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Good morning! Its Sunday

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  • Good morning! Its Sunday

    I just got a text from my sister we are trying to leave for Illinois by 8. I am not sure we will make it. I will be ready and they will be here around 815 to get me....we will stop at QT or Mcdonalds hopefully QT for breakfast. I will have Chi Tea Laute and some kind of pretzel for breakfast or a Tea and egg rolls or maybe breakfast pizza. QT is a favorite for breakfast on the go.

    We are going to my parents first then on to Marion IL today is my granny's birthday and my sister and I are trying to be supportive of mom and loving to granny. Crossing my fingers for no drama. I will stick close to my mom. Certain Aunts and cousins tend to look at me in a way that I am not...I am not the R word. Autism doesn't make me R. It just causes me issues when it comes to communication. This aunt and cousin are not my favorite family members.

  • #2
    Morning! and a cold one..temps dropped into the 50s and I feel it in the house this morning. But the sun is shining so bright!! Gorgeous!

    Another afternoon ballgame and a pile of is that for Sunday entertainment? Cardinals are fighting for a playoff spot and the games are fun to watch. As for the laundry we must be the cleanest people in the world and we must also have more clothes than anyone else in the world. Jon is working a double today but Sierra said she would be home after work so I think I have her pick up something to eat. It is to early in the morning to decide what would taste good...still in coffee mode right now.

    Paula, watched my first new Hallmark Fall Movie last night. It cleared the room of all the guys in the house so I got to sit alone and enjoy. Have an old one on already this morning...sure beats watching the news. And the political commercials. Our mailbox is full of political crap...Some comes in Jon's name and some comes in my name and the union then sends some more. Does anyone actually read that crappola? Think about what a waste of money!

    Need to shower and dig out another sweatshirt...also need to switch out my winter clothes but someone is living in my bedroom that is not me. Have a wonderful Sunday everyone. Time is just flying by and some funny people are posting 'how many days until ( ... )' things on face book. But there are a lot of things coming up to look forward to this year so time to change the season....


    • #3
      Good morning.
      clear sunny days ahead. Today in the mid-90’s, but tomorrow starts a run of temps in the low 90’s. I will be liking this weather!
      so far, my plans for today are basically reading the paper and enjoying my tea. E may or may not bring out the laundry later, which I don’t mind doing. I just finished my cereal —- pumpkin spice mini wheats —— not bad at all.

      Beth, that is one rude aunt and cousin! Do your best to ignore them. You are the better person for it. We stopped at a QT once. The food they sell was great, but their gas prices are quite high. So it’s rare for us to go there. I thought they had the perfect hot chocolate.

      Maxie, each person in a home makes a change in things. You are very generous to give up your room to accommodate one more. Yes, that political advertising is an onslaught on us all. The stuff in the mailbox is costly materials for something that goes directly into the recycle bin. The TV commercials get muted. And the phone calls are probably the, they don’t have to follow the no-call lists. Some polling calls are unmarked on the answering machine, but we also get polling calls from several other states! Why??? What pests.

      Well, not much to write about today.
      have a beautiful Sunday!
      Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


      • maxie
        maxie commented
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        Funny about phone calls...we only use cell phones in this house. I never get political crap on my cell but Jon has been getting text in my name on his. They not only call but send text too! Amazing that we do not get any type of privacy from politicians. Since we are so close to St.Louis the tv is full of Illinois and Missouri political ads. I love taking surveys and wish they would call my cell. I am never without an opinion!!!

    • #4
      And I have learned the hard way: do not respond to anything you do not want to continue getting emails for the rest of your life!
      They try to pull at your heartstrings or scare you to death (the political ones) to somehow get you to donate. It has made me not donate to some who ask for an email. I said that is why I donate through Paypal and if I have to give out my email I will not be donating.
      The political paper that comes is one reason Ido not donate to national elections. If they ever published the cost of their mailings we would all be amazed, I am sure. And I doubt those mailings make a difference. I just want to know who the Big donors are to the candidate.

      Ok, enough. I am so sorry Beth that you have such rude relatives. And a little ignorant, too, if I may be rude and add that. But Jo said it best: Ignore them! I hope you have a great time.
      What is QT? I love chai tea lattes! HOt or cold. And at home I combine a chai vanilla bag and a gingerbread tea bag and it is so good!

      One thing about the Hallmark movies, maxie, is even if the story isn't the best, I can always enjoy the scenery. the one last night set in San Francisco was a good example. Just the city scenes (although I try and not think about how much her apartment would really cost in SF, like way too much for a food truck owner), however, it was so enjoyable to sit and relax with. I have a local group of friends who are a Christmas Hallmark friends page and one just posted thelist of the new movies. I will copy and share to your page.

      Aunt Maye, I finally bought one of the gel mats to go in front of the stove for long cooking sessions. It really makes a difference and is big enough that I can use it when I am mixing at the counter nest to the stove. I ordered it on Amazon Prime so it came to the house and I didn't have to wrestle one inform Costco.

      WE are having chicken salad after church and the new kpumpkin bars Becky made. I will get back this afternoon and post the recipe. It uses an 8" pan, but I think ours is a 9" and they came out great!

      Hope your teams do well, your families enjoy the day and you all have a great Sunday.
      Jostoy is in my thoughts and prayers. She did so much for and with her friend!


      • maxie
        maxie commented
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        QT stands for Quick Trip...they have been around here forever! I do not shop tere but generally use the Casey's which are normally owned by I know how to use their pumps and that is a big sale for me.

    • #5
      Paula, QT is the newest gas station here. A big red QT sign on top of the store behind it. I’m not sure what it stands for. But it’s very clean and bright inside. Wonderful for travelers. The food is nicely packaged for take-away meals. I noticed right away there are healthy items (yogurts, fruits,salads.....) up front before you see the popular junk food items.

      Maxi, I didn’t set up voice mail on my cell phone. I do get a number of unidentified numbers calling me. I basically need my phone when I’m out on errands, or traveling. Otherwise, my people will find me at home and call the house phone. I told the kids and friends they can leave a text on my cell (I get those on an iPad anyway), but forget voice mail. I have hearing problems on the cell phone anyway...most phones, actually.
      Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


      • maxie
        maxie commented
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        Jo, QT stands for Quick Trip. They have been in our area for a long long long time.

    • #6
      Thanks, Maxie.
      Create a beautiful day wherever you go.

