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Wednesday, April 17th

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  • Wednesday, April 17th

    Good morning Rounder's! I am able to get my leg under the desk this morning, but by this afternoon it won't want to bend. Also, my back is killing me today and I didn't do anything strenuous yesterday. There, is that enough negativity for ya Maxie & Cookielady? LOL!

    We had bkfst for dinner and it was so good. DH cannot tolerate the eggs though and from now on he will get something else. Today is the doctor appt. and I'm anxious to see that wound to see if it has healed, infection free, and it's safe to remove the staples. If DH feels like it we'll stop at Olive Garden for dinner afterwards.

    Today is trash day and I need to take it to the curb. I heard something hit against the trash can night before last and it could have been a dog, coyote, or bear. Whatever it was it didn't knock the trash can over, but I would sure hate to clean that mess up if it did get knocked over at the curb. It would be like airing your dirty laundry up and down the street. Ugh! No thnks. I'll just take it out the morning of from now on. I'm always up early and they don't come until after 830 am.

    Yesterday morning while DH was sleeping in I went out to the garden/yard and cut weeds around things that I can't get with the mower. I also transplanted 2 Morning Glories that were under the leak of the house and not going to make it. I gathered Cleome seeds and strung up a lattice work for the MG's to climb on. I also put compost around my tomato that is blooming and some other plants. Now all my compost is spread on the garden and I am proud that I was able to save all the leaves from the Sycamore. By the time I finished and got into the house DH had made coffee, had bkfst, and was playing games on the computer. He is getting so self-efficient.

    I told you about my neighbor lady giving me the birdbath right. Well, I placed it yesterday in a spot where it is almost level and it's nearby the Crepe Myrtle tree and my garden and the birds love it. They like a place where they can fly up into a tree if they need to and it makes them feel safer. I saw a Morning Dove taking a bath. Augh! Just as I opened the back door it flew away.

    That is about it for me. I'll read what you write later today. I have another early project today and it involves moving those darn pavers again, well some of them. The ones I put around the mailbox double stacked are just not working. They are blocking the sun from my plants so they are coming away from that area today. I really don't need anything around the bottom of the mailbox anyway.

    Peace & Plenty.
    "Only love can be divided endlessly, and still not diminish." ~ Anne Morrow Lindbergh

  • #2
    Good morning...My chef is on my side when it comes to the situation. I chose not to talk to her about the issues. Chef is ok with that. He did read the texts so he well aware of what was said. She doesn’t know I share the info with my chef. Yesterday at I felt sorry chef. One of my coworkers got stuck on the elevator for over an hour. So chef had make pizzas. Then he had to set up my coworkers station because she didn’t show til 1030.

    I came home from and crashed hard with a migraine.


    • karlinann
      karlinann commented
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      Oh! Sorry Beth. Hope you feel better today.

  • #3
    Wednesday and I am feeling good. I hope you all are, too.
    I have a birdbath to place also, Karlinann. Becky was using it as a side table in her room with some very pretty rocks in it and covered with one of those round small table tops. She is tired of it as it catches a lot of dust and pug hair in her room so it is ow in the back. I have to get the rocks out (some are from our rock and gem shop and very pretty) and scrub it out and decide where to place it. I like what you said about undr a tree or close to some safety for the birds.
    Last evening when I took the garbage can to the curb, so many birds flew out of our big mulberry tree out front. doves and regular birds.
    The doves are around here all the time. The other day I saw our adopted cat resting on the roof of the shed and the two doves were pecking away at whatever had fallen on top of the shed! They didn't fly off until Igot really close. And the other day Roxy, the Chihuahua, was waling around in the back and the two doves were eating in the grass. It wasn't until roxy got curious enough to try and sniff one that they flew.

    Beth, I hope today will be less stress and more joy!

    Spaghetti today for kids. I will be eating the chicken breast they didn't like...And spaghetti means sauce and meat for most; no sauce but lots of butter for one, and who knows? These kids ar all going through a major taste change.

