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Saturday March 28th

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  • Saturday March 28th

    Good morning rounders......been up since 1:45.....Snoopy decided it was time to get up....lately he sleeps towards the bottom of the bed...came up and woke me up.....tried to get him to go back to sleep or at least lay back luck. Have watched several shows I had taped...last one being the Voice... Had two cups of coffee...and just had some it.

    Not sure what is happening today.....know Marianne and I want to get some shopping be sure we have some fun things to bring to our boys in Iowa.... I am going to bring the form for the lamb cake ....bake it there and let the boys decorate it. Not baking any cookies to take this time....might take some banana nuts......Isaac cannot tolerate nuts....gets very ill.

    Wanted to do some more sewing yesterday...but it never busy with other will get to it today. Seem like I did not do any of the black dress that will be my focus today. Love the new sewing machine Monica bought me. It has a wonderful tool to thread the needle....and have figured it out without a problem.

    My daughter Marianne has not been feeling worry about her....she also has a rash on the upper part of her body....checked with doctor with nothing to do but wait for it to go away by itself. Always think one of the problems is she eats out way too much....but who knows if that is the problem

    Bought extra eggs yesterday.....Hannah and I will color eggs when she is here on Monday...let her take them home...

    Went to our final fish fry last night....Dave and Monica with Hannah picked me up to take me with them.

    Hope all rounders are in for a good day..... I am hoping this cold weather leaves us soon....hard to want real SPRING Weather.

  • #2
    Good Morning.

    Mickie, what time do you go to bed? You are waking up about the time I am falling asleep. Speaking of sewing, I have been hemming a pair of pants for John this morning. About 15 years ago he decided he wouldn't wear anything that wasn't 100% cotton, and these slacks have everything but cotton in them. So they were never hemmed. Now he decides it's time to wear them. Don't get him.

    Making a couple of casseroles for church and will get them prepared today in order to bake in the morning.

    I did want to tell you what I learned yesterday about our nephew who died while on the cruise. His wife told me that the scans of his brain showed that the blood thinner he had been on for years because of his heart had thinned not only his blood, but also his blood vessels. They became so paper thin that they were rupturing. Scares you about blood thinners, for sure.

    Have a very good Saturday, Everyone.
    Last edited by ladyebug; 03-28-2015, 06:42 AM.


    • #3
      Good morning...I am going back to sleep for a bit...may or may not have lunch with my mother..I also need to do some house keeping...


      • #4
        Good SNOWY Morning! Yesterday was bitter cold & windy with snow flying in the air all day, but it didn't decide to lay until late afternoon and we probably have 2" out there even though says we'd get less than an inch. I THOUGHT it was suppose to be Spring! LOL! Oh well, better this week than next.

        Yesterday was busy busy busy. We were taking Kathy to the Title Company to get the white car's title switched to her name. I said 9am, but when she didn't answer (thought she was in the shower), I gave her until 9:30am. Called to let her know we were on our way...via msg...and pounded on her door answer. I was PO'd. My sugar level was well over 400 when I took it, my head was buzzing, and now add this to it all. Took Blaise & Cork back home & was headed to the grocery stores. Got across town & Kathy FINALLY called. Went back home, picked them up, and got Kathy. I told Cork that if I should stroke out yesterday, to tell Kathy I was super ticked at her when I died & that she killed me....I was REALLY mad at her. I didn't stroke out, we got the job done, and after dropping everyone off, I headed on my way. Stopped at 3 grocery stores, came home, unloaded, and took Blaise to McD's as promised as a reward. We then stopped at the local market & came home with MORE groceries. LOL!!!! My refrig is no longer empty. I HAD planned to have leftovers for Cork & me, but when I went to warm up his food, it was gone....he ate it for lunch. I was none too happy, and had to cook him something. I finally calmed down and we had a nice evening.

        I did called the doctor's office about my levels the last several days since they've been 300+....I was told my stress level is causing me all start taking more insulin and drink more water. We'll see how that goes.

        Today after I go to the gym, I HOPE to start making a bunch of stuff to back to PA with me. I want to be organized incase someone wants to see this house. They call today & they are tough out of luck. I also have to figure out what to take to tomorrow's potluck at church.

        Have a good one all!


        • #5
          Good morning, Sorry about being AWOL. Really having a hard time with things.

          Sinus headache, mild but annoying. Looking at the screen irritates it so will just say have good one and a cup 0f tea or coffee.


          • #6
            Morning all

            Brrrrr! It's 46 degrees here this morning. I thought winter was over?

