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Monday ~ March 2

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  • Monday ~ March 2

    Morning all

    Guess Karlinann is having a sleep-in today.

    It's Monday and we're back at it. I have the office all by myself today, so I will be busy ALL day. Chris has jury duty and Erin has the writing portion of the Florida State Assessment Test today. I imagine we'll all be worn out by the time we get home tonight.

    I hope you're all warm. It's supposed to be 70 here today, but it will be mostly cloudy.. (Sorry Aunt Maye - wish you were here!)

    I'm off for one more cup of coffee and then onward. Y'all have a good 'un!
    The only person you should try to be better than is the person you were yesterday.

  • #2
    Good Morning.

    Nothing new under the sun. In fact, have not seen the sun for quite some time. Rain. Rain. Rain.

    Meeting tonight which requires bringing a dish. Haven't a clue what that will be. Better start looking around.

    Have a good day, Everyone.


    • #3
      Good morning

      loud , noisy husband talking, to Dog and Kat woke me at 4am... grrrrrrrrr...
      yes Pat. if you can bottle some of that 70 and sent up . would appreciate it.. Dau,Karens family flew down to Fla.yesterday for a week vacation .so hope the weather stays warm or warmer for them.
      we had our ritual snow yesterday.... I keep a daily journal .looked up all the March 1st since 2000..... with the exception of 2011. (which was a cold day).. it was snowing .had lots of ground cover snow. or cold.. one year we had 10" of snow that day.... ....ummmm...dau. Karen should have consulted me before making her plane reservations.... they were to leave Sun. about 10.30... they did not board until almost 11.30.. and then set on runway ,de-icing. until about 12.30... But they did make it safely...

      Pat have a busy day today... time goes faster that way.

      Hi Paula and Donna

      see you all later...

      Take it one Day , one step, at a time.. cause that's all we really have.


      • #4
        Good morning PatB and Mayebarnes and all who follow this thread. Yes, PatB I did have a sleep in after staying up for Downton Abbey, but I also had to get up at 2:30 to check DH's blood sugar and make his fruit cup for work. Then I went back to bed for another couple of hours. The truth is I'm so engrossed in another Nicholas Sparks book that I can't put down.

        I planted my zucchini and melon seedlings in the ground yesterday. They had good roots and hope they do well.

        Tonight is breakfast for dinner: Sausage, eggs, biscuits and gravy. We only do this on Monday nights because DH is sometimes sensitive to eggs and he is off for the next 2 days. I love bkfst for dinner.
        "Only love can be divided endlessly, and still not diminish." ~ Anne Morrow Lindbergh


        • #5
          Good morning...Work today..will stay only on areas that have been shovled....I am hoping very much for a nice bus driver this afternoon one that will let me off at the bank then loop back and get me....then I can get off at the grocery store and get some groceries and wait for a ride home...may just do that I don't know yet...I do know that I have to go see my counselor today....MUCH needed. I am guessing that we didn't get the rest of the weather we were supposed to get. Everyone have a good day..I am off to the shower.


          • #6
            Good morning.
            Today will get up to 67° (for one hour at around noon, according to the weather details) a 90% chance of rain (it says this afternoon, but last time it lasted throughout the day). (One of the few days we have that's actually warmer than Phoenix.)
            Coming home from Phx yesterday, it seemed like every 9th vehicle was a motor both directions on the highway! Snowbirds leaving already? License plates read from CA to the New England states, and from Texas up into Canada!

            Tonight we have the lecture at the University campus. I may decide to go with E to the gym this morning. My system seems to be settling, finally, with the new med prescription -finally! I'm going to start easy and use just the treadmill. My DD gave me a set of flat bands to use in place of the heavy machines, and I can use them at home.

            Not much else happening here to write about. I need to double check my calendar with MyChart online on my medical appointments this month. I know one was changed, and I may have forgotten to delete the old one, or I deleted the wrong one. I have days like that.

            Stay warm, and have a good day.
            Create a beautiful day wherever you go.


            • #7
              Good morning all!

              Our weather is supposed to turn colder and windier and maybe some rain today. But I can't stay inside and be cozy and warm. First have to have my hearing aids checked and then go to a funeral. Hope it doesn't get too cold as I have already given away my heavier coat.

              Yesterday I went through my small kitchenette area and now have the guest room bed covered with kitchen stuff to take to Good Will. When I first came here had visions of eating in my apartment a lot and making cookies and things. Nope I go to the dining room. Will ask Sylvia who will be cleaning my apartment today if she wants any of this stuff and what she doesn't want will then take it too Good Will. Need more boxes and after my hearing aid appointment may hop along to Safeway across the street to see if they have any boxes. If I have time before the funeral. If you get to Safeway in the morning they are stocking shelves and have flattened boxes which they will gladly give you.

              Have a good day all!


