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who was reading the 'The beach Quilt?

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  • who was reading the 'The beach Quilt?

    I did download it to my Nook reader..... and was disappointed.. did not care for Miss Chamberlin's style of writing .... much too much description and background... so after about 1/4 of the book.. I started jumping chapters. but they were more of the same.. and then read the last 2-3chapters and was surprised at the ending but ... probably won't read any more of her books..

    Labb. I too read Bittersweet..( by S.Alberts). not as interesting as some of her other but she does stay true to her characters and did not repeat about them too much..

    I am caught up on my regulars.... I do have the latest book of Elly Griffith ordered from local library . should be in soon... won't buy if I can get it free... .I have a gift card from Barnes and noble.. waiting to buy the new Louise Penny book.. comes out in Aug.

    Take it one Day , one step, at a time.. cause that's all we really have.

  • #2
    I agree about Bittersweet, not as good as some of her other books.
    I always check the library for books. Our library has a cooperative thing with other libraries so we have access to a lot of books. It's Great!!!!!


    • #3
      WE have the access to all 10 libraries in our county.... just order a book and if it's at any of them,, . its gets transported to my closest library.. really nice know I have access to that many thousand of books.... I , in turn,, donate back to the libraries any Good copies I may own of the libraries has a collection of one of my favorite authors. but were missing One volume in her series....I bought a copy . when I was done. I Called their librarian and ask if she wanted it to add to their collection ...OH YES was her response.
      Take it one Day , one step, at a time.. cause that's all we really have.


      • #4
        Our library takes book donations to resell.
        Our library cooperative is not only the libraries in our county but also another city system not in our county. It is wonderful!


        • #5
          Sorry about The Beach Quilt, Maye. I guess we were just needing a slower paced book...
          I am slowly going through The Storyteller by Jodi Picoult. Kind of slow and written in the first tense which I don't really like....but I am trying to read something different.

