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Thursday Dec 28th Good Morning!

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  • Thursday Dec 28th Good Morning!

    Good Morning! It hit 0 this morning. BRRRR!!!

    Yesterday Sue came and we baked another dbl batch of Ladylocks because I screwed up and didn't have enough when people came to pick up orders. We then went out for lunch....our "company" Christmas party. We had a nice day together. I'll miss seeing her several times a week. She did offer to come in a couple weeks and we are going to clean and organize my kitchen.

    The day before Kathy took Blaise and was GOING to keep him overnight for a couple of days. Well she called around 8:30 and he was throwing up. So I headed down and got him. He was fine and never threw up again, so after lunch yesterday, I met her and she took him again. Came home & took a nap. Just puttered around.

    This morning I'm FINALLY getting my hair cut. My friend that cuts it hasn't been up for a visit Home since April. She's up to visit family & I'm one of the few she'll cut hair for. I've let it grow out so that she might do something new. After that my Mom & I are going down to visit my SIL in the hospital

  • #2
    Good Morning.

    Hi Donna! Wow 0? Oh my. I think it is 36 here.

    We are sticking close to the fire. Doing a little laundry and not much else.

    Hoping all is well with everyone.

    How is Sherry doing?


    • #3
      the garbage trucks are out and about. A day late because of Christmas...My bins have been sitting nicely on the curb since Tuesday. No wind or rain to be a bother, but it was a bother to go out the back as usual to throw away a diaper and the cans were out front.

      Yesterday I had a school boy I had forgotten was coming. Only four children but all four were coughing and I am about ready to et a mask to protect myself! I started using zicam and a friend told me to put Neosporin inside my nose. I will do anything to keep from getting whatever these kids have.

      My lab tests said I had High numbers for Eos. I looked it up and it said asthma and or allergies...This valley is full of allergens. One of the reasons I had to give up having a real Christmas tree. I didn't get a call from the doctor and just read the results on the patient portal so will continue to use the OTC stuff I do for allergies and carry on as usual.

      I am looking forward to another 4 day weekend.


      • #4
        Good morning.
        The next couple of days here will be a sunny, 80° high temp. It’s been pretty dry here. The newspaper reports that our ponderosa pines are in danger of dying off. The drought is ongoing. But we’’ll enjoy the sun’’s warmth, nonetheless. Listening to all those cold temps, I’m glad Mother Nature is out of sync with us! 😉

        Today a bit of grocery shopping is in order.

        E’s PT exercises leave him pretty sore, although he’s made a nice bit of progress with his arm. Since they couldn’t fit the bone back into the shoulder socket, he’s getting those muscles retrained to do things to make up for the loss of ability to use that arm as it was meant to. He’s only got PT through next week. Then he’s on his own.

        One of our gifts (each) is a “handset” to attach to our mobile phones and/or tablets. I’m sure the kids meant well. Haven’t tried it yet, but the things will not fit in my purse or E’s pocket. One more thing to lie in our lap on on the end tables? We don’t use or cell phones much, except when going out. It would be easier to deal with aging’s hearing loss if they’d just speak a bit louder, and learn to e-nun-ci-ate! Or as their MS English teacher said, “pro-noun-ci-ate” their words.
        One grown GD barely moves her lips when speaking (does not contribute to clarity of her words), plus talks faster than anyone we know, and in a low voice. Been that way all her life, and her mom said she didn’t need a speech class. We are forever asking her to repeat things. Oh well.

        Today I have to drag out birthday cards for January........get those ready for mailing.

        Hope you all have a good day. ☀️

        Cookie, hope your SIL is showing more improvement.

        Paula, Neosporin? My mom always had Vick’s Vaporub on hand. Chest rubs and a dab under the nose, kept our noses clear and coughs at bay. I still use it when necessary.
        Last edited by JoGee; 12-28-2017, 10:06 AM.
        Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


        • #5
          Cold morning here again too...and we have colder weather coming in for the weekend. Never reached higher than single digits yesterday! This weather is for the polar bears!

          Sierra came in last night and mentioned wanting to go to the mall. I know if we go to the mall her father will go along and then the tree will stay up until Monday. I really do not want to go to the mall but will admit it might be nice to get out and blow some stink off. Certainly nothing out there I want to buy!

          Tomorrow we are meeting for breakfast with my brothers. I will be the only member from this house attending so might just leave earlier and run through home to get some blood work done. Every doctor wants his own blood work and I seem to be seeing a lot of new doctors lately. That last birthday opened up a whole new world of medical wonders for me.

          It has been so quiet around here this week. Yesterday I showered and dressed but never left the house to even bring up the fact no one brought up the mail. I just wonder what I will do when the Hallmark movies are gone...two channels of them for over a month will be missed. Oh my, I may have to do something around here! Leftovers are gone so may have to venture out to a grocery store soon. I have only left the house once since Saturday and that was for fast food. I am doing a great job of hibernating!!

          So take care all and hope Blaise does not spread that germ...always something going around with kids. Stay warm....burrrr...


          • Paula A
            Paula A commented
            Editing a comment
            They will be showing New Years romance movies then Spring times movies..,
            Hallmark knows how to pull us in!

        • #6
          Good morning and to those who open the door later.

          Did some cooking yesterday, and even though it was only 14 yesterday, I stilled grilled my pork cutlets. It's not bad standing inside the garage, and watching the grill do the work. I keep my grill in the garage so I only push it out a short distance from the garage door.

          ​Nothing on the agenda for today. Tomorrow I take E back to Vincennes to have her mammo redone. They think they are seeing something again in the breast she had cancer in a few years ago.

          I didn't know if my granddaughter had learned her colors yet, so I decided to test her.
          I would point out something and ask her what color it was. She would tell me the answer and was always correct.
          It was fun for me, so I continued.
          At last, she headed for the door, saying, "Grandma, I think you should try to figure out some of these, yourself!"
          Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured.


          • #7
            The ornaments are down but the tree still standing...hopefully it goes yet today. Will leave the wreaths on the doors and candles in the windows because I like the glow of them at night but everything else is gone until next year. Well, some boxes are sitting in here but so glad Jon brought them up without my asking again which shows he is probably ready to move on too.

            Very cold still here and the sun has never come out. Just a dreary winter day. People on fb are counting the days until next Christmas but I am sooooo looking forward to summer!


            • #8
              I got off quickly and a bit abruptly this morning because Becky and the grandsons Face Timed me!
              They were playing a game they received from Japan: Rhe Game of Life ( in Japanese!)
              Who knew Parker Brithers was international?
              I have crazy coughing going on here.
              The school child is the worst and I and staying as far away as I can and still be pleasant! Thank Heaven it is an L shaped room!
              Ugh. I just coughed!
              I am giving away some of the sparkly stuff for the tree and decorations I haven’t used in a few years. They take up so much space.

              Hope you and your friends are doing well. Jostoy, you are a great friend!