            Biggest news here is a shooting of Spring Breakers last night - 7 shot at a house party - one is critical. We locals are SICK of Spring Break and all of the trouble it brings!

            Working today to help out since we have eighteen check-ins and 12 check-outs. Today starts the busiest week of our year.

            More coffee! Y'all have a good 'un!
            The only person you should try to be better than is the person you were yesterday.


            • #7
              Hi, all.
              It's 21° in lower MI right now, going to a whopping 36 today if we're lucky. It's nieces/nephew day today. Then to E's brother again, e was up til midnight last night fiddling with his gadgets and watching TV, so I could only doze but not sleep. After that I woke every couple of hours. He slept til almost 9. I ate a day old cinnamon bun for breakfast. Too much sugar, but I was hungry. So he'll want to eat out, but I won't be eating. As it is my legs & ankles are swollen, and I know it's the restaurants over-salting all their foods.
              Then I find the pullover sweater I brought no longer fits. Looks like it shrunk. Not a good prospect for my day. I'm grumpy.

              I think I'll go get in someone's way while he's getting ready.😈
              Have s good day, all.
              Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


              • #8
                Waiting for time to pickup the truck. I got the trophy's down yesterday while I had the bed to stand on and can wrap them at my leisure. I remember when we went to Nationals in Amarillo Texas and she won first place...her dad went with us that year and he was so are announced after the competetion and each girl is given a number and turns around when her place is called...daddy almost jumped the rail when she was the last girl left. Guess there are some memories in those dust collecting trophy's. When I stripped that bed and saw the shape of the mattress I went out and had a new one delivered. I have no idea of the age of that old mattress but it was hard to balance on with the crease in the middle! No flurries this morning but temps in the 30s with a wind chill in the 20s. I have had several annoying people call about lawn care and one even had a picture of my yard! Yep, this time of the year I am sure it is a pretty crappy looking yard, thank you so much for pointing that out. AND I will save all that money you want and it will be a mowed but still crappy looking yard in the fall. Holy moly are people pushy...


                • #9
                  Maxie, how rude of that company! I would call them and tell them they did not have my permission to use my yard in any way!
                  Ok, good Morning! I stayed in bed a bit longer and then showered so I am just getting here.
                  I have an appointment for a facial at 8:30, in an hour and then nails at 10:30 so my morning is kind of a spa day. At least this morning. Then I have a cake to make for the shelter. I am making the Key Lime jello cake that Elaine posted and Becky is making a lemon Texas sheet cake. We are both losing weight and not eating a lot of sweets, so this is a good way to get my baking need out. Pat and Schmitty and Elaine and Donna are always taking food somewhere and I am following them.
                  A friend of Becky's gave us a huge bag of lemons. I drink a glass of water with a lemon squeezed into it every morning. I have started taking a probiotic, too.
                  Well, I better go dry my hair and get some clothes figured out. I try to wear something better than my usual daycare clothes...
                  The pollen count is at the top of the charts this weekend. And the temps are in the 80's. But I refuse to turn on a/c in March so windows are open and ceiling fans are on in the afternoon.
                  Have a good day!


                  • #10
                    Good morning all!

                    Beautiful day today and will be in the low 80s with very little humidity.

                    My apartment is already spoken for by the couple above me. They want to move down as he is 93 and has to use a scooter. Has Parkinson's, so things will not get easier for them. By moving they will no longer have to squeeze his scooter in the one elevator for the whole building. Sometimes there is a long line to get on the elevator. At least the place I will be moving to will have two elevators.

                    Want to take down things I have hanging in the windows and maybe pack up some little things..

                    Have a good day all!


                    • #11
                      Good Spring? morning ... its 14deg. ...what???? even had snow last evening ..... good old March weather ... its always full of surprises

                      My to-do list is all crossed off... got the refrigerator clean and wiped out yesterday... all the rugs got sweepered. phones called on the list got called... so todays new list is still on the short side...
                      have some of the computer files Im re-doing , adding and subtracting stuff ,,, and I want paper copies of them.... my computer is over 5 years old ... and some one.. (like gs Kiel ) will be hinting strongly that I need to upgrade .... you can have stuff saved on a computer,,like yummy recipes ... but when computer goes out of date they won't open,,, but a paper copy will be around for years...... I opened a file envelope that was in bottom drawer and there was a bunch of recipes in my mother and grandmothers hand writing... have not gone thru them .but fascinating to have them...

                      this was written early this morning but just would not post .. but that new little addition we have. the restore one .. is wonderful..
                      see you tomorrow now..

                      Take it one Day , one step, at a time.. cause that's all we really have.

