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Friday, May 17

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  • Friday, May 17

    Good morning Rounders! I've been up for a couple of hours already. I'm so messed up on my sleep.

    I love my new No Stick Fry Pans. I've already made chicken, pork chops, & pancakes. I'll have to be careful when I do the pancakes cuz they splatter out when you flip them due to the no stick surface.

    We returned the medical equipment and I think that DH wants to volunteer for that when he is completely healed. Good for him.

    I watched Naked & Afraid yesterday evening and sometimes it just upsets me. For instance: one of the persons is an RN and she should know better. Why do those people put their bodies through such torture? I don't get it, but if I was doing all that harm to my body I would certainly want to win some big money. I don't even know if these people on N&A get money.

    Yesterday was a hot one and I just relaxed inside and worked on a puzzle. I don't think I can read any of the paperbacks we got from our library. I just don't want to read another war era book. Thank goodness we got 4 puzzles.

    That is about it for me. Peace & Plenty.
    "Only love can be divided endlessly, and still not diminish." ~ Anne Morrow Lindbergh

  • #2
    Good morning... ☕️
    Yesterday was hectic. Oldest DD came with her daughter and SIL. The SIL did an expert job of filling a fist size hole in the wall behind the TV, and a smaller hole below (made by Best Buy TV installers years ago, and covered by a cabinet E put in front of it). He wanted to sell my car for me (thanks to older DD), but I am not ready. Maybe after my move, but if I need to go somewhere it might come in handy when someone drives me. After everyone left for the day, one of the TV remotes is missing.

    It turns out that youngest DD leaves on Memorial Day. The next day I have an early doctor appointment. My niece had planned to drive me, but her mother passed away a couple days ago. I have new medical issues now. My legs are stiff and sore. I walked half a block to get my mail, and got back breathing hard. GD’s DH who did that repair in my wall, is a paramedic. “Where’s your oxygen? What do you take for your heart?” I have neither. I’ve needed neither. I need to check mail early when it’s cooler. Anyway, my doc needs to know.

    Today we will have 80° today, and windy.
    I have things in the garage to sort. No fun, really. I doubt I’ll find any treasures in the mess.
    I’d better grab breakfast before I forget.

    Hope you all have a great day. ☀️

    Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


    • #3
      Good morning...Today is zoo day..I haven't been there in a long time...I don't get to stay a real long time...I am good with that...I am pretty sure that it will be crowded....lots of field trips there this time of year. Then I am going to a cook out at another friends house...He has one every year..for people that are a part of a program that I am in....any of us that want to come can come and bring a side dish or drink..I am taking a gallon of sweet tea and a gallon of decaf and maybe a bag of ice.

      Mom called the air conditioner repairman yesterday...I am so greatful...slept much better last night a little bit cold than I had been...turns out the compressor went bad.

      I am starting to miss work and want something to fill my time....When I get home from camping I will start looking hard for a place to volunteer my time a couple days a week.


      • #4
        Good is going to be hot again today. Finally and I am loving it!! Andrew actually watered the new plants last night and Jon is talking the pool. No one has even thought about the pool yet this spring.

        Since this is Friday I will not cook. Andrew usually leaves early to eat out with his mom and sister. Hockey tonight. Hope the refs do a better job tonight. You betch this area is still mad! Should be a good game tonight.

        I should clean my room but I could sit here all day too. Karlinann, Sierra brought out a stack of books mostly Nicolas Sparks. He is ok and a fast read with all drama and trauma over at the end. I kept them and sometimes you just need a feel good book. Books are passed around, my sister, our other sister, my niece...when we have all finished Kate takes them to work. I am reading T.R. Ragan's Jessie Cole series. They are a very fast read but lately I have been a very slow and baseball seem to interfere with my sit down time! Oh ok, tv interferes too...

        Grass boy was here yesterday. He is now cutting 4 houses and sometimes 5 in our area. Some are temps but they know he is dependable and he was only a temp for us. Jon went down to pay him and his mother came out to talk. She is very happy that this end of the neighborhood has given him a chance to work and how others are using him for odd jobs too. Well, ya know, we didn;t even know he was down there and willing to work. He could have been cutting our grass since the day I moved in!

        Well, obviously I have nothing to say. My allergies are still bad and settling in my chest more this time. Some kind of tree is blossoming...we used to call them cigar trees when I was a kid....actually since I do not know the name of the tree it is still a cigar tree to me! I think since we have done away with Spring that everything comes at once instead of gradually and that is why so many of us are suffering. It takes the energy right out of you plus I am STILL sore for falling last week. Not pain just sore...boy I hate getting old. It is not fair! But ya know, I still keep this place clean and fresh clothes on backs...not much food but that is Andrew's fault cuz Jon and I both go out and buy it! Takes two to feed a kid! Jon is thinking of renewing his Sam's Club so he can buy in bulk and help Sierra out. Whoa! I am a little more tougher than may be harsh but I will not help that boy in any way and they need to grow up. But he is in Dad Mode and I am in Bitchy Mode. Bitchy Mode always worked with my husband but does not seem to have the same effect with adult son's. Maybe I am getting old....

        Well ladies have a great day. If you have sun enjoy is on my head!


        • #5
          Good Morning! The sun peeks out and then the clouds roll in. It's warmer, and that's very nice. I don't think I've heard the furnace kick on at all today.

          Yesterday was productive. I FINALLY got around to finishing up my holiday mailing. Input the rest of the orders, update the address list, then printed off everything including lists & letter. Got it all put together & into the addressed envelopes. They are ready to go in early October except for the stamp. I'll do that right before mailing. I attached a slip with last year's order so they know what they got if they think they want to reorder the same. It felt good to get the load off my shoulders. I know I procrastinated way too long on that project. Now I can file all that mess.