    The pants I ordered from Penney's came yesterday but are too large, by a size. so I will be sending them back. Sigh. But good to know I can come down a size, I guess.
    I also had a carry-on piece of luggage I saw on HSN and ordered. It is not as sturdy as I thought (very plastic and not strong enough and very hard to line up the sides to zip up) and it is going to be shipped back today. Really disappointing and the first order I have made with them in years. I rarely send anything back but both the pants and the luggage are too pricey to donate...and not good enough to gift. My mother would be just as frustrated trying to close that luggage as I was and my granddaughter is not the taupe type that an older person would be. A matching tote came with it, but like I said, not her style.

    I kind f sound negative this morning, but this is where I can soundoff and you all can, too.

    Much warmer today and after the lawn crew comes (a husband and wife team) we are going to enjoy it.

    Love to you all! Health and happiness!


    • maxie
      maxie commented
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      Morning Paula, you were typing with me. Took me a while this morning because I have a box of cookies with me and need one hand for coffee and one hand for cookies and that does not leave me another hand to type. Priorities!

  • #4
    Good morning! Going to another warm day...there is a moth on the ceiling from Sierra coming in last night. Bees and wasp and ants are out. Neighbors are getting a new roof...must be Spring! If my son does not hang that lattice soon I am going to strangle him. We need to be thinking about planting around the porch before it gets to hot and things bake. I have decided on simple Fern Spireas but I will have to get them ordered. He has a million excuses and they are all dumb!!

    Blues lost last night. I am so disappointed...they played great but lost in OT and now the series is tied up and we lost two games on home ice. Play again Friday. Andrew has an early dismissal then is on Spring break. No cooking for me...after today. There is spaghetti sauce left so may just do something in the pasta family.

    No plans for me today. Beth hope things get better at work soon. Maybe they will let the trouble maker go. Boy Karlinann you just keep on going! Good luck to your hubby with the doctor. Did Jo ever say how E's appointment went?

    Going to have another cup of coffee and enjoy a warm morning. Storms tonight. What is spring without storms and rain and more storms. Have a wonderful day!


    • #5
      Good SUNNY Morning! This is bonus since last week it showed rain every single day this week.

      Yesterday was good. I got all the cookies I completed the day before packaged & into the freezer for the weddings coming up in a few weeks. Got the thumbprints baked off & iced & into the freezer. I like ticking off items on my long list of to-do's. Went into town to pick up a few groceries. How come a few turns into a trunk load? Now granted, I got a case of flour & pwd sugar, so those took up a lot of room. Stocking up. Come pie season I'll go through a little of a case (40 lbs) of flour a week. Same with the sugar. Aldi's has a $5 off/$30 of more coupon in the ads this week, and I'm going to try to get a few more of them from family & friends. I'll then go buy more sugar, flour, & cream cheese. The restaurant FINALLY came thru with their Easter buffet order. I was beginning to wonder if they were going with the fancy shamcy bakery down in Oakmont. The owner of the restaurant would do that, but the manager tries to patronize local businesses. How would the owner feel if everyone wanted to go to Pittsburgh for dinner?

      Blaise came home so excited & proud. He got the most stars in his class (so he says) for right answers on the PSSA tests. I guess they have answer sheets and the teachers can tell. Who knows. Anyways, Blaise doesn't realize that it's a double edged sword. If he does that well on the tests, that means he can do just as well in regular classes. Oh well, it just confirms what we all know...he's smart, he just chooses not to show it. I'm not losing sleep over the low grades. He called his Mom and she was thrilled too.

      My morning started early (6am) when Blaise yelled that he was going to throw up. Yup, he's home sick. Hasn't thrown up since, but has a low grade temp & feels achy. Told him I was super busy today baking & such. I've got all the fruit thawing in pots for the fruit pies I have to bake Saturday. Friday I will fill the shells & put them in the refrig. Want to mix up the pie dough & get it rolled out today. I've got orders for 10 pies so far. Baked two loaves of Paska bread last night. The first batch I mixed up felt horrible & wasn't raising, so I mixed up another dbl batch and got them baked. Hope they are OK. They are being picked up at noon today for the lady's priests.

