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About Asparagus ~

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  • About Asparagus ~

    I was telling my niece Nancy that I was never eating asparagus again, since it made my urine smell bad. She thought I was crazy because she cooks it pretty often and had never had that experience.

    So she tells me a few weeks ago that she had been reading about asparagus and that some people have the problem and some do not.

    I just found that impossible to believe and so have spent most of today reading about asparagus research.

    There have been varied opinions about this situation over the years but the definitive thinking today is that we humans all process asparagus the same way and that our urine is all affected the same (stinky) way BUT some people cannot smell the odor and some can.

    So my question to you ladies is: when you eat asparagus, can you smell the odor in your urine?

  • #2
    Never noticed, maybe I went "2" and it covered the smell..Sorry for being silly, but no, never noticed a smell..of course I do have lots of sinus and allergy issues, and take lots of vitamins and a few other meds that have an affect on urine..
    Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to God


    • #3
      I'm kinda like Boffler. Never noticed a smell after asparagus. And I take vitamins and meds as well.

      I think it tastes good, though, but E won't eat it. (I told him to not think of it as asparagus, but as Spinach a Legs!).

      Plus, my sinus' are bad. When other people are gagging over skunk smell, I think that smells like when the teenage boys "laid rubber" (drove fast, and then braked hard to leave tire marks).
      Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


      • #4
        I don't notice a smell and have had it twice in the last week. Joy, on the other hand does smell it. As we are both sensitive to odors, I guess I am a non-smeller. Love me some asparagus.


        • #5
          Garlic also has that same effect, I think. According to my mom, anyway.
          Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


          • #6
            I am out of this surrey as I very very seldom have eaten asparagus... the only time I have any odor to my urine is the first morning "go".. that ,I blame of how long between eliminations. .
            Take it one Day , one step, at a time.. cause that's all we really have.