              • #8
                No school today and I will miss our Monday lunch ritual. Monday is just the two of us for lunch and we have a quick catch-up session. I cleaned the house a little yesterday and mopped floors. Am debating if I should go out this morning or wait another day. Suppose to warm above freezing tomorrow and rain. Now just where does Mother Nature think she is going to put rain with all this snow? Time changes next weekend. Nothing new from here..


                • #9
                  Good Morning, the sun is out and at least the furnace is working today. Yesterday around 6:30 am, Kenny woke me up with "get up something is wrong", seems sometime during the night or wee hours it had decided to quit. So spent most of the day in the kitchen with both doors shut and the oven on. Came in and played on the computer for short bits at a time, fingers get cold and back to the kitchen. The main thing was when having to use the bathroom, kind of forgot how darn cold those seats are, but at least didn't have a cold wind blowing up the hole. don't miss that part at all. Kenny put the small space heater in the bedroom (that is where his computer is). Googled and watched utube for what the problem could be. Many trips up and down the steps trying this and that. He came across one that they said that it could be something stuck open or closed and it could need a tap to get it unstuck. So he went down and hit it and it worked. Will still need to replace the part but hoping that it will hold out until it's warmer.


                  • #10
                    Good Morning! The sun is shining beautifully. We got maybe 6-7 inches of snow yesterday.

                    We called Kathy to see if she wanted us to pick up Blaise on our way home from church, but she didn't. She brought him home about an hour later. Blaise was acting strange & said his tummy hurt & curled up on my lap. About 5 minutes after she left his fever shot up & he was sick the rest of the day. He threw up on our bed, so it got stripped & everything had to be washed. This morning he's talking NON-STOP...LOL! I called him off school. I got most of my tax stuff ready yesterday...just need one more report & have emailed my financial guy for it. Worked on my puzzle quite a!

                    Blaise woke up early...7am I think...and started talking non-stop. I wasn't ready to get up...finally sent him down with Corky and finally gave up at 8:15. Blaise isn't use to getting that much sleep, so he was wound for sound. I'm planning on going to Meijer's for a few things, go to the gym, and to H&R Block for my 1pm appt. Supposedly we are getting a counter offer this afternoon. Hopefully we are close & will agree on a price.

                    Time to get busy.....have a good one all!


                    • #11
                      Good morning, all. We had a wee drop of rain during the night as the pavement was damp when I took Lily out at 5:00 but it has dried up already. 10% chance of snow here today and it does look to be possible. Cloudy and 44º outside.

                      Made myself a breaded pork chop, baked sweet potato, and broccoli for dinner. Will go to the Senior Lunch at the community hall today as the menu looks good for all the month.
                      These meals are provided by the county's Senior lunch program. They provide these lunches for the Senior Center in Sonora, Meals on Wheels, and a couple of other places. We get them on Mom. and Wed. Today is BBQ Chicken and cornbread. Anyone care to wager that the cornbread will be sweet.
                      Will then have some leftover soup for dinner.

                      Good luck on the house sale Donna. Hope it works out.

                      Darla, I well remember those cold blowing up the hole days. Sometimes my little bathroom is just about that cold but not if I turn the heat on in there. Can you imagine a heated Back House?

                      That's it from (sorta) Sunny CA.


                      • #12
                        Good morning rounders.....been up a long, long time...but had things I wanted to get done before I sat here at the computer....want to get more altering done today.....have a big pile still sitting on the chairs in the Dining Room...

                        Hannah will be with me today for dinner.... will wait til she gets here to decide what to have for dinner....there are a lot of dishes she likes that her Dad won't know she will choose one of them. Her Dad is working in Kentucky again this week.... the refinery here inToledo where he spends most of his time is still on strike. Hannah wll be staying with me til her Mom, my daughter Monica, gets home from work....could be any time from 10 to 11 pm...

                        We are still in the cold .... temps a little better but our news this am. kept repeating that many homes are having water lines freezing and emphasizing we should have all our faucets turned on with a steady stream of water ..... a lot of homes have had water lines freezing and have no water....worst part of that is the pipes could burst. Have all my faucets running with a stream of water.

                        Will be so happy to see the change in weather....hope it is soon ...

                        Sending wishes to all rounders for a good day.
                        Money can't buy happiness, but it sure makes misery easier to live with.


                        • #13
                          it is a good high cloud morning here. The rain will not get tombs...
                          I have short ribs cooking in the oven. I tried to remember how my grandmother used to make them. It sure smells good. I want to Have them ready for our lunch. Mashed potatoes, green beans and oranges for fruit. My good eaters are here today!
                          I have been trying to get my head ready for the time change. I have been dreading getting up in the Dark again, but realized at least, it won't be dark when I want to go to Costco after daycare. So, I am holding onto that thought as the day mind keeps saying, You will be getting up at 5:00, even if your clock says 6:00.
                          Becky's banana bread turned out great! She took it to the shelter, after she and I shared one piece, to make sure it was good enough, right?
                          Anyway, she said they were so excited to see her with the still warm bread, everyone wanted it before dinner! Hard to imagine how such a little thing can make someone so happy.
                          Hope you all have a good day. Take care of yourself!

