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Friday, June 14

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  • Friday, June 14

    Good morning Rounders! We got good rain yesterday! I went out in the early morning and sowed some more Zinnia seeds and it was lightning and as soon as I came in it started raining. Our car got a rain bath too.

    Well, I've finished all the books so a trip to the library is definite today. First thing is my pcp appt. I will hopefully get him to approve the MRI and then I may go get that taken care of. Those are the definite things today. If I don't get the MRI today I may cut our grass. It is tall in a couple of places. It's 80% chance of rain so that may not be doable.

    Tonight is Salmon, brocholli ?, and brown rice.

    The humidity is so thick you can cut it with a knife. I hate humidity.

    Peace & Plenty.
    "Only love can be divided endlessly, and still not diminish." ~ Anne Morrow Lindbergh

  • #2
    Ok, already lost the first post...hate to start the day out already messing things up, ya know?

    Here goes....Good Morning! Sunny but cool this morning and not warming up again today. Guess we are not going to have summer this year. Bummer,,,I have been waiting all winter for summer, too! Today we are driving down to meet my sister and niece for some antiquing. I will probably more head into the craft sections but all of us will spend more time at lunch than actual shopping. It is nice to look and amazing the memories some of that stuff brings back. I am looking for a piece of furniture to use as an entertainment center and know what I want. My sister will refinish anything I find. She is pretty clever and I have several pieces she has done.

    Yesterday I did laundry. I went out yesterday morning and the bird house was laying on the ground. Something large had gotten on top of it and knocked it to the ground. There was no sign of any baby birdies. Something gets those babies every single year. It has to be a fat ole cat! The neighbors cardinal nest was raided last week. Not in love with our midnight marauder!

    You now we are in a country subdivision and last night we had religious guys at the door. Feeble little guy who would not leave. Omg! I did not want to be rude to him and if I slammed the door hard he may have flown off the porch but he was persistent! He wanted to know if I was afraid of dying and why I knew I would be saved and I just wanted to tell him he was a whole lot closer to finding that out himself than when he climbed up the steps! Think they send old guys so we won't hurt them? Jon came up after he left and said he had seen them on the street. How about a little heads up so I would not answer the door?

    Karlinann you just keep on moving no matter your pain level. Tough! Glad you finally getting rain. We are happy to send it your way so how about some of that heat? Hope you get your MRI today.

    Beth, parade tomorrow at noon. I am not going to join the thousands of people but will watch on tv! Have a great day everyone!!


    • Paula A
      Paula A commented
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      lol! He was a whole closer t fnding out...

  • #3
    Good morning...
    The temp wil reach only 102° today. There is a fire/heat warning again today. Two grass fires are being fought.
    They talk about the possible monsoon rains, but none are expected in the very near future.

    Son and and his wife are coming to take me to lunch today. Tomorrow, two of my daughters will take me out to eat.
    Between you and me, it’s more a treat for them than me. I don’t very much like eating out. But they want to do something for my birthday (which is tomorrow), so I just go with the flow.

    I have calls to make. I’m not yet receiving my pension payments, except SSA. That doesn’t cover my needs.
    I did not get the info from one company, to open the small account they’ve offered. The other is a major one, which I haven’t heard from yet. My oncologist doubled the dose on my new prescription for A-fib, so I find myself needing a refill already. Who’s stressed? Me?

    Now I need to get dressed and pick up here, before anyone shows up.
    Hope you all have a great day. ☀️

    Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


    • maxie
      maxie commented
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      It is nice you are getting the attention you deserve. Enjoy your lunches and the company. Bet my sister and I split the bill for feeding our adult children...but we do not complain. The fact that they are going to be with us is nice and shows we are not total ogres. The stress will let up but this is still a fresh change in your life. I for one will be very happy you are resettled closer to your children. Tuscon right?

  • #4
    good morning! maxie, you started my day with a big ole lol!

    I am wondering how today will go: my school girl went home at lunch time yesterday saying she was sick. she said she had a headache whenshe got here but went swimming and then came in and wasn't feeling good...she is a bit of a hypochondriac and Mom is a very enabling mom, but I was afraid of heat stroke by when she was starting to cry I decided this was real. I had her sipping on tap water (lukewarm) and called her mom. She started to ask me questions about how she looked and felt and I just said You need to come get her. Something is definitely going around (no cut off of flu season anymore) and when I said to the mom that I hoped little brother didn't get sick, she said, Oh he probably gave it to her. Thanks for the heads up! I ask the parents all the time to tell mewhen anyone gets sck over the weekend so I can watch out for the others...

    I saw a picture of a chopped Italian salad and now that is what I want! Hopefully, I bought enough stuff at the store last night to make a close enough to the picture salad.

    Oh, guess what? The first of July our gas goes up 6 cents a gallon. I am so glad Becky got an economical car. She drives 90 miles a day for work. It is still cheaper to live at home and drive; since the Paradise fire, the rents in Chico have gone through the roof. And it is a college town so it was higher than here already.

    I have my bedding washing now and trying to get ahead of my weekend chores.
    Nail appointment after daycare. Instead of polish I am switching to French nails. Daycare is hard on my nails and natural color will not be so bad when something breaks.

    I hope you all are able to enjoy the day. Karlinann, the flowers and plantings sound wonderful! My sprinklers are not getting enough water to the yard right now and I have to get the lawn guy to come and adjust. I am a bit frustrated and trying to be patient with the whole thing. But paying a lot and hten having brown patches does not lend itself to patience.
    that Serenity prayer is on my daily repertoire!

    Be careful and be kind, especially to yourself.


    • maxie
      maxie commented
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      You are right about bugs still going around. Both my grands have had something this summer. Andrew strep and Sierra stomach distress. I have to laugh at her now...she can no longer just 'collapse', moan and demand care....she has to get up and continue to go. Being a big girl is a whole different kind of life style!!

  • #5
    PGood morning, everyone! I have been up since 6 AM, had one cuppa coffee and did PT with my therapist. I am now trying to relax. I will be going to a late lunch with a friend. I have no idea where were going yet, I think maybe to Panera‘s. They have a great tuna salad.

    It’s 70° right now and Alexa said was to host you have a high of 81. We have had a lot of rain lately, so it’s been cool-too cool for me. But cool is so much better than too hot! ( I told my therapist it was definitely not in the 80s when we went outside to walk this morning.)

    I thought I saw a lot of pollen on the cars this morning, but Dusty (my therapist) said that it was dirt. So much for not having good eyesight. Dusty is the first male therapist that I have had and he really is good. He is easy to talk to and we get along very well. He is a great family man and he really is a good father.

    I really had a nice surprise when I went to the pharmacy to pick up my prescription the other day. What I was paying $49 for, they charge me only $25 this time. On the other hand, my thyroid medicine one up. Sometimes you just can’t win for losing, can you?

    Donna, when the day starts off badly it has to get better - right? I hope yours does!

    JoG, please be careful in those triple digit temperatures! I could not survive the heat in Las Vegas.

    I have to go run my dishwasher and hang up the clothes on my bed.

    I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. I just hope I stay dry. I don’t think we’re expecting rain. I am sick of rain!

    "God loves us so much, He gave us friends!" Amen!


    • #6
      Maxi, I am in Tucson now. I am moving to Phoenix.
      Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


      • #7
        Good morning..yesterday was my last day volunteering at the new place. I am possibly going back to my old place and am super excited about that.

        Today has turned into a lazy day