          My morning got started early. The limestone guy was here by 7:50. Got the first 10 tons laid and was just pulling in when I was leaving at 8:40 for my doctor's appt with the second load. We could have used another load, but I couldn't afford it. Looks much better out there. Hubby doesn't understand why I'm getting limestone, but I'm tired of the ruts & mud. I've baked enough to pay for it, and that's all that matters. My next "project" is to get our tub refinished. It's embarrassing. It's peeling in the center, so I have a bathmat over it. I like to save up & pay for something.

          My A1C level is still bad. Frustrating. She wanted to put my on a cholesterol med, but those statins make me feel 100 years old, and I told her I'd rather die first. Though on the news the other day a lady who looked to be about my age (late 50's) was called elderly. WHAT????? Turd. I could still kick his butt. Stopped at Aldi's to pick up some veggies to munch on. Decided to see how much their cream cheese was compared to WM brand, which I've been buying lately. Well here their dbl pack was only $.99!!! I bought all they had. I'll check the Aldi's across town tomorrow and see if they have anymore at that price. I go thru at least 2 doz packs a month.

          Not sure what I'll get into this afternoon. Should sweep all the floors and straighten up. I text Kathy early in the week to ask when she wanted Blaise. I was told she wasn't sure yet. Fine. I ask again last night and got a snarky answer. Not to be so condescending. I just want to know what I'm doing. She tells me I only have to ask, I ask, and I'm told maybe. Well I refuse to call her now. If I have Blaise all weekend, that's fine. Bitchy Mode works for me Maxie. Though it's hard, and I know you'll cave eventually. They need to experience real life for a while. Where's his family is all this? Kathy ALWAYS picks guys whose family has nothing, therefore can NEVER help when they are in a bind. I made poor look too easy.

          Karate this evening. Hey....did anyone else watch NCIS this week? They still can get me siting on pins & needles. Good writers. I think Gibbs has been looking really old this year.

          Have a good one all!


          • maxie
            maxie commented
            Editing a comment
            His family is across town from them...if I was his family I would be glad to have another dummy looking out for his lazy butt. Oh wait they do! I have never met them and know very little about them...I am sure they want to met us as much as we want to meet them. One thing we have in common!

        • #6
          We are making progress discarding from the garage. However, after a bit my back hurts. I need to sit, and the heating pad works better than the meds do.
          DD said to talk to my doctor......I had the symptoms before and had a blood infusion. She also said I’ve started craving ice again, so I’m probably getting anemic. No, she’s not a doctor or nurse, but she reads medical journals a lot, so I pay attention to her observations.
          I would love to punch Mother Nature in the nose. I don’t need this now.
          Cookie, your doc must be in cahoots with Ms. Nature....ya think?
          Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


          • #7
            Hey ,I'm still here!.... just plain lazy today....My left foot, Ankle decided to not work at all today.. for about 4 hours... Davids Canes come in handy when this happens.. but put a halt to any thing but setting... cleaned out a few files .. wastebasket setting handy.. Crocheted a bit. almost finished with Crib Afghan #8...still have yarn for at least 3 more.. ( thanks to Donna great find at a yard sale). D. spends toooo much time sleeping in the day.. he has his day and nights backwards.. altho he refuses to admit it. he's moving better now. .

            I have read a lot of Nickolas Sparks too.and thanks for the name T.r.Ragan Maxie.. will look him up..
            downloaded two Ebooks this evening by favorite authors.. as soon as D. gets able , I will take him to Library. and get him reading. maybe borrow some real books that I have circled to order..

            Slow down JoG... it does sound like an infusion would help...

            well, time to head for the bed ,read myself to sleep..
            going to Dinner tomorrow evening. ( I hope). Daughter has arranged for a gathering at a local spot. to celebrate their DAughter College Graduation Day.. Her fiance , and His Parents are coming for the occasion. someone will pick D. and I up ,and bring us home.. I don't Drive in the dark.. just hope DAvid is feeling like going... because I won't go without him..( could get him a Baby sitter )..

            see you later..


            • #8
              Another niece is in town with her hubby. We went to dinner tonight. I’m getting a lot of free meals out. I eat only half (if that), and bring the rest home.
              Tomorrow my NM daughter and hubby will be here. Probably another dinner out.
              I don’t know the set up of the Memorial this weekend, but I’m sure the girls did a good job of it in spite of older DD’s not working well with the others. At this point she’s reporting progress to me rather than the DD who is organizing it.

              Older DD has greedily looked at stuff in the garage that will be up for the kids. However she jumped the gun and took a lot of stuff already, more than she was allotted. So I’m checking with the other kids to see what they can use. I gave a box of stuff with stainless steel rolling pin to GD, and let DD know it’s *specifically* for GD. Oldest DD bullies stuff away from her own daughter and undercuts her sisters, which I don’t like. But she’s not going to change, it is who she is at this point.

              I have set aside all holiday decorations for another daughter, and her husband gets first crack at tools if he’s interested.
              Youngest DD has already set aside some things she wants and can use. The other DD doesn’t want anything.
              Whatever is left goes to son (who we seldom get to see, for no good reason) or oldest DD.

              As if I don’t have enough to deal with. Right? I guess it’s all part of the “ritual”.
              Tonight I’m going to take a sleep aid. Not that I want to, but I’m not getting much sleep and the days drag on.
              It looks like a full moon tonight. Before sunset it sure looked transparent.

              G’Night, all.
              Create a beautiful day wherever you go.