      Need to mix up some basic cookie doughs too. Need them for trays & orders and for the freezer supply. Blaise keeps dipping it my choc chip cookies. Oh, yesterday when I was at Shop Shopper, they had a box of Choc Rice Krispies for $ was a bit out of date, but I figured I'd give them a try since I could get a big bag of marshmallows for $.50 I made a batch of RK treats with mini chips and Easter sprinkles on top. Blaise was suppose to take them to school today as a treat, but that didn't happen. If he's still sick tomorrow, I'm just going to take them over & drop them off at the school.

      KA...I'm exhausted just reading all you do outside. I'm not an outside garden person at all. I would like to be, but it just doesn't happen. Maybe if I had raised bed gardens I'd be inspired, but probably not. If someone else would prep the soil, I would gladly plant & harvest. Love canning.

      Have a good one all!


      • karlinann
        karlinann commented
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        We do what we love.

    • #6
      Yes I would love to do all that Karlinann does! Weather you love it our not you have the energy and will power to go every day. But I would also love to have the energy and skill to do what you do Cookie. Paula getting up early every morning and handling kids of all ages...yikes! We have some amazing people around here...


      • Paula A
        Paula A commented
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        Yep and you are one of them!

    • #7
      We must, because I'd rather scratch out my eyeballs than babysit for a living. When I quit working outside the home 22 yrs ago, I tried to think what I could do to earn $$ and not leave my girls. Babysitting was at the absolute bottom along with cleaning though I think I'd rather scrub a toilet that have a house full of kids. I loved my two, but that was my limit. I watched my nieces & nephew occasionally, but not a ton. They were good kids & listened. They also knew I'd tell their mom.

      I guess that's why God has given everyone a different talent. I wouldn't mind being someone's grocery shopper. Love grocery shopping & looking for deals. Personally I'd love teaching those on limited budgets (food stamps and those wanting to quit work & stay at home with their kids) how to grocery shop & how to cook from scratch. I read someone bellyaching about only getting $29/wk per person on food stamps. They were going to starve. I wrote and told him exactly how it could be done. Of course I never got a response. Now don't get me wrong, I would be right there with Maxie in the take out line if I could afford it & it didn't cause my blood sugars to sky rocket. Give me a McD's fish sandwich & fries ANY DAY! Then a Pizza Hut pan pizza.


      • Paula A
        Paula A commented
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        I hired someone to shop at Walmart today: they are doing the online food shopping and you drive up and pick it up! Loaded it into my car!! I like to shop for our food once a week but this was for things I wanted today...

    • #8
      Hi. I’m pretty late today. DD and her DH from WA came over for a morning visit. Still here, actually.

      Our appointments yesterday were all crazy and late. My blood was 1-1/2 hours late. E went to his appointment on time. He texted his surgeon was 45 minutes late, he was still waiting. A few minutes later my infusion was took just 1 hour. So a nurse wheeled me to the cardio building across the parking lot, and they barely started. So I got to see the angiogram film and see some heart pictures/illustrations and heard the talk.
      Then we went to the main hospital to get my prescription. That took 50 minutes, because the insurance argued about doseage with doc and pharmacy. Finally I put the situation into a simple sentence for the pharmacist, and she said it on the phone, and everyone agreed so I got my pills. My dose was cut for 2 weeks, and if I do better we will keep it that way. I couldn’t believe their lack of communication together.

      I felt better after the infusion, but today is a lower back problem again, but not severe. Just a nuisance.

      So E gets his surgery on Monday....goes in at 5 a.m. for prep. He arranged for a hotel room nearby for me, for the time he is hospitalized. One DD made arrangements to be with me for the first 4 days, then return Sunday for that week, so will also help me with my appointments on the 29th.

      happy note, I see a bunch of hummingbirds out the front window today. Gotta fill their food bottle this afternoon. Love those little guys.

      have a great rest of the day. ☀️
      Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


      • Paula A
        Paula A commented
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        Oh, I am so happy you will have her with you!!!

    • #9
      Good evening,, just lost a long post I have typed..

      will check in tomorrow... D. seems a little more alert.. thats good!..

