too long now.

          ...and Paula, Maxi, Nalani, Justy, -anyone else who follows-
          Have a great day !
          Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


          • #9
            Got my niece moved. Movers were late and it was so darn hot!! Nothing is put away but the bed is up and made. She starts her new job on Monday so has a couple of days to get some order and find her clothes. The only good my sister and I did was offer moral support and hugs, provide some comic relief. Jon is off and hopefully finally getting his stitches out. Andrew is coming back tonight to cut grass and was here when I got home last night in the pool. I must must must call for a haircut and pedi. Some of mommy dearest crap has come home to roost and it is costing her tuition money. Sierra's grant was cut in half and poor mommy has to pay up. Making big demands is fine when everything is paid for but her deal was 'we will handle the education' which was free at that time, and you pay everything else in the world. I know she will come back at Jon and he expects it but for now it is fun knowing she had a few moments of panic. Would have loved to have been there. Andrew wants an ice cream cake for his birthday Sunday so need to check on that. I am not a fan of ice cream cake but it isn't my birthday and no one ask my opinion. Lots of laundry to do today since it has been put off for a few days, need groceries and the contractor finally called about the porch rebuild. He has been overworked and the constant rain or miserable heat has but him behind. No biggie, if the bid is good he is the one we want to do it so we waited. Things are going to get back to normal around here and school starts next week. While waiting for the movers we were sitting around on the floor talking Christmas. Coffee time. Have a great Friday!!


            • boffler
              boffler commented
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              Maxie I am so glad your niece if finally moved, what an ordeal that was...thankful for your sons and their help. Maxie have to laugh about Sierra's Mom, LOL she is so deserving of some grief.
              Maxie get the ice cream cake but also a real cake to go with it, LOL cake and ice cream...

          • #10
            Good morning everyone..

            Hot as Hades here...We need rain..The tree are losing there leaves...And turning brown..

            Just doing little things around the house..Too much help from the kittys..

            Maye,This pic is for
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            • boffler
              boffler commented
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              I have more cat scans and other scans to last me awhile...I am not for all the rays going in my body all the time.

          • #11
            Good Golden Morning! Those medals in Rio keep coming as do the Smiles we all receive!
            No school kids today and that makes for a good Friday!
            Beth, I get stressed just having a new child come to daycare, so I can say, honestly, it will work out. Be positive and take the time you need. If you have any questions or thoughts about this new job, speak up. Trust your heart!
            Donna, I am going to buy some lard and try making pie crust again. I had no idea it had a smell to it and bought some and then threw it away, thinking it had gone bad!
            I had such a great time relaxing and watching at the Fall arrangement class last evening. I didn't think of politics, kids, or any of the many items on my To Do list!
            Temperatures will be over 100 today, but last night gave me the thrill of Fall! ( unfortunately, not the thrill of changing out the mantel...Labor Day weekend will be my target change date.)
            I wish you all could hear the difference of two kids Nit being here...two more days of daycare for them until their school starts.
            And, a Win for the birthday outfit I ordered for my mother from a catalog she had kept folded to a page, but finally put it in the pile she donates to my daycare for kids to cut up,and learn scissor skills. I took it and ordered and crossed my fingers...yay!
            Jostoy, so good to read your posts again! I still haven't bought a mower. At church last Sunday a friend told me he " found a mower at a yard sale" and was checking it out...I thought he meant for me, but haven't heard anything from him and my lawn is in need of mowing!!! Think i will ask a teenager for this do I call someone and ask, How did that mower turn out and is it for me?
            I am going to the Farmers Market tomorrow for more yellow plums. They are so sweet!!
            Your needs are in my prayers as well as my gratitude for all of you!
            Hope your day is good!


            • boffler
              boffler commented
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              I have never had yellow plums, will have to look for some and try them...
              I bought some pie tins and hope to get busy making some pie crust and putting them in the freezer...always nice having them already made...also want to make some zuchinni bread and freeze it...
              hope to find some cucumbers, peppers, onions to make for freezer also.